What is your f____singing group?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 21:09:25
What is your f____singing group?
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What is your f____singing group?
What is your f____singing group?

What is your f____singing group?
alto 男高音,女低音
tenor 次中音
baritone 上低音,男中音
bass 低音
soprano 女高音
mezzo-soprano 女次高音
sharp 高半音符号,升号
flat 调号
natural (sign) 本位号
staff, stave 五线谱
A,B,C,D,E,F,G 唱名la,si,do,re,mi,fa,sol
G clef, treble clef 高音谱号
F clef, bass clef 低音谱号
C clef, tenor clef, alto clef 中音谱号
semibreve 全音符(美作:whole note)
minim 二分音符(美作:halfnote)
dotted crotchet 四分音符(美作:dotted note,quarter note)
quaver 八分音符(美作:eighth note)
semiquaver 十六分音符(美作:sixteenth note)
demisemiquaver 三十二分音符(美作:thirty-second note)
hemidemisemiquaver 六十四分音符(美作:sixty-fourth note)
rest 休止符
crotchet rest 四分休止符(美作:quarter rest)
semitone 半音
pause 休止
time, bar 拍子
rhythm 节奏
three-four time 三四拍子
syncope, syncopation 切分音
tone 音程
pitch 基音音乐
major key 大调
minor key 小调
scale 音阶
arpeggio 琶音
solfeggio 视唱
solmization 阶名唱法
diapason, range 音域
tuning fork 音叉
metronome 节拍器
chord 和弦,谐音
cadence 调音
counterpoint 多声部音乐
lyrics, words 歌词
score 总谱,乐谱
orchestra 乐队
conductor 乐队指挥
baton 乐队指挥棒
band 管乐队
solo 独奏,独唱
duet, duo 二重奏,二重唱
trio 三重奏,三重唱
quartet, quartette 四重奏,四重唱
quintet 五重奏,五重唱
choir, choral society 合奏,合唱
vibration 振动
sound 音
tone 音(乐音)
musical tone 乐音
noise 噪音
acoustics 声学
psychoacoustics 心理声学
frequency 频率
intensity 强度
time 时间
wave form 波形
pitch 音高
loudness 响度
duration 时值
timbre 音色 (tone color or quality)
tuning fork 音叉
pure tone 纯音
complex tone 复音 (composite tone)
overtone(s) 泛音
(aliquot tone, harmonics, flageolet tone 即upper partials)
overtone series 泛音列
partial(s) 分音(partial tone)
fundamental(tone) 基音 (first partial)
step 音级(scale step, degree)
accidental(s) 变音记号
sharp 升号
flat 降号
double-sharp 重升号
double-flat 重降号
nature 还原号 intonation 音准
octave 八度
range 音域(compass)
(voice) register 音区
small c 小字组c
great C 大字组C
contra C 大字二组C
unaccented octave 小字组
one-lined octave 小字一组 (one-line)
two-lined octave 小字二组 (two-line)
three -lined octave 小字三组(three-line)
four-line octave 小字四组 (four-line)
temperament 乐律
tempered scale 平均律 (equal temperament)
just intonation 纯律
pitch name 音名
enharmonic notes 等音
(whole) tone 全音
half-tone 半音
natural half-tone 自然半音
natural tone 自然全音
chromatic tone 变化全音
chromatic half-tone 变化半音
notation 记谱法
staff 乐谱
treble clef 高音谱号
bass clef 低音谱号
clef 谱号 (G clef, F clef, C clef)
note(s) 音符
rest(s) 休止符
breve 二全音符
semibreve 全音符 (whole note,美)
minim 二分音符 (half note,美)
crotchet 四分音符(quarter note,美)
quaver 八分音符 (eighth note,美)
semiquaver 十六分音符(sixteenth note,美)
demisemiquaver 三十二分音符
(thirty-second note,美)
hemidemisemi quaver 六十四分音符 (sixty-fourth note,美)
dot 附点
double dot 复附点
dotted note 附点音符
dotted rest 附点休止符
score 总谱
leger line(s) 加线 (ledger line(s))
head 符头
stem 符干
hook 符尾(tail)
space 间
line 线
tie 延音线
pause 延长号(hold, fermata)
bar 小节 (bar line小节线,measure)
legato 连音,连奏
staccato 断音,断奏
sostenuto 持音
trembolo 震音
glissando 滑音
relative pitch 相对音高(听觉)
absolute pitch 绝对音高(听觉)
sight-singing 视唱
fixed-do 固定唱名法 movable-do 音调唱名法
lyra 乐徽
rhythm 节奏
rhythmic pattern 节奏型
accent 重音
syncopation 切分音
meter 拍子 (time)
duple meter(s) 二拍子 (2/2,2/4,2/8)
triple meter(s) 三拍子 (3/2,3/4,3/8)
quadruple meter(s) 四拍子 (4/2,4/4,4/8)
common meter 普通拍子 (4/4)
simple meter(s) 单拍子
compound meter(s) 复拍子
compound duple meter(s) 复二拍子(6/2,6/4,6/8)
compound triple meter(s) 复三 拍子(9/4,9/8)
compound quadruple meter(s) 复四拍子 (12/4,12/8,12/16)
quintuple meter 五拍子
time signature 拍号
multi-meter 变化拍子
irregular meter (不规则)混合拍子(7/4,11/7)
Metronome 节拍机 (M.M.=Malzel’s ~)
duplet 二连音
triplet 三连音
quadruplet 四连音
quintuplet 五连音
sextuplet 六连音
septuplet 七连音
tempo 速度
dynamics 力度
tempo mark(s) 速度标记
dynamic mark(s) 力度标记
mode 调式(狭指教会调式;广指调式)
scale 音阶
key 调
tonality 调性
atonality 无调性
bitonality 双重调性
polytonality 多调性
major 大调
minor 小调
key signature 调号
pentatonic 五声的
natural 自然的
melodic 旋律的
harmonic 和声的
whole-tone 全音的
chromatic 半音的
ascending 上行
descending 下行
scale degree (调式)音级
tonic(I) 主音,主和弦
supertonic(II) 上主音,上主和弦
mediant (III) 中音,中音和弦
subdominant(IV) 下属音,下属和弦
dominant(V) 属音,属和弦
submediant(VI) 下中音,下中音和弦 (super-dominant)
leading tone(VII) 导音,导和弦 (subtonic)
broken chord 分解和弦
altered chord 变和弦
false chord 假和弦 resolution 解决
relative keys 关系大小调
parallel keys 同主音调
interval 音程
melodic interval 旋律音程
harmonic interval 和声音程
root 根音(fundamental)
scale step 音级(音级数:number of scale step)
simple interval 单音程
viola 中提琴
mezzo soprano 次女高音,女中音
tenor 男高音
dramatic tenor 戏剧男高音
bariton 男中音
bass 男低音
unison 齐奏(唱)
solo 独奏(唱)
duet 二重奏
ensemble 合奏(团体)
stage 舞台
theater 剧场,戏剧
Renaissance 文艺复兴
Rococo 洛可可
Baroque 巴洛克
Classicism 古典主义
Romanticism 浪漫主义
Impressionism 印象主义
Nationalism in music 民族乐派
Anti- impressionism 反印象主义
Realism 现实主义
Serialism 序列主义
Primitivism 原始主义
Expressionism 表现主义
Microtonalism 微分音主义
Neoclassicism 新古典主义
Structuralism 结构主义
Concrete Music 具体音乐 Accidentalism 偶然主义
Minimalism 省略(简约)主义
Pointillism 点描派
monophonic music 单声部音乐
homophony 主调
homophonic music 主调音乐
polyphony 复调
polyphonic music 复调音乐
counterpoint 对位
program music 标题音乐
absolute music 纯音乐,非标题音乐
abstract music 抽象音乐
make a music video
on the music scene
listen to music
have a gift for music
music paper
n. 乐谱用纸
folk music
chin music
music box
n. 音乐盒,八音盒
country music
n. 乡村音乐
popular music
n. 流行音乐,通俗音乐
music hall
swing music
n. 摇摆舞音乐
set to music
programme music
pop music
music rack
face the music
part music
sheet music
n. 活页乐谱
rock music
hillbilly music
music stand
n. 乐谱架
classical music
n. 古典乐
instrumental music
program music
n. 标题音乐, 描写音乐
vocal music
chamber music
incidental music
n. (戏剧,电影等的)配乐
music of the spheres
Music is everywhere nowadays.It plays an important role in our life.
There are all kinds of music in the world.Such as Blues,Black music,Rock&Roll,Dance music of Punks,Disco,Jazz,Classical music,Rap ,Pop-music and so on.
Music is of great use in many fields.It is used in advertising,broadcast,TV,films or the supermarkets.People are supposed to be atrracted by the sweet-souding music.So ,you can see that it bring profits to the companies.
More and more people have their own tools to approach music, like Mp3,Mp4 .But before this,we often use radio,TV or walkman to listen to the music.
Why so many people like enjoying music ?In my opinion ,it can ease our presure of social relationship ,study ,work and relax ourselves,also make us feel better. Many people like music. It has many sorts: soft music is graceful, rock music fast, classical music GREat, light music relaxing, and children, music interesting. You can pick and choose whatever you like. Now popular songs are in
fashion. If you like music, you usually like singing, too. I am no exception. My brother and I like pop songs, and my parents like to listen to soft music. We are a musical family. Do you like music? Is your family full of music, too? Music is really GREat! I like it very much.

Listening to Music
You will always feel amazed whenever you contemplate upon how come there is music in our lives and why everyone, almost without exceptions, is fond of music, one type or another. Trying to account for the reasons is much less significant than acknowledging the face. I myself am a fervent music-lover. Listening to music is an indispensable hobby in my life.
I enjoy a large range of different types of music. Light music fills my heart with serene joyfulness. Waltz brings my imagination to wonder in the magnificent and beautiful nature. I lose myself in mild melancholy and nostalgia when ancient melodies played by traditional Chinese music ian start ringing at my ears. Pop songs tell me the young people's concerns and I am willing to share their troubles. Indeed, through listening to various kinds of music. I find myself richer in compassion and sympathy with other people and the things around me.
Besides this edifying power, music makes me feel relaxing. When I lie in bed, close my eyes and savor every note and word in a melody, it is us if I were transported to another world, leaving behind the monotonous and tension-ridden world of reality.

Of all the things that make me happy, singing is what I like to do best. I sing for no particular purpose. In short, I sing for fun. There is no limit to what I sing, so long as it can let out my emotion and pass the pleasant voice to others. It is something more satisfactory and exciting to draw echoes from them. It is nothing bad to spread joy around, is it? As you can tell, singing is my second life.