请翻译并讲解下面英语单选,为什么?多谢!It was ___ that he would go back to our country for repaying the kindness of bringinghim up.A.until yesterday B. yesterday until C. not until yesterday D. until not yesterday

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/10 06:54:33
请翻译并讲解下面英语单选,为什么?多谢!It was ___ that he would go back to our country for repaying the kindness of bringinghim up.A.until yesterday  B. yesterday until  C. not until yesterday D. until not yesterday
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请翻译并讲解下面英语单选,为什么?多谢!It was ___ that he would go back to our country for repaying the kindness of bringinghim up.A.until yesterday B. yesterday until C. not until yesterday D. until not yesterday
It was ___ that he would go back to our country for repaying the kindness of bringing
him up.
A.until yesterday B. yesterday until C. not until yesterday D. until not yesterday

请翻译并讲解下面英语单选,为什么?多谢!It was ___ that he would go back to our country for repaying the kindness of bringinghim up.A.until yesterday B. yesterday until C. not until yesterday D. until not yesterday
选择 C It was/is not until +时间 + that 意思是直到什么时候才.
这里 It was ...that 是个强调句型 去掉这三个词之后 剩下的部分也是一个完整的句子
句子的意思是 直到昨天他才回到我们的祖国以报答她对自己的养育之恩.

it is not until .......that .........
这个句子整个可以翻译成“ 直到昨天他才回到祖国,,而他回来的原因就在于报答祖国对他得养育之恩。。”