-Have you ever been involved in an mobile accident?-Only once.My car slid on a rainy night and went off the road.Fortunately I _my seatbelt.A.was wearingB.woreC.have wornD.had worn

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/28 21:56:53
-Have you ever been involved in an mobile accident?-Only once.My car slid on a rainy night and went off the road.Fortunately I _my seatbelt.A.was wearingB.woreC.have wornD.had worn
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-Have you ever been involved in an mobile accident?-Only once.My car slid on a rainy night and went off the road.Fortunately I _my seatbelt.A.was wearingB.woreC.have wornD.had worn
-Have you ever been involved in an mobile accident?
-Only once.My car slid on a rainy night and went off the road.Fortunately I _my seatbelt.
A.was wearing
C.have worn
D.had worn

-Have you ever been involved in an mobile accident?-Only once.My car slid on a rainy night and went off the road.Fortunately I _my seatbelt.A.was wearingB.woreC.have wornD.had worn
my car slid 是过去时,不是过去完成时或过去进行时.所以后半部也是过去时
my car was sliding on a rainy night --> I was wearing my seatbelt (过去进行时)
my car had slid on a rainy night --> I had worn

A 当那个时候正在的那个状态


A、过去进行时表过去某一时刻或某个时间段正在做某事;如:I was watching TV at 7:00 last night. 所以 I was wearing my seatbelt就发生在从我驾驶到事故的那段时间(我的身体)都一直系着安全带。故选A.
B、B是个陷阱。 尽管Fortunately I wore my seatbelt. 表达的中文意思是“幸好我系了安全带”,但容易...


A、过去进行时表过去某一时刻或某个时间段正在做某事;如:I was watching TV at 7:00 last night. 所以 I was wearing my seatbelt就发生在从我驾驶到事故的那段时间(我的身体)都一直系着安全带。故选A.
B、B是个陷阱。 尽管Fortunately I wore my seatbelt. 表达的中文意思是“幸好我系了安全带”,但容易受中文思维影响而理解为英文意思中的“幸好我系了安全带”。而英文思维的“幸好我系了安全带”是 “I was wearing my seatbelt”这样表达的(根据题意),表达的是我当时在驾驶过程中系了安全带一直持续到事故发生。而“I wore my seatbelt ” 表达的是“我系了安全带”,但只是过去系了,动作没持续到事故发生。故B排除。
