几个英语造句问题(新概念的)1、用had better造句2、祈使句造句3、用一般现在时造句4、用一般过去式造句5、用一般将来时造句6、用现在完成时造句7、用正在进行时造句8、用情态动词造句

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 14:40:41
几个英语造句问题(新概念的)1、用had better造句2、祈使句造句3、用一般现在时造句4、用一般过去式造句5、用一般将来时造句6、用现在完成时造句7、用正在进行时造句8、用情态动词造句
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几个英语造句问题(新概念的)1、用had better造句2、祈使句造句3、用一般现在时造句4、用一般过去式造句5、用一般将来时造句6、用现在完成时造句7、用正在进行时造句8、用情态动词造句
1、用had better造句

几个英语造句问题(新概念的)1、用had better造句2、祈使句造句3、用一般现在时造句4、用一般过去式造句5、用一般将来时造句6、用现在完成时造句7、用正在进行时造句8、用情态动词造句
1、用had better造句---'d better=had better(not)+动词原形
You ’d better finish your homework before school is over.
2、祈使句造句---Come and listen to me .
3、用一般现在时造句---I usually get up at six thirty every morning.
4、用一般过去式造句---She went to the post office yesterday.
5、用一般将来时造句---We shall be better next term.
6、用现在完成时造句---My grandfather has been dead for nearly 20 years.
7、用正在进行时造句---I'm writing a letter now.
8、用情态动词造句---She must leave now.

1、用had better造句
We had better be watching the TV play
We had better be starting back now.
You had better have stayed with us .
Go and wash your hands.
Be quiet, plea...


1、用had better造句
We had better be watching the TV play
We had better be starting back now.
You had better have stayed with us .
Go and wash your hands.
Be quiet, please.(Please be quiet.)
Be kind to our sister.
Watch your steps.
I don't want so much.
Ann Wang writes good English but does not speak well.
Now I put the sugar in the cup.
I am doing my homework now.
The earth moves around the sun.
Shanghai lies in the east of China.
She often came to help us in those days.
I didn't know you were so busy.
Are we to go on with this work?
The boy is to go to school tomorrow.
We are about to leave.
I have spent all of my money
Jane has laid the table
Michael has been ill.
He has returned from abroad.
She is learning piano under Mr. Smith.
I'm leaving for a trek in Nepal next week
we're flying to Paris tomorrow.
I can see you. Come here.
He must have been away.
What can I do for you?
How dare you treat us like that!



、用had better造句
We had better be watching the TV play
Go and wash your hands.
I don'用一般过去式造句
She often came to help us in those days. t want so much

几个英语造句问题(新概念的)1、用had better造句2、祈使句造句3、用一般现在时造句4、用一般过去式造句5、用一般将来时造句6、用现在完成时造句7、用正在进行时造句8、用情态动词造句 推荐几个新概念英语辅导的机构 推荐几个新概念英语辅导的机构? 新概念英语第二册18课错误?After I had had lunch at a village pub,这句话的语法错误 我总觉得有问题. 新概念英语词组造句1、take one's advise2、advise sb to do sth3/had better to do4、used to do5、dream about sth一定要正确 新概念英语问题, 关于新概念1第75课的问题如题,we had some shoes like those a month ago 为什么这里要用 those.用these不行吗 新概念英语第三册25课的.Even this was remarkable,considering that she had had so many delays.怎用了两个had呢? 关于新概念英语2第18课课文的小问题为什么最后一句说话内容不用My dog has taken而用My dog had taken,这里不是说话内容吗?课文:After I had had lunch at a village pub,I looked for my bag.I had left it on a chair bes 新概念英语第三册习题的问题第一课中1、What particular evidence persuaded the experts that a puma had been seen in the village?为什么要选A.The puma had not attack the woman.而不选B.The woman had described the animal she had se 关于新概念英语一道时态问题(救急!)关于2册86课中的1)...They had just had enough time to swim out of danger when the boat again completed a circle. ...中为什么后面一句不加had?即为何不是“when the boat had again 新概念英语二册,七十课的作文,连词部分的第二题He was Damingo Cordova.He had been a great matador in his youth .He had failed in the ring.He had taken to drinking.(...a man who ...but having...)用括号里的连词把这几个句 一个英语语法的小问题The next morning,the box had disappeared but Mrs.Ramsay was sure that ...(新概念三19课文句子)为什么要用过去完成式had disappeared,用过去式disappeared可以不?为什么? 关于新概念二册第48课的语法问题My dentist had just pulled out one of my teeth and had told me to rest for a while.为什么用过去完成时?(越完整越好)~ 《新概念英语》有几个版本? 新概念英语初三自学的问题从未碰过新概念英语。没学过新概念英语1。但借了本新概念英语2。想问自学的话对中考有帮助嘛? 现在的《新概念英语》书什么样?现在的正版《新概念英语(1)》什么样? 老板用英语怎么说?还有几个关于这个词的造句