(3/5)n we looked around to see what had happend,we found a woman lied on

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 10:03:05
(3/5)n we looked around to see what had happend,we found a woman lied on

(3/5)n we looked around to see what had happend,we found a woman lied on
(3/5)n we looked around to see what had happend,we found a woman lied on

(3/5)n we looked around to see what had happend,we found a woman lied on

(3/5)n we looked around to see what had happend,we found a woman lied on Today is sunday.my family aro at home.we are bust写一篇小短文(至少5句) Today is children's day.TToday is sunday.my family aro at home.we are bust写一篇小短文(至少5句)Today is children's day.The children are at the zoo.(至少5句 Aro是什么意思 ArO-是什么? aro是英文单词吗 填英语单词,Many of the ptroducts that we have aro填英语单词,Many of the ptroducts that we have around out home are h__ if swallowed. We looked for you everywhere.和We have looked for you everywhere.有什么区别? (根据所给首字母用单词的正确形式填空)1)I find it difficult for planing parents to give their children enough freedom.(2)It was a quiet afternoon.We didn't have an argument,and Tim just took my advice in sstart .(3)At aro We began going _ the mountain.A.looked at B.looked after C.looked for D.looked around 最好写上意思 You don't n( ) to tell him the news, because it just made him sad. 在括号中用所给单词适当形式填空We looked for the boy here and there, and f( ) we found him in a shop. that's what we looked like 是什么从句 we have looked for the pen everywhere.改为否定句 We looked the rooms one by one的意思, The great day we looked forwardThe great day we looked forward to ______at last. (为什么用came 不用 coming) where have you been?we()youWhere have you been?we ( ) you.A.look forB.looked forC.have looked forD.are looked forE.were looked for哪个是正确的?请说明理由. 3道英语题 追20分We all thought that he was much stronger than ___A he was looked B he looked at C he looking D he looked答案D我想问A为什么不行..我的理解是than到底是并列连词么? 如果是前后不是要一致么形式?Has a The ship on which we travelled looked very beautiful.这个句子对吗?如果把looked改成looks呢? 初一英语句子填空we looked at each other in s() we never meet for ten years.