
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/09 02:06:18
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10.我年轻时经常外出 徒步 旅行.

1.it's very bad to spit on the ground.
2.Smoking is harmful to your health,but the walking is good for your health.
3.To eat many sweets are bad for your teeth.
4.It took me half an hour to fall asleep last night.
5.From lhasa to Shout and haothe plane took him a thousand yuan.
6.You'd better not go until your aunt arrives.
7.I want to know what's wrong with the animal.
8.Can you tell me how to go to the Summer Palace.
9.Before the operation he used to have a headache.
10.When I was young I often go hiking.
11.The bookshelf is used to put the books.
12.The knives are for cutting things.
13.He used to smoke.
14.Do you want him to call you?
15.I can't wait to open my bag.
16.The children can't wait to open and under the tree stockings inside the gift.
17.Let's hurry so that we can get there before supper.
18.My father lived in the distant place,so we are seldom seen him.
19.I bought a boat,so I could go fishing.
20.He walked too far,so feel quite tired.

1、It's bad to spit everywhere.
2、Smoking does harm to your health.Going for a walk is good for health.
3、It's harmful for your teeth for eating too much sugar.
4、It took me half an hour to...


1、It's bad to spit everywhere.
2、Smoking does harm to your health.Going for a walk is good for health.
3、It's harmful for your teeth for eating too much sugar.
4、It took me half an hour to fall asleep last night.
5、It cost him¥1000 to buy the air ticket from Lhasa to Hohhot.
6、You'd better not go until your aunt arrives.
7、I wonder what's wrong with this animal.
8、I wonder whether you could tell me which is the way to the Palace Museum.
9、He had a frequent headache before the operation.
10、I used to go hiking when I was young.
11、These shelves are used for storing books.
12、The knives are used for cutting things.
13、He is used to smoking.
14、Would you like him to phone you ?
15、I can't wait to open my bag.
16、Children can't wait to open the presents in the stockings under the trees.
17、Let's hurry so as to get there before supper.
18、My father lives far,so we can see him hardly.
19、I bought a boat so that I could go fishing.
20、He feels so tired for walking such a long way.


1.It's not nice spitting everywhere.
2.Smoking does harm to your health,while walking is good to it.
3.It's harmful to your teeth if you eat too much sugar.
4.I spent half an hour to fall ...


1.It's not nice spitting everywhere.
2.Smoking does harm to your health,while walking is good to it.
3.It's harmful to your teeth if you eat too much sugar.
4.I spent half an hour to fall asleep last night.
5.It costs him 1000 yuan to buy a plane ticket from lhasa to Hohhot.
6.You'd better leave after your aunt arrives.
7.I want to make it clear that what's wrong with this animal.
8.Could you please tell me how can I get to Forbidden City?
9.He often had headache before his surgery.
10.I used to go hiking when I was young.
11.These bookshelves are used for putting books.
12.These knives are used to cut things.
13.He be accustomed to smoking.
14.Would you like to get a call from him?
15.I can't wait to open my bag.
16.These children can't wait to open the gifts in the stocking under the tree.
17.We need to be hurry in order to get there before the super.
18.My father lives far away from here,so it's not easy for us to see him.
19.I bought a boat,so I can go fishing.
20.He felt so tired after such a long way.


英语翻译请各位高手翻译出大概意思即可,句型,词汇尽量翻译的漂亮些!纯人工翻译如果你是用软件,那就不要回答了免得浪费大家的时间1.他太累了不能再走任何一点更远的距离.2.他不但是一 英语翻译纯人工翻译如果你是用软件,那就不要回答了免得浪费大家的时间PS:感激不尽!1.随地吐痰不好.2.抽烟不利于你的健康.散步有益健康.3.吃过多的糖对你的牙齿有害.4.昨天夜里我花了半 英语翻译纯人工翻译如果你是用软件,那就不要回答了免得浪费大家的时间1.中国政府之所以采取这样的措施是因为在中国吸烟人数高达3.5亿人,其中男性占75%,女性占25%.2.况且吸烟的人不仅害 英语翻译纯人工翻译如果你是用软件,那就不要回答了免得浪费大家的时间1.于2011年1月1日起中国政府决定在全国范围内实施公共场所禁烟.2.中国政府将会通过张贴禁烟标志来达到使所有室内 英语翻译纯人工翻译如果你是用软件,那就不要回答了免得浪费大家的时间1.我是校报的小记者,上周针对“如何与语言障碍(speech impairment)者交流”这一主题采访了林教授.2.林教授认为,和他 英语翻译麻烦各位进来 有心 帮忙的英语仁士 纯人工翻译下面2句话,如果是用软件.翻译的时候尽量把句子的字数控制在30--——40词左右,能用从句翻译的就最好用从句翻译,尽量不要翻译为简 英语翻译要纯人工翻译. 英语翻译句子要通,不介意用翻译软件,最好是人工翻译 英语翻译纯用翻译软件的就免了,有意的留下邮箱, 英语翻译要求:1出现的词组个数越多越好),如果可以的话能用一些高级句型翻译就很好啦!2.*******请不要使用翻译机器、软件,只支持 纯人工 翻译,3、翻译能把句子的主要意思表达清楚就可 英语翻译要求:1.至少使用4个以上的词组,(出现的词组个数越多越好),如果可以的话能用一些高级句型翻译就很好啦!2.*******请不要使用翻译机器、软件,只支持 纯人工 翻译,3、翻译能把句 英语翻译要求:1.至少使用4个以上的词组,(出现的词组个数越多越好),如果可以的话能用一些高级句型翻译就很好啦!2.*******请不要使用翻译机器、软件,只支持 纯人工 翻译,3、翻译能把句 英语翻译请不要用电脑翻译软件翻译,希望是英语专业的帮忙人工翻译哦, 英语翻译不要翻译软件的翻译,最好是人工的翻译,急用的 英语翻译只支持人工翻译哦!用机器译的就不要复制上来了!因为这样我也就不用你的帮忙了——我也会用软件翻译啊!广州是珠江沿岸著名的城市之一.它拥有许多国内国外著名的风景名胜与园 英语翻译“时间已经将你改变,现在它也在慢慢改变着我,如果你已不再是从前的那个你,那我也不必再留恋”   不要用翻译软件哦、谢谢 英语翻译随便发一篇关于汽车的文章来,要英文的,3000字以上(翻译成中文时字数3000字以上,稍微不到点也没事).然后把它翻译一下,,不然是读不通的,要是你用软件翻译的,那就稍微把语序改改对 英语翻译请问如何翻译这个词组:“城乡建设规划设计院”和“城市规划设计研究院”?用翻译软件翻译出来的,我需要的是人工的准确的翻译!