观 Mr bean的大灾难 英文作文

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观 Mr bean的大灾难 英文作文
xYr.Hʻ.I$'T Ló MLQ\I&-hqe$ =<rn :qU"HLO{凵Qv7`E~9ײַt0y4:km>dt<;t݌ wXɆ#1 &#ݐUSeU+Ɓ+|zO ]J<pIR}1H3Y" eT1Bj< y_WfU4݁e >@]I+_]e]RY_E|̈!7ƆaUz t]W1"m.d_%b]/yxeUOJTTգ4R)Qݩr,b4ߌy0IkW;WsqT]Y5.UL6RpOaUx%`mrɐjJp%G<^=G3 |u/F]HcG*;8^>F5D, UUD*dU*S ʱig!uXA fse@H )* !0=P$Tob4HކN@X3)Wf>"W֐o"ba A:R2gg[zHR"AZ_b sE@I]{.y,UbZ2(VlY)'1šG߿' 5*ȵk[)QA ږT*45r}QW ;Ȩ8D΋ZTEA7ʕǡD#܏\1T Lij@jaJnMz KTaP`Tb/5HY)`RY% @.!HEm4$j*@ c2*XLND48U(ˆ/J`d22Q-@OK AtU)jϠj>r<<0d˜)#Ae9UP) "cZ.*ơ _F'&y\fhALoNy ,T6KX(5| l2EVoornݺu:`H#ot^YC asG8|L>f;ؖ`28c pN s%hI: ! !!=`}( bv<"-؋DA 27lep܈(^Dd}Tt'pN{ЧÙHŲ٣u7E3_ol$zCCʷY2\L~H|gnt7Ns=5/ tX?KC%{?كp#y:::IɦLvIgeuߞqY,ݾ:NG/'[ Ů_pU52m] |ssF0)IN:tֶ @[G]j>"yF7vҍCl&+Jư~HKjDݽ~LɽeOÉ[}$x9v(I'~H'ΓA{i>>>zl>1)>{L ^P_uix\5Mʶ  ?P Tdڂ~ (@MDС:^;Ҿ,rit36_8I1qBi9"š>Oo>_Z "YQc̰Bvnmk`YYW^o5*bD@Ąa$c V/_dL16 gR8/H9fG'ǖQ<)u1?C''0`X >ԋ GS齧$ #1LA~3H?֙侣{ !J4ii40Xxz@:hn>`AƼ/^[͙vs ˒ C~q1 * pPb0>+I:搜b/×OqC)d{?tw,0ĵ3e L!.( i\ jޥqIu/_a* sf>uڏZWѰ)XT JNO g*շOH5V.w0:"cr^M)\QDñJB#s\MK2%k_C(}Ԍn(PI*nWۆti(Y SE+S:P$J\?Хe0wvA>5jNQsI!lCjT! {#\ep*~ 9оmLkl=hEf^GKCKڮ~X8̡@)FuLgJծ#j}V]@,*F:R`n_hh ~El@=`20=H6P [ s ؠFJ1T"$*f2 q 2pʻ(-)'02=0 ֮f.jJ|Pimڴ9Ve6b]b]He=úZ 3hD"+y|dPO

观 Mr bean的大灾难 英文作文
观 Mr bean的大灾难 英文作文

观 Mr bean的大灾难 英文作文
Mr. Bean ~ ~ whatever it reminds me of the burden of Charlie Chaplin carried. Beginning very impressed with the passage of the morning, before leaving the coffee cup broke (Mr. Bean directly grabbed coffee raw ~ wu mouth smile ~), and a quarter of the eight o 'clock standard working hours. Mr. Bean lightly to the past. Imagine if the morning break the glass is me, I will be late, if not depression, how much will also to jealousy from beginning to end the day felt disappointed, uncontrollable, until the next thing beautiful beginning of, just can ignore a thing bring displeasure, sometimes is not a thorough it.Mr. Bean ~ ~ funny is a show, maybe we also that funny Mr. Bean, but his funny behavior is revealed in the obvious is that we laugh, while our funny only oneself know and deeply hidden, fear of others see fear others know the funniest own appearance. I also imagination, a mirror to make themselves in all perform, stairs (this is my favorite ha ha), pretend to be someone else to see me.I envied him his can unbridled, can dance, can face ferocious, can equivocate, can not understand just doesn't understand, can go out of pocket suit wayward the pistol, can coax side bear meimei's go to sleep, can so no disguise madness, could be happy in a population of doing don't fool. Mr. Bean in hospital in jenifer bedside say "wakey, wakey, jenifer? Breakfast 's comments. Jenifer?" This sentence when I brush wept.(is bittersweet ah bittersweet ~) I want to rise high school every morning mother standing in bedside wake me up scenarios... "For dinner." Now leaves the clock, or artificial comparative kind, still can appropriate take various sleeping posture in order to achieve the purpose of delay the time. The alarm clock heartless ah ~ suddenly remembered that primary school of half a proposition, the composition style.If the or ~ ~ ~ imagine infinite may say is that time right, now I understand childhood had been ignorant of business, can tell a torrent explain, but don't think how happy, but those who don't know the secret of the problem itself become wonderful up.I don't 100,000 why, I don't want to know why I didn't know 100,000 why, does that I grow up can delay some? And I know that this is merely movies, Mr. Bean also just a actors perform in it. In fact, such speaking, these all forget is the best but as trueman ~ ~ ~
Also, don't like the Chinese piece MingEr ah, Mr. Bean where is difficult, clear is a blessing.
Mr.bean~~无论如何都让我想起卓别林的默片儿.开头的那段印象极为深刻,早晨出门之前咖啡杯摔碎(Mr.bean直接抓着咖啡生吃~捂嘴笑~),还有一刻钟八点的标准工作时间.Mr.bean儿戏着过去.试想如果早晨起床摔坏杯子的是我,即将迟到的是我,即使不是抑郁愤恨,多少也会对这一天感到从头到尾难以抑制的失望吧,直到下一件事情的美好开始,才会忽视上一件事带来的不快,有时还不是彻底的吧.Mr.bean~~滑稽的只是表演,或许我们也是那个滑稽的Mr.bean,只是他的滑稽显露在行为举止上显而易见捧腹的是我们,而我们的滑稽只有自己知道并且深深隐藏着,害怕别人看见害怕别人知道最滑稽自己的模样.我也想象,对着镜子中的自己做出各种表演,上下楼梯(这个我最喜欢哈哈),假装别人看不到我.我羡慕他可以肆无忌惮,可以手舞足蹈,可以面目狰狞,可以支支吾吾,可以不懂就是不懂,可以任性去掏出西服口袋的那把手枪,可以哄着身边的小熊美美的睡去,可以就这么没有任何掩饰的疯狂着,可以快乐乐的做着别人口中的傻子.在医院Mr.bean在jenifer的床边说“jenifer?wakey,wakey,breakfast’s ready.jenifer?”这句的时候我刷的就哭了.(真是悲喜交加啊悲喜交加~)我想起来高中每天早晨母亲站在床边叫我起床的情景……“吃饭了.”现在就剩下闹钟了,还是人工的比较亲切,还能够适当的采取各种睡姿以达到拖延时间的目的.闹钟无情啊~突然想起来小学的半命题文体的作文,假如_____或是~~~想象无限大可能说的是那时候吧,现在我明白了小时候一直被蒙在鼓里的事儿,能道出个所以然来娓娓道来,却不觉得有多快乐,反而那些不知道的奥妙使问题本身变得奇妙起来.我不要十万个为什么,我不想知道为什么,我不知道十万个为什么,那是不是我的长大就能够延迟一些呢?而我知道,这只不过是电影,Mr.bean也只是一个演员在表演而已.其实,这样来说,把这些通通忘掉是最好不过的了,像trueman~~~
Bean works as a caretaker at Britain's formidable Royal National Gallery, and his bosses want to fire him because he sleeps at work all the time, but can't because the chairman of the gallery's board defends him. They send him to USA, to the small Los Angeles art gallery instead, where he'll have to officiate at the opening of the greatest US picture ever (called "Whistler's Mother"). Written by Anonymous
Mr. Bean is an eccentric caretaker working for the British national gallery in London, England, Mr. Bean is going to get fired by the museum's board of directors because he doesn't do his job and all he does is sleep. But the board instead decides to send Mr. Bean to Los Angeles, where David Langley, curator of a museum in downtown L.A. has requested that the board of director's of the British national gallery sends a art scholar to talk about their latest purchase, the famous painting "Whristler's Mother" which military officer General Newton has donated to the museum, at a opening conference. But Mr. Bean's arrival in Los Angeles causes mayhem, as David invites Mr. Bean to stay with his family and begins causing problems for David's marriage. But Mr. Bean doesn't know anything about paintings and although they think he is a brilliant, eccentric art scholar, he really isn't the right man to protect the painting as his behavior also threatens the painting itself. Written by Daniel Williamson
Bean - the movie features Mr Bean in new adventures. The painting "Whistler's Mother" has been acquired from the Musee d'Orsay in Paris by the Grierson Gallery in California. As an attempt to get him out of the country, Mr Bean is sent to Los Angeles to unveil the painting and present it to everyone, even though he knows nothing about the painting. Written by Livia Cheng
Mr Bean (Rowan Atkinson) works as a caretaker in a British gallery. He is a very bad worker (keep sleeping at work), but his bosses are prevented from firing him because the head of the gallery wants him as his worker. So his bosses send him to another gallery in Los Angeles, California. But things in LA goes wrong. An important painting arrives to his new gallery, and somehow Bean suppose to present it to a selected audience, and to protect it as well. The thing is that Bean does not know anything about paints, and he is exactly the most unsuited man to protect the paint. Written by rsilberman