1.say hello to your business partner打招呼 2.exchange business cards交换名片 3.ask your business以这个做一个2分钟的英语对话.对话内容简单明了的,= =因为水平有限尽量简单一点1.sayhello to your business partner打

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/08 08:37:49
1.say hello to your business partner打招呼 2.exchange business cards交换名片 3.ask your business以这个做一个2分钟的英语对话.对话内容简单明了的,= =因为水平有限尽量简单一点1.sayhello to your business partner打
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1.say hello to your business partner打招呼 2.exchange business cards交换名片 3.ask your business以这个做一个2分钟的英语对话.对话内容简单明了的,= =因为水平有限尽量简单一点1.sayhello to your business partner打
1.say hello to your business partner打招呼 2.exchange business cards交换名片 3.ask your business
以这个做一个2分钟的英语对话.对话内容简单明了的,= =因为水平有限尽量简单一点
1.sayhello to your business partner打招呼
2.exchange business cards交换名片
3.ask your business partnerabout the information of his/her company询问对方的公司信息
4.show the will意愿to work together合作
5.make an appointment to meetnext time约定下次见面
7.say goodbye道别

1.say hello to your business partner打招呼 2.exchange business cards交换名片 3.ask your business以这个做一个2分钟的英语对话.对话内容简单明了的,= =因为水平有限尽量简单一点1.sayhello to your business partner打
A:Hi!Glad to see you.很高兴见到你.
  B:Hi!Me too.彼此彼此.
  A:My name is A.This is my calling card.我叫A,这是我的名片.
  B:Thank you for your card.This is mine.My am B.谢谢你的名片,这是我的,我是B.
  A:Oh,you’re a section manager,aren’t you?I’ve learned about you for long.I am told you have outstanding achievement in your company.How are you getting on with your business?嗬,你是个部门经理,对吧?我早听说你在公司有显赫的业绩.你们的业务不错吧?
  B:Pretty well.We have now distributed a kind of new products,and it sells well.A lot of clients have made their order for it.相当好了.我们现在推出一种新产品,销路很好.许多客户已经订购了这种产品.
  A:What products?什么产品?
  B:Electronic products 电子产品.
  A:We happen to develop such kind of similar ones.Could you tell me more information about it?我们正好在研制类似的产品.能告诉我有关你们产品更为详细的信息吗?
  B:It’s simple.Here is our products specification and there are detailed,exact statements of particulars for them .太容易了,这是我们的产品说明书,上面有明确而详细的说明.
  A:Great!What a beautiful binding and layout!I’m sure to have the honor to read it.Thank you very much.By the way,could we join with you to develop our corporate intellectual property in this respect 太好了!多漂亮的装帧!我一定要好好地拜读.顺便问一下,我们能在这方面联手研制我们共同的知识产权吗?
  B:Sure!But we’d better find another time and sit down to have a further negotiation.那当然.不过我们最好另找时间坐下来进行进一步的磋商.
  A:That’s all right.Let’s make an appointment to meet next time,shall we?行.让我们约定好下次见面的时间好吗?
  B:At the end of this month,How about it?本月底,你看呢?
  A:That’s it.就这么定了.
  B:See you.月底见.

A:Hello, Mr.Wang, nice to meet you.
B. Glad to meet you, Mr. Zhang, this is my business card, please accept it.
A: Thank you, this is mine.
B. I heard your company is good at creating new ...


A:Hello, Mr.Wang, nice to meet you.
B. Glad to meet you, Mr. Zhang, this is my business card, please accept it.
A: Thank you, this is mine.
B. I heard your company is good at creating new source, could tell me what is your major business?
A: Well, actually, we are professional at using solar energy to generate electricity.
B. Great, my company is an environmental one and prefers a eco-friendly way to maintain its operation. I think we need a deeper conversation. How about next Monday?
A. Ok, that's great.
B. Bye.
A. Bye.


A: What do you think is the best way of travelling is?
B: I think aeroplane is by far the best way.
A: Why do you think so?
B: Bec...


A: What do you think is the best way of travelling is?
B: I think aeroplane is by far the best way.
A: Why do you think so?
B: Because it is the fastest and the safest.
A: Of course it is when you are talking about a long distance.
B: That's true. For shorter distance I think I will have to say, car.
A: And why is that?
B: Well, it is quite obvious that you will not find an airport everywhere, but a carparking space is a lot more easier to find.
A: What about bicycles then?
B: Eh... I don't think so. The area I live in is in the mountains. It takes a strong sport-man to ride on those hilly roads.
