A credit stipulates it is available for a period of six months but does not indicate from when.What should the seller do A.Clarify with issuing bank before shipping the goods B.Take it that the L/C is available six months from date of advising C.Take

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/12/01 18:27:15
A credit stipulates it is available for a period of six months but does not indicate from when.What should the seller do A.Clarify with issuing bank before shipping the goods B.Take it that the L/C is available six months from date of advising C.Take
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A credit stipulates it is available for a period of six months but does not indicate from when.What should the seller do A.Clarify with issuing bank before shipping the goods B.Take it that the L/C is available six months from date of advising C.Take
A credit stipulates it is available for a period of six months but does not indicate from when.What should the seller do
A.Clarify with issuing bank before shipping the goods
B.Take it that the L/C is available six months from date of advising
C.Take it that the L/C is available six months from date of confirmation.
D.Take it that the L/C is available six months from date of issue

A credit stipulates it is available for a period of six months but does not indicate from when.What should the seller do A.Clarify with issuing bank before shipping the goods B.Take it that the L/C is available six months from date of advising C.Take
b .认为信用证日期六个月的建议
C .认为信用证可用6个月从日期确认.
d .认为信用证可用六个月日期的问题



【远期信用证】远期信用证是指开证行或付款行收到信用证的单据时,在规定期限内履行付款义务的信用证,是银行(即开证行)依照进口商(即开证申请人)的要求和指示,对出口商(即受益人)发出的、授权出口商签发以银行或进口商为付款人的远期汇票,保证在交来符合信用证条款规定的汇票和单据时,必定承兑,等到汇票到期时履行付款义务的保证文件。在远期信用证业务中,进口商将货物销售出去,收回货款,在付款日期未到时,他很可能会把这笔资金继续周转或挪作它用。假如进口商挪用到固定资产投资上面,那么信用证到期日,固定投资一般不能立刻产生效益,没有现金回流也就无法支付到期的应付账款,到期拖欠,开证行只好垫款。还有的进口商为追求高额利润,挪用货款,炒股票、期货,也迫使银行垫款。进口商占用、挪用资金的通常做法是超越合理开证期限。在远期信用证业务中,通常信用证的付款时间为90天,最多不超过180天。其合理期多依据进口产品资金回收周期而定。一些单位无论进口什么总是时间越长越好,很多进口商要求360天远期付款,目的是想尽量长时间地占用银行资金。【远期信用证】承兑后押汇的期限为:押汇起息日起至承兑付款日confirmation[英][ˌkɒnfəˈmeɪʃn][美][ˌkɑnfɚˈmeʃən]n.确认,认可; 证实; 证明; [宗]坚信礼
