英语翻译背景是卡洛琳 肯尼迪被任命为美国驻日本大使.While the white house tonight is cautioning nothing is final no formal nomination has been made.Reports have surfaced that Caroline Kennedy is being vetted for appointment as U

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 21:12:30
英语翻译背景是卡洛琳 肯尼迪被任命为美国驻日本大使.While the white house tonight is cautioning nothing is final no formal nomination has been made.Reports have surfaced that Caroline Kennedy is being vetted for appointment as U
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英语翻译背景是卡洛琳 肯尼迪被任命为美国驻日本大使.While the white house tonight is cautioning nothing is final no formal nomination has been made.Reports have surfaced that Caroline Kennedy is being vetted for appointment as U
背景是卡洛琳 肯尼迪被任命为美国驻日本大使.
While the white house tonight is cautioning nothing is final no formal nomination has been made.Reports have surfaced that Caroline Kennedy is being vetted for appointment as U.S.ambassador to Japan.And just hearing that much was enough to cause Americans of a certain age to reflect today on a life lived largely in the public eye.

英语翻译背景是卡洛琳 肯尼迪被任命为美国驻日本大使.While the white house tonight is cautioning nothing is final no formal nomination has been made.Reports have surfaced that Caroline Kennedy is being vetted for appointment as U

英语翻译背景是卡洛琳 肯尼迪被任命为美国驻日本大使.While the white house tonight is cautioning nothing is final no formal nomination has been made.Reports have surfaced that Caroline Kennedy is being vetted for appointment as U 被任命为总理的英语翻译 希特勒被任命为德国总理希特勒被任命为德国总理 肯尼迪就职演讲的背景 肯尼迪之死谜团自1865年林肯总统被人暗杀以来,美国总统不断遭人暗算,他们头上的权力光环几乎成了一些“狂人”眼中的靶标.然而,肯尼迪枪击案的背景却显得格外扑朔迷离.美国公众百思不 英语翻译美国已故前总统约翰·肯尼迪的女儿卡罗琳·肯尼迪在演讲时说到的写错了……hei-her 第一位美国黑人总统不是约翰-肯尼迪吗?我记得美国第一位黑人总统是约翰-肯尼迪!为什么是奥巴马呢? 公共外交大使用英语怎么说呢关颖珊(Michelle Kwan)被任命为美国第一任公共外交大使,那么”公共外交大使”用英语如何表达呢? 肯尼迪是美国第几任总统 关于美国肯尼迪图书馆的英文介绍, 美国肯尼迪航天中心那里好看吗? 孙权称帝后,谁被任命为宰相 英语翻译这是原文...PS.哪位大人知道肯尼迪发表这篇演说的社会背景是啥米么?0.0.后悔高中没学文ing...眼泪. 英语翻译背景是:9.11后,美国消费者的信心一落千丈. 英语翻译今天我演讲的内容节选自美国第35任总统肯尼迪的任职演讲众所周知,肯尼迪是美国十大文化偶像之首,并在近50年历届总统中,肯尼迪评价最高位居榜首。所以今天我演讲的内容节 英语翻译 自从他被任命为经理以来 他在公司的发展方面起了重要作用(appoint)用appoint 翻译 张明被任命为这家公司的出口部经理.用英语翻译! 请问肯尼迪是美国历史上受欢迎的总统吗?