
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 07:16:29
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36-40. BACDD 41-45 CABBA 46-50 DCCDB
Yesterday I was having lunch at Subway. In the meantime, occasionally, I 36 _____a young man struggling to get his drink. He was spilling everything and making a 37 _____ . As I got close, I noticed he was blind I went over and 38 _____ to help. I took him by the hand and 39 _____ him to the table. I asked him if he 40 _____ anything else and he said he was fine, so I left.
About two hours 41 _____ I was heading to my car and the rain started pouring down* I took 42 _____ in a nearby building, and then I saw the young blind man again. He was trying to cross the street and using his stick to make sure that 43 _____ was in his way.
I went up to him and said,“Hi!” He smiled and said, “Hey! You are the young lady who helped me at the 44 _____”
I smiled and said, “Yes. ” 45 _____I took him by the hand and led him across the street I asked him 46 _____ he knew I was the same person from the restaurant. He said he 47 _____my energy! He said he could feel it just like before!
We 48 _____ it to the other side of the street and he told me he was 49 _____ now and could make the rest of the way on his own. So we said good-bye and went our separate 50 _____ .
As I got into my car I was all wet 51 _____ I felt warm, I was glad I was able to be in both places to 52 _____ that young man out even if it was very 53 _____ . He helped me as well He told me I had a positive energy and that made me feel great about myself. So 54 _____ he is today, I hope he knows what a 55 _____ it was for me to have those two moments with him.