1– Excuse me,which is the express train to Tokyo?– _______.A Sorry,the express bus has goneB The express train is expensiveC OK.I'll give you a handD On your right.It'll leave in 5 minutes2 In China,children_______school at seven.A have to startB

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/01 22:22:43
1– Excuse me,which is the express train to Tokyo?– _______.A Sorry,the express bus has goneB The express train is expensiveC OK.I'll give you a handD On your right.It'll leave in 5 minutes2 In China,children_______school at seven.A have to startB
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1– Excuse me,which is the express train to Tokyo?– _______.A Sorry,the express bus has goneB The express train is expensiveC OK.I'll give you a handD On your right.It'll leave in 5 minutes2 In China,children_______school at seven.A have to startB
1– Excuse me,which is the express train to Tokyo?– _______.
A Sorry,the express bus has gone
B The express train is expensive
C OK.I'll give you a hand
D On your right.It'll leave in 5 minutes
2 In China,children_______school at seven.
A have to start
B has to start
C must to start
D can start
3Everything_______if Albert hadn't called the fire brigade.
A would be destroyed
B will be destroyed
C will have been destroyed
D would have been destroyed
4_______majority of people are highly against the pollution in this city.
A The
B 不填
D Many
5– May I give you a hand?– _______.
A Yes,give me
B Yes,I'd love to
C Thank you.You are so kind
D I'm not sure
6– Who has done your hair,Susan?– _______.
A My hairstyle is cool
B My hair has been done
C That hair stylist
D I have it cut
7How the fire in the dance hall started_______a mystery.
B to remain
C remains
D is remaining
8It is_______that he has to ask for help.
A a such big job
B so a big job
C a so big job
D such a big job
9 Mr.Smith,together with his wife and children,_______going to the party this weekend.
A are
B am
C is
D will
10 That is the dog_______name is Henry.
A whom
B whose
C who
D which
11 Jack enjoys_______Peking Opera.
A listen
B listen to
C listening
D listening to
12 It was convenient_______close to work.
A live
B to living
C living
D lived
13 After_______the bid,major construction began in Beijing.
A winning
B win
C wining
D won
14– Thanks a lot.You've gone to so much trouble.– _______.
A I don't think it's a trouble
C That's all right.I like it
D That's very kind of you
15 The problem is_______by pollution.
A due
B caused
C because
D because of
16_______I enjoy most is_______I can have a holiday from work.
A What…what
B That… that
C That… what
D What…that
17 He is looking forward_______his thesis.
A in writing
B to write
C to writing
D on writing
18 _______the tree_______down?
A Have...been chopped
B Has...been chopped
C Has...been chopping
D Have...been chopping

1– Excuse me,which is the express train to Tokyo?– _______.A Sorry,the express bus has goneB The express train is expensiveC OK.I'll give you a handD On your right.It'll leave in 5 minutes2 In China,children_______school at seven.A have to startB