
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/28 06:03:33
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我对这部前传《霍比特人》的电影版一直都很期待.影片上映后迫不及待的就去电影院观摩了.首先,这部电影开场是以倒叙的手法描述了年迈的巴金斯回忆昔日的冒险岁月,这段曾经在《魔戒》第一部时也有描写,立刻勾起了我对于这部电影情节的回忆,让人忍不住期待巴金斯的冒险故事.n 随着甘道夫的来访,一群矮人族的不速之客让巴金斯的生活发生了天翻地覆的变化,从此展开了一个新世界.n 由于电影特效的飞速发展,影片的特效不用说,自然是胜过以外三部,惊险却又时而风趣的情节引人入胜,比之后三部略为沉重的故事基调,这部片子无疑带个人欢快的气氛,在剧情方面,这部前传补足了不少后三部扑朔迷离的剧情,比如说三个食人族,巴金斯的长剑,矮人族的城堡等等.当然最为重要的一个情节也是本部作品的核心,魔戒的现身,一一展现在观众的面前.n 在看剧情的同时,又有了人性的思考,让整部电影从纯粹的魔幻片上升了一个层次.

I in this prequel "Hobbit" in the film version had been anticipating.After the release of the film the unable to hold oneself back to go to the cinema to watch.First of all,the film opens with flashback describes the aging Baggins memories of past years of adventure,this once in "the Lord of the rings" first also described,immediately reminded me about the movie plot memories,let a person cannot help looking forward to Baggins's adventure story.N with Gandalf's visit,a group of dwarves' the casual visitor that changed Baggins's life,has opened a new world.N because of the fast development of film,film special effects and needless to say,nature is more than three,thrilling but sometimes humorous plot ratio three,slightly heavy tone of the story,the film will bring your cheerful atmosphere,in the story,this prequel up quite a lot after three whirling plot,for example three cannibals,Baggins's sword,dwarves castle.Of course,the most important is the core of a plot of the novel,the Lord of the rings appeared,one one show in front of the audience.N look at the story at the same time,and a reflection on human nature,make the movie magic purely from a higher level.

I have been looking forward of the movie 《Hobbit》,and I can't help watching it the time it is showed in the cinema.Firstly,the movie begins with the memorizing of old Baggins' adventure time in flashb...


I have been looking forward of the movie 《Hobbit》,and I can't help watching it the time it is showed in the cinema.Firstly,the movie begins with the memorizing of old Baggins' adventure time in flashback.This part have also been described in the first movie of 《The Lord of the rings》and it have immediately brought back my memories of the movie plot, and I could not help looking forward to the adventures of Baggins.With the visit of Gandalf,a group of dwarves crashed into Baggins' lives and urned his life upside down,then there comes into a new world.With the high development of special effects in movies,we have no doubt about the special effects. It's absolutely better than the other 3 movies. The plot of great adventure and interst brings people into a world out of themselves.Compared with the sorrow emotions of the three movies,this one has taken us into a cheerful and light-hearted environment. When talking about the plot,it has made up for the complicated and confusing plot in the three movies.Saying three man-eaters,Baggins' sword,the dwarves family 's castle and so on.Of course, the most important part of the movie is the appearance of the Lord of the rings,with all of them appeared one by one.The audience can watch the movie while thinking about humality, this has raised the level of the movie from a pure magic movie.



英语翻译我对这部前传《霍比特人》的电影版一直都很期待.影片上映后迫不及待的就去电影院观摩了.首先,这部电影开场是以倒叙的手法描述了年迈的巴金斯回忆昔日的冒险岁月,这段曾经在 比特犬舍|比特犬专卖|比特犬出售|比特犬买卖|比特犬价格|比特犬~~~~~~~比特犬 我想要只比特犬~~~~~~ 1千比特等于对少帧看清楚的来 千比特/秒 帧/秒 1千比特/秒 = 帧/秒 洪湖赤卫队 观后感是电影版的 英语翻译Mr.children的这首歌的歌词翻译 跪求电影版的主题曲歌词中文翻译 求《霍比特人》的Far over the misty mountains cold的MP3 我的网速是0.06兆比特/秒是什么意思? 魔戒和霍比特人现在哪一版本翻译的比较好 指环王中的 霍比特人 用英语怎么说?RT,知道的说下谢谢 求《霍比特人》的Far over the misty mountains cold 英语翻译亲爱的Mark,我有点喜欢你,但是我们语言不通,文化也不通,我不知道英语要学到什么地步才算厉害,我是个很平凡的人,身高像霍比特人一样,你会喜欢上一个英语差劲的人吗?我想听听你 小时代二青木时代的结局是什么我问的是电影版,不是小说 霍比特人2 会不会在中国上映? 多久上映? 电影版《格兰特船长的儿女》简介 求《成长的烦恼》电影版英文读后感! 霍比特人2 I See Fire的伴奏曲求Ed Sheeran 的 I See Fire伴奏! 比特币如何算出来的 比特币的意思是什么