1.What are the general attributes or characteristics economists use in differentiating economic systems?How do economic systems differ within these characteristics?Explain carefully.2.How do economists evaluate the performance of economic systems?Dis

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 09:00:17
1.What are the general attributes or characteristics economists use in differentiating economic systems?How do economic systems differ within these characteristics?Explain carefully.2.How do economists evaluate the performance of economic systems?Dis
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1.What are the general attributes or characteristics economists use in differentiating economic systems?How do economic systems differ within these characteristics?Explain carefully.2.How do economists evaluate the performance of economic systems?Dis
1.What are the general attributes or characteristics economists use in differentiating economic systems?How do economic systems differ within these characteristics?Explain carefully.
2.How do economists evaluate the performance of economic systems?Discuss carefully the criteria used in these evaluations.What problems are involved in
evaluating economic systems?

1.What are the general attributes or characteristics economists use in differentiating economic systems?How do economic systems differ within these characteristics?Explain carefully.2.How do economists evaluate the performance of economic systems?Dis
Econ basically has two branches,Macro and Micro.You should first tell us that your questions are categorized in which branch,so that we can answer them properly.However,I believe they are Macro Econ problems.
For the first question,I can't answer you.It is more about Political Economics or something like that.And very few people have touched this very cutting edge knowledge unless he or she is Econ majored.
However the second question is often answered in the first few chapters of your Econ textbook,no matter which book and which version you use.The answers are always almost the same:that the Growth Rate of Aggregate Output,the Level of Unemployment,and the Increases in the Overall Price Level are three topics of primary concern to Macroeconomists.Macroeconomists evaluated the performance of economic systems with the concern of these three domain topics,again,the output growth,the unemployment level and the rate of inflation.
Macroeconomists have many different criteria to numerically evaluate these three concerns.For the output growth concern,the most important and well-known criterion is Gross Domestic Product,or GDP.However,economists also use other criteria to evaluate this concern.These criteria can be:Gross National Product,or GNP,Net National Product,or NNP,National Income,Personal Income,Nominal GDP,Real GDP...so on and so forth.
There are many reasons why GDP is not a perfect way to evaluate the performance within an economic system.For example,First,GDP is not a perfect index of social welfare,for there are many factors that are related to social well-being can not be valued by GDP,like a society's crime rate and average leisure time.Also,GDP can't reflect the non-market domestic and underground economy,thus can not perfect reflect a society's output.Then,GDP seldom reflects social ills like pollutions of the environment.And,GDP has nothing to say the distribution,or the fairness of distribution of the society's income.At last,GDP doesn't reflect its subject's population thus has nothing to say about GDP per Capita,which means the average GDP of every economical involver within the society.
For the unemployment level concern.The fundamental,and probably the only criterion is Unemployment Rate.It shows how many of people in the Labor Force are currently employed.This criterion,the Unemployment Rate,also has some problems.For example,due to the Discouraged Worker Effect,the Unemployment Rate tends to give a number less than the true rate.However,due to the Added Worker Effect,the Unemployment Rate tends to overstate the unemployment situation.Generally speaking,the unemployment rate is not a perfect index,or,criterion of the performance of economic system.
For the Rate of Inflation,economists always use tow elementary criterion to evaluate it.One is the Consumer Price Index,or,CPI,and the other is GDP Deflator.However,both criterion have their limitations.For GDP Deflator,even though it is counted more accurately and scientifically ( Because the BEA ( Bureau of Economic Analysis) uses a new method which doesn't use fixed to calculate GDP Deflator.),but it is not a better measurement of inflation compared to CPI on the personal consumption level because GDP Deflator includes the price change of the Investment factor,Government factor and some other factors,which are not related to personal consumption level,of the economy.But CPI is a fixed weight index,which means that CPI sometimes is not very accurate when evaluate an economy's performance,and tends to overstate the inflation rate.
What I just wrote is only am outline of your question.You should construct your paper by yourself with the help of my outline and your Econ textbook.



哟 中美班的啊 一班还是二班的啊 都跑到这里来了~~~咱正在写呢~~~哈哈~~~




