我需要一段英文主播的台词,从good morning开始到thank you for your watching 都要,其中还要有联系外景记者的台词,外景记者要去采访一个人,记者的台词也要有.要长一点,最好是比较正规的,如果是编

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/10 15:42:09
我需要一段英文主播的台词,从good morning开始到thank you for your watching 都要,其中还要有联系外景记者的台词,外景记者要去采访一个人,记者的台词也要有.要长一点,最好是比较正规的,如果是编
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我需要一段英文主播的台词,从good morning开始到thank you for your watching 都要,其中还要有联系外景记者的台词,外景记者要去采访一个人,记者的台词也要有.要长一点,最好是比较正规的,如果是编
我需要一段英文主播的台词,从good morning开始到thank you for your watching 都要,其中还要有联系外景

我需要一段英文主播的台词,从good morning开始到thank you for your watching 都要,其中还要有联系外景记者的台词,外景记者要去采访一个人,记者的台词也要有.要长一点,最好是比较正规的,如果是编
)Who is involved in „ ?
例句:Who is involved in it?
2)Who benefited from „ ?
3)Who suffered from „ ?
4)Who made „ ? 关于What,可以这样问:
1)What is the current status of „ ?
2)What’s your opinion of „ ?
3)what kinds of „ can you share?
4)What is similar to „ ?
5)What time do you usually „ ?
6)What is different from „ ?
7)What are the causes of „ ?
)What happened before „ ?
9)What happened after „ ?
10)What are the consequences of „ ?
11)What were the physical surroundings ?
12)What parts make up „ ? How are they related to each other?
例句:What had happened?
关于When,可以这样问:When did „ occur ?
例句:When did this accident occur?
关于How,可以这样问: 1)How long did „ take ?
2)How would you describe „ ?
3)How have you faced „ ?
4)How would „ have been different if the circumstances were different?
例句:How many people were injured now and what is the current status of the wounded?
关于Why,可以这样问: 1)Why did „ exist or occur ?
2)Why did ……do ?
3)Why do you……? 例句:Why did it happen?
关于Where,可以这样问: 1)where comes „ ?
例句:Where comes it ?
1)What do you think / imagine „ ?
例句:What do you think of/ imagine the economic situation?
2)Could you give us some comment on „ ?
例句:Could you give us some comment on the environmental issues\your new partner?
3)Can we talk a bit about „ ? 例句:Can we talk a bit about the state station?
4)Can you give us a simple introduction of „ ?
例句:Can you give us a simple introduction of your company?
5)Can you give us a few sentences to summarize „ for us ?
例句:Can you give us a few sentences to summarize your opinions for us?
开放式提问和封闭式提问 采访中常用的开放式提问,可以用到的句型包括:
1)What do you think / imagine „ ?
例句:What do you think of/ imagine the economic situation?
2)Could you give us some comment on „ ?
例句:Could you give us some comment on the environmental issues\your new partner?
3)Can we talk a bit about „ ?
例句:Can we talk a bit about the state station?
4)Can you give us a simple introduction of „ ?
例句:Can you give us a simple introduction of your company?
5)Can you give us a few sentences to summarize „ for us ?
例句:Can you give us a few sentences to summarize your opinions for us?
6)Could you give us an brief introduction „ ?
例句:Could you give us an brief introduction this word ?
1)Do you agree with it ?
2)Are you +形容词?
3 例句:Are you angry ?
4)Do you +动词或动词词组?
例句:Do you love her?
5)Like +名词 ? 例句:Like McDonald’s?
6)Are you planning to „ ?
例句:Do you agree with the proposition that consumer spending is patriotic?
1)Could / Can / May I interrupt ?
2)Excuse me.
3)Pardon me.
4)I beg your pardon/Beg your pardon.
5)I’m sorry.
1)Well, let’s move on to the next point.
2)We will now come to the second problem.
3)Turning to the next question, I’ll talk about „
4)So much for „ I would now like to shift to discussion „.
5)Now, let’s move away from „ and switch over to the next section of „
6)Next, I would like to turn to „
7)The next point I’d like to talk about is „
1、对采访对象的称呼、问候,可以这样说: Mr.XX(姓)
Good afternoon! Miss XX(姓) + Good morning! Premier XX(姓) Good evening! 或者,干脆直接说: Hi, Mr. XX(姓). Hello,President XX(姓). 甚至,直接不说对方姓氏,而直接以“Hi”或“Hello”,向对方打招呼. 例句:Good morning, Mr. Clinton.
1)I’m the journalist from+某媒体 例句:I’m the journalist from Jiefang Daily(解放日报)/Chuncheng Evening News(春城晚报)/Southern Metropolis Daily(南方都市报)/Tianfu Morning News(天府早报).
2)Please let me introduce myself. I'm a reporter . My name is „ 例句:Please let me introduce myself. I’m a reporter and my name is Li Shuangshuang. 或者,如果是名气较大的新闻单位,可以直接说:I’m+姓名,+媒体名称 例一:I’m Bob Woodward,Washington Post. 例二:I’m Zhang Quanling,CCTV.
3、说明来意或采访意图 1)Our interview is mainly about „ 2)Our interview will focus on „ 3)I hope we can have a in-depth interview about „
以上三种句型,都可以表达采访者的来意,在介词about或on后面直接加上自己所要了解的问题(表示话题的名词或名词性短语). 例句:Our interview will focus on current financial crisis.
4、提出采访要求,可以说: 1)Can I contact with you at your convenience ? 2)Can I / May I / Could I interview +某人 ? 例句:May I interview you ? 3)Would you mind „ ? 例句:Would you mind giving an exclusive interview with me? 4)I wonder if I could interview+某人+about+某事. 例句:I wonder if I could interview the Prime Minister about government policy.
5、说明采访对方所需的时间 1)I shall only take +数字+minutes of your time. 例句:I shall only take 3 minutes of your time. 2)My interview should only last +数字+minutes. 例句:My interview should only last 5 minutes. 3)Would you mind I taking your +数字+ minutes ? 例句:Would you mind I taking you 5 minutes? 4)I wonder if I could „ ? 例句:I wonder if I could talk with you only 5 minutes? 5)Will you take +数字+minutes for me ? 例句:Will you take 5 minutes for me?
6、约定时间 对于一些话题,被采访者无法立即给予记者肯定的答复,记者可以争取与采访对象另约一个具体的时间与地点继续采访,可以使用以下的句型: 1)If you have time, we will interview on +某时间+at+某地点.Do you agree with our plan? 例句:If you have time, we will interview on Monday this week at our station. Do you agree with our plan? 2)如果对方同意,则记者可以说:Ok, we will meet on that day.
对于一些明星、企业家之类的名人,记者比较难与他们直接联系,必须通过其秘书或代理人进行预约,这时可以这样说: 1)Hello, I’m a journalist from+某媒体, I want to interview+某人+about+某事.When does he have time? Can you help me to reserve it? Thank you! 例句:Hello, I’m a journalist from People's Daily(人民日报), I want to interview Professor John about current financial crisis. When dose he have time? Can you help me to reserve it? Thank you! 2)Hello, I’m a reporter at+某媒体,某人+ recommended that I get in touch with +某人about+某 7 事. 例句:Hello, I’m a reporter at Jiangxi TV(江西电视台), Doctor Miller recommended that I get in touch with Professor Anderson about current financial crisis. 二、采访完成后的常用句型 一般而言,记者在采访完毕后,应该以一个明显的结束语告知采访对象采访结束.从礼貌上说,也应该在结束后对对方表示感谢.这样做,不仅能够使得采访有始有终,也能够给采访对象一个好印象,有利于对其再次采访.
常用的结束语,包括: 1) That’s all. Thank you. 2) That’s all for my work..Thank you. 3) Thank you for your meeting. 记者还可以说: 4)It’s an honour to „ 例句一:It’s an honour to have the opportunity to talk to you today. 例句二:It’s a great honour to be here and especially to interview you today. 5)I’m very glad/ delighted to „ 例句一:I’m very glad to talk to you today. 例句二:I am very delighted to have the opportunity to meet you.. 6)I am privileged to be here with you(能与您在一起交谈,我感到很荣幸/幸运). 例句:I am privileged to be here with you this afternoon. 7)It’s my honour talking to you! 8)Thank you very much for agreeing to talk to +某媒体. It’s been very enlightening. 而电视台的演播室采访或电话连线采访,结束时可以这样说: 9)Thank you for joining us. 10)We really appreciate your joining us,and we appreciate your distinct insights into all of this. Thank you!
以上总结的,只是英文采访中的常用句型,并不是英文采访的全部句型.真正的英文采访,需要记者现场随机应变,灵活使用各种句型.有时,记者的话语只说出了关键词,不是完整的句子,不符合英语语法,但采访对象能够明白记者的意思,也是可以的.例如:Hello! What you mean?(What后缺漏了do或did)

我需要一段英文主播的台词,从good morning开始到thank you for your watching 都要,其中还要有联系外景记者的台词,外景记者要去采访一个人,记者的台词也要有.要长一点,最好是比较正规的,如果是编 跪求穿靴子的猫从16:10到19:30这一段的英文台词! 梅林传奇第一季第一集英文台词需要一开始的一段旁白和他母亲信中的内容如果有一整集的台词最好,那么请你发到这个邮箱上来好吗:如果好的话我会追加, 求搞笑天气预报台词我要表演播天气预报这个节目要长一点的 寻找《大运河》的英文配音对白台词详情见这个原版配音我就需要这一段对了。还需要中文原版的这个片段我再追加200分。呵呵 求一段经典的英文电影中的台词或是独白 急要迪士尼动画片的经典英文对白!我需要一段迪士尼动画里的英文对白,最好是3个人的··在我们英语课上做表演,最好是台词里有哲理性句子··类似 找一段贱女孩英文台词就是嘲笑别人笨不能让你变聪明那一段的英文台词 where desire happens 英文台词跪求韦德的英文台词!我要的是英文台词!视频我有了,中文我也有了!我要的是英文台词! 帮我找个用英语说的相声台词~我需要一段用三到五分钟讲完的英语相声,急 蝙蝠侠前传2黑暗骑士一段英文台词是布鲁斯问阿福说:你还没放弃我,对么?阿福回应:Never.我需要电影原本的英语翻译···· 《加菲猫2》英文台词谁有《加菲猫2》的全部台词?我找了好久都找不到,但是真的特别需要~ 鬼妈妈英文台词片段 01:11:00 从‘早餐时间到!’到‘好吧!不用说了!’之间的英文对话!我真的很需要那段,有的我会在追加分! 求大话西游的英文台词越全越好,我要写人物分析用,对了,顺便告诉我大话西游用英文怎么说?我是想要全部的英文台词,这一段不好干什么用. 求的英文台词 用英文说英文台词时的问题比如我要念一段英文台词,是XX说…………………………我是表达 XX say.. 还是 XX said... 求英文电影的经典台词分析我想要一段英文电影的经典台词的分析,具体分析一下这些台词的意思,要分析英语原文的 节目主播 英文怎么说