You can't expect your brain to do its best __you take care of it.A until B unless.哪位牛人来拯救偶吧,这两个答案有什么区别么?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/09 11:34:38
You can't expect your brain to do its best __you take care of it.A until B unless.哪位牛人来拯救偶吧,这两个答案有什么区别么?
xSN@$']V +XَL(I(S51WBBeWUl3{;{) 3>IY% "UB) !5C#) ʊ+J^q)pH-tWMN{:H÷:1D7<Dl&3O =Z%iNG W+-ݻ'sm]uTMMj4@K?eyti2L[g<,) bmIV,f9Q=PģejlBwNGn$'‰]$Kxh&@^%e[ޢʣ%,.DX Irt9I:Tƣ '&}ѯB#q! @<'yU?H('K(J,l eӂGBҺv5uK:xîoHe4ǟ-!CVOXN A{gݦ?讏=ڧKLݐuYL' (8ޥą&"Ͼp &]+=GpYjf7x3vS?Lw3ϝ0 g)

You can't expect your brain to do its best __you take care of it.A until B unless.哪位牛人来拯救偶吧,这两个答案有什么区别么?
You can't expect your brain to do its best __you take care of it.A until B unless.

You can't expect your brain to do its best __you take care of it.A until B unless.哪位牛人来拯救偶吧,这两个答案有什么区别么?
1 until 指的是:直到-- - - --,not -- -- until - -- - -直到-- - - 才- - - - -看例句:He didn't come home until he had done his work.(知道工作完成他才回家)
2 unless==if not :除非- - - - - She won't go with us tomorrow unless it is fine.(如果明天天气好,她就同我们一起去)===She won't go with us if it is not fine tomorrow
所以说这两个选项在语法上都是正确的 ,区别就是一个强调时间概念,一个强调条件概念.

not until 直到 才
unless 除非

a 这句话有语病。
