How do news magazines differ from newspapers in layout and news coverage?是“美英报刊文章阅读”课程上的一个问题,我不知咋回答才好呢?越详细越好,尽快!

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 05:06:26
How do news magazines differ from newspapers in layout and news coverage?是“美英报刊文章阅读”课程上的一个问题,我不知咋回答才好呢?越详细越好,尽快!
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How do news magazines differ from newspapers in layout and news coverage?是“美英报刊文章阅读”课程上的一个问题,我不知咋回答才好呢?越详细越好,尽快!
How do news magazines differ from newspapers in layout and news coverage?是“美英报刊文章阅读”课程上的一个问题,我不知咋回答才好呢?越详细越好,尽快!

How do news magazines differ from newspapers in layout and news coverage?是“美英报刊文章阅读”课程上的一个问题,我不知咋回答才好呢?越详细越好,尽快!
Layout:①magazines have more pages,colors,pictures.②high-quality print.③longer intervals.News coverage:①mostly focus on political,economic,social news.②less timely but more interesting.③in-depth reports.

1. 前者的封面只有一个显著主题,后者有多个显著主题同时在首页报纸上,具体内容可根据首页上的索引在报纸中找到
2. 前者内部编排不明显,后者分类明显。比如:news,local news, business, jobs, auto, classified
3. 前者内容较深、往往独家评论; 后者较快,可以有转载


1. 前者的封面只有一个显著主题,后者有多个显著主题同时在首页报纸上,具体内容可根据首页上的索引在报纸中找到
2. 前者内部编排不明显,后者分类明显。比如:news,local news, business, jobs, auto, classified
3. 前者内容较深、往往独家评论; 后者较快,可以有转载


Most readers will pick up a publication and immediately decide for themselves whether it is a newsletter or a magazine. In general, the differences between newsletters and magazines come down to how t...


Most readers will pick up a publication and immediately decide for themselves whether it is a newsletter or a magazine. In general, the differences between newsletters and magazines come down to how they are written, who they are written for, and how they are distributed. Additionally, most newsletters and magazines provide visual clues as to their identity. The most common differences between magazines and newsletters are:
Magazine: a periodical publication with articles, stories, or pictures on multiple subjects by multiple authors
Newsletter: a periodical publication with articles about one main subject or topic by one or more authors
Magazine: written for the general public | typically even special interest magazines are written with a general audience in mind - minimum technical jargon or specialized language
Newsletter: written for a group of people with a common interest | may contain more technical jargon or specialized language not readily understood by the general public that doesn't share the interest or common bonds of the newsletter audience
Magazine: available by subscription or from newstands | often heavily supported by advertising
Newsletter: available by subscription to interested parties or distributed to members of an organization | supported primarily by subscriptions, organizational membership fees (club dues), or paid for by the publishing authority (such as an employee newsletter or a marketing newsletter)
Some localities and organizations have their own specific definitions for magazines and newsletters based on readership, distribution, length, or format regardless of what the publication calls itself. Here are some of the criteria someone might use in deciding if a publication is a magazine, newsletter, or other periodical.
Size: Magazines come in a variety of sizes from digest to tabloid size. Newsletters do as well, although letter size is a typical newsletter format.
Length: Most magazines are significantly longer than a newsletter, from a few dozen pages to a few hundred. Newsletters are not generally more than 12-24 pages in length and some may be only 1-2 pages.
Binding: Magazines typically use saddle-stitching or perfect binding depending on the number of pages. Newsletters may not require binding or might use saddle-stitching or simply a staple in the corner.
Layout: The most common, significant visual difference between a magazine and a newsletter is the cover. Magazines usually have a cover that includes the name of the publication, graphics, and perhaps headlines or teasers about what is inside that issue. Newsletters typically have the nameplate and one or more articles right on the front, no separate cover.
Color/Printing: There is no rule that newsletters can't be printed 4-color on glossy paper or that magazines have to be; however, newsletters are more likely to be black and white or spot color publications while magazines are frequently full color glossies.
Print or Pixels
Traditionally, magazines and newsletters were both print publications and most remain so. However, email newsletters are common, especially as a publication in support of a Web site. Print periodicals may also have an electronic version, usually in PDF format. There are also some periodicals that are available only in PDF electronic versions, not in print. With electronic publications there are no obvious visual clues from the layout and type of printing. The content and audience become the main criteria in determining if the publication is a magazine or a newsletter.


多数读者将拾起出版物和为他们自己立刻决定它是否是时事通讯或杂志。 一般来说,在时事通讯和杂志之间的区别下来到他们怎么分布他们怎样被写,他们被写,并且。 另外,多数时事通讯和杂志提供视觉线索至于他们的身分。 杂志和时事通讯之间的公差是:
Magazine : 与文章、故事或者图片的周期性出版物在由广泛作者的多个主题
Newsletter : 与文章的周期...


多数读者将拾起出版物和为他们自己立刻决定它是否是时事通讯或杂志。 一般来说,在时事通讯和杂志之间的区别下来到他们怎么分布他们怎样被写,他们被写,并且。 另外,多数时事通讯和杂志提供视觉线索至于他们的身分。 杂志和时事通讯之间的公差是:
Magazine : 与文章、故事或者图片的周期性出版物在由广泛作者的多个主题
Newsletter : 与文章的周期性出版物关于由一个或更多作者的一个主科或题目
Magazine : 写为公众 | 典型地甚而特殊利益杂志写想着一般观众-极小的技术专科术语或专业语言
Newsletter : 写为一群人有共同利益的 | 可以包含不分享时事通讯观众的兴趣或共同的债券的公众或专业语言不欣然了解的更加技术的专科术语
Magazine : 可得到由订阅或从报摊 | 经常沉重支持通过做广告
Newsletter : 可利用由订阅对感兴趣的人或分布对组织的成员 | 支持主要由订阅,组织会员费(会费),或者支付由出版的当局(例如雇员时事通讯或营销业务通信)
Some现场和组织有他们根据读者、发行、长度或者格式和时事通讯的自己的具体定义的杂志不管什么出版物称自己。 这某人在决定也许使用的某些标准出版物是否是杂志、时事通讯,或者其他期刊。
Size : 杂志进来各种各样的大小从文摘到小报大小。 时事通讯,虽然信件大小是一个典型的时事通讯格式。
Length : 多数杂志比时事通讯显着长,从一些第十二页到几百。 时事通讯超过12-24页和长度一些只也许1-2页通常不是。
Binding : 杂志根据页的数量典型地使用备鞍缝或无线胶订。 时事通讯在角落可能不要求捆绑也也许不使用备鞍缝或完全钉书针。
Layout : 在杂志和时事通讯之间的最共同性,重大视觉区别是盖子。 杂志通常有或许包括出版物、图表和标题或者戏弄者的名字关于的盖子发布的什么的是里面。 时事通讯典型地有标识牌,并且一个或更多文章在前面,没有分开的盖子。
Color/Printing : 没有裁决时事通讯不可能是在光纸的打印的4颜色或杂志必须是; 然而,当杂志常常地是完整色彩的glossies时,时事通讯是可能是黑白或斑点颜色出版物。
Traditionally、杂志和时事通讯是印刷品出版物,并且多数如此保持。 然而,电子邮件时事通讯是共同的,特别是作为出版物支持网站。 印刷品期刊也许也有一个电子版本,通常以PDF格式。 也有仅有PDF电子版本的有些期刊,不在印刷品。 电子出版物没有从打印的布局和类型的明显的视觉线索。 内容和观众成为在确定出版物是否的主要标准是杂志或时事通讯。


1, 杂志是书的形式,而报纸只是一张纸.
2, 杂志一般一周一个月发行一次,但是报纸是当天的新闻,报纸具有新颖性.
3, 杂志一般描述故事,报纸一般描述时事.
4, 杂志为消遣用,报纸为客户提供即时信息....


1, 杂志是书的形式,而报纸只是一张纸.
2, 杂志一般一周一个月发行一次,但是报纸是当天的新闻,报纸具有新颖性.
3, 杂志一般描述故事,报纸一般描述时事.
4, 杂志为消遣用,报纸为客户提供即时信息.


①magazines have more pages, colors, pictures.②high-quality print.③longer intervals.
News coverage:
①mostly focus on political, economic, social news. ②less timely but more interesting. ③in-depth reports.