There is a stair of 10 steps.IF you can only go up for 1 steps or 2 steps once.How many ways canyou use to get to the 10th step?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 20:57:49
There is a stair of 10 steps.IF you can only go up for 1 steps or 2 steps once.How many ways canyou   use    to    get    to     the    10th     step?
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There is a stair of 10 steps.IF you can only go up for 1 steps or 2 steps once.How many ways canyou use to get to the 10th step?
There is a stair of 10 steps.IF you can only go up for 1 steps or 2 steps once.How many ways can
you use to get to the 10th step?

There is a stair of 10 steps.IF you can only go up for 1 steps or 2 steps once.How many ways canyou use to get to the 10th step?
2+2+2+2+2 一种方法
2+2+2+2+1+1 6!/(4!x2!)=15种
2+2+2+1+1+1+1 7!/(3!x4!)=35种
2+2+6个1 8!/(2!x6!)=28种
2+8个1 9!/8!=9种
10个1 一种方法