36._____ we stood at the top of the building,the people below were hardly visible.A.As B.Although C.Unless D.In spite of37.Scarcely was George Washington in his teens _____ his father died.A.than B.as C.while D.when38._____ David goes,he is welcome.A

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 23:00:38
36._____ we stood at the top of the building,the people below were hardly visible.A.As B.Although C.Unless D.In spite of37.Scarcely was George Washington in his teens _____ his father died.A.than B.as C.while D.when38._____ David goes,he is welcome.A
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36._____ we stood at the top of the building,the people below were hardly visible.A.As B.Although C.Unless D.In spite of37.Scarcely was George Washington in his teens _____ his father died.A.than B.as C.while D.when38._____ David goes,he is welcome.A
36._____ we stood at the top of the building,the people below were hardly visible.
A.As B.Although C.Unless D.In spite of
37.Scarcely was George Washington in his teens _____ his father died.
A.than B.as C.while D.when
38._____ David goes,he is welcome.
A.Whichever B.However C.Wherever D.Whatever
39.The house stood _____ there had been a rock.
A.which B.at which C.when D.where
40.Small _____ it is,the pen is a most useful tool.
A.because B.so C.if D.as
41.After the new technique was introduced,the factory produced _____ tractors in 1988 as the year before.
A.as twice many B.as many twice C.twice as many D.twice many as
42.The piano in the other shop will be _____,but _____.
A.cheaper; not as better B.more cheap; not as better
C.cheaper; not as good D.more cheap; not as good
43.John plays football _____,if not better than,David.
A.as well B.as well as C.so well D.so well as
44.Although he is considered a great writer,
A.his works are not widely read B.but his works are not widely read
C.however his works are not widely read D.still his works are not widely read
45.___ the day went on,the weather got worse.
A.With B.Since C.While D.As
46.—What was the party like?
—Wonderful.It' s years _____ I enjoyed myself so much.
A.after B.when C.before D.since
47.It was not _____ she took off her dark glasses _____ I realized she was a famous film star.
A.when; that B.until; that C.until; when D.when; then
48.If we work with a strong will,we can overcome any difficulty,_____ great it is.
A.what B.how C.however D.whatever
49.After the war,a new school building was put up _____ there had once been a theatre.
A.that B.where C.which D.when
50._____,Mother will wait for him to have dinner together.
A.However late is he B.However he is late
C.However is he late D.However late he is
51.He will come to call on you the moment he ____ his painting.
A.will finish B.finished C.has finished D.had finished
52.____ difficult the task may be,we will try our best to complete it in time.
A.No matter B.No wonder C.Though D.However
53.It was ____ that she couldn’t finish it by herself.
A.so difficult a work B.such a difficult work
C.so difficult work D.such difficult work

36._____ we stood at the top of the building,the people below were hardly visible.A.As B.Although C.Unless D.In spite of37.Scarcely was George Washington in his teens _____ his father died.A.than B.as C.while D.when38._____ David goes,he is welcome.A
36.A 当 当我们站在楼顶时,几乎看不见下面的人
37.D 当..的时候 当George Washington的父亲死时他才十来岁
38.C 无论哪里 DAVID走到哪里都受欢迎
39.D 在..的地方 这所房子坐落在有一块石头的地方
40.D 虽然 虽然这钢笔很小,却很有用
41.C 两倍多 自从引进新的技术后,在1988年这间工厂生产拖机机量比往年翻了两翻.
42.A Cheap不是音词,比较级为cheaper,good的比较级为Better,as better as 和..一样好,not as better as 比不上
43.B 和..一样好.JOHN和DAVID踢足球一样好.
44.A Although跟but在一个句子当中只能用一个表示虽然但是
45.D 随着.随着时间推移,天气越来越糟了.
46.D 自从 这么多年我都没有这么开心过
47. it was not until...that直到..才 直到她摘下她的墨镜我才认出她是一们著名的影星
48.C 无论如何,无论怎么 只要我们有决心,就能克服任务因难而无论这种困难多难以克服.
49.B 同39.战后在以前剧院的地方建起了一座教学楼.
50.D 无论多晚他妈妈都会等他一起用晚餐
51.B 写错了,应该是finishes,立刻,马上. 他画完画马上会联系你
52.D no matter how=however 无论...无论这任务多么困难,我们都会尽力帮你按时完成.
53.C work不可数.这件工作太难她无法独自完成.

36、A As ...的时候
37、D when 当某事发生的时候
38、D wherever 无论哪里
39、D where 在...的地方
40、D as 尽管
41、C twice as many
43、B as well as 和...一样好
45、D As 随着
46、C before 在...


36、A As ...的时候
37、D when 当某事发生的时候
38、D wherever 无论哪里
39、D where 在...的地方
40、D as 尽管
41、C twice as many
43、B as well as 和...一样好
45、D As 随着
46、C before 在...之前
47、C not until...when 直到...才
48、C however 无论多么
49、B where 在...的地方
52、D however 无论多么
53、C work 不可数


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