在all three of us live in constant dread knowing that at any time disaster can strike中,

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 16:42:10
在all three of us live in constant dread knowing that at any time disaster can strike中,
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在all three of us live in constant dread knowing that at any time disaster can strike中,
在all three of us live in constant dread knowing that at any time disaster can strike中,

在all three of us live in constant dread knowing that at any time disaster can strike中,
strike [straik] n.罢工,打击,殴打 v.打,罢工,划燃 词形变化:动词过去式:struck 过去分词:struck/stricken 现在分词:striking 第三人称单数:strikes 例句与用法:How does the idea strike you?这想法你觉得怎样?Enemy troops struck just before dawn.敌军在拂晓前发起了进攻.The lioness crouched ready to strike.母狮低伏著身子准备攻击.The Royal Mint will strike a commemorative gold coin.英国皇家造币厂将铸造一种纪念金币.It was not long before tragedy struck again.没多久,灾难又再次降临.The union struck for better work conditions.工会为争取更好的工作条件而罢工.The bombers made a sudden strike on the harbor.轰炸机对这港口进行了一次突然袭击.I've struck on a plan for solving the problem.我突然想起一个解决这个问题的办法.你的句子:在任何时候灾难都可能袭击

strike [straik] vt.