
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/17 07:20:35
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关键词:西餐 自助 迎宾 区域 餐台 服务员
一、 前言
二、 迎宾台的管理
(一) 迎宾的重要性
(二) 迎宾的主要职责
1、 熟悉当天的接待计划,上班前应检查交接本.
2、 迎送客人,接待订餐电话.
三、 自助餐台的管理
(一) 自助餐台的布置
(二) 自助餐台的服务
1、 餐台卫生的整理.在开餐前后,不菲人员都要将餐台各个区域的卫生打扫干净.开餐期间也要随时注意餐盘和菜夹是否干净,若脏了要及时撤换.
2、 准备好充足的餐具.开餐前要将备餐柜中的餐夹,底碟备好,以便开餐时可以随时补给或更换.准备好后,将餐夹和碟子对照菜品一一对应摆好.
3、 开餐期间的服务工作.不菲员除了要做好餐台的卫生等工作外,还要主动为客人服务,热情介绍当天的菜品,帮助客人取菜并协助放到客人的座位上.
4、 做好收餐服务.在每次收餐前10分钟,不菲员都要及时提醒客人.若客人有任何需要,应该尽量满足,并且要帮助客人取需要的食物.等一切就绪后,将餐台的餐夹和脏碟全收回清洗室进行处理.

璋锋瓕缈昏瘧鐨凕br/>Abstract:With the current development of China's reform and opening up,China's domestic economic development by leaps and bounds.Foreign culture has been rapidly spread in China.The Western as a representative of a foreign culture,more rapid method of development is prevalent in the country.The face of the many hotels and restaurant building,food competition between the internal surge.To the many hotels or restaurants stand out,you need good management.Specifically,to the restaurant is of paramount importance in various job responsibilities,the details of each position will affect the restaurant is operating smoothly.For this particular position on the responsibilities of the various self-Western On,indicating its importance.
Key words:Western self-help welcome regional bar waiter bartender dining table
With the continuous development of China's opening up,foreign to the people who travel to China to visit the growing prosperity of the tourism industry has gradually developed,the hotel industry has seen a rapid development.As the saying goes:Food is,and Western food as a foreign food culture in China is increasingly prosperous and attract more foreign tourists,but in many hotels can move forward better and faster,high-quality service is essential.But good service is due to quality management,and good management is the specific responsibilities of each position to be able to get good protection.So I want to study this subject is the Western all post duties.That might let me know during the internship as a case of self-Western analysis of various posts roles.
Second,management Welcome to Taiwan
(A) the importance of Welcome
Welcome as the lobby of the important positions related to the importance of the restaurant.When guests enter the restaurant,the first thing to see is welcome,good or bad quality of service of a restaurant,the first impression from the greeter at the reception began to understand.Face it like a restaurant,like the first time,you can determine eligibility.
(B) The main duties Welcome
1,familiar with the reception the day program,this transfer should be checked before work.
Before opening dinner,welcome reception for the day should be well prepared.Such as:Morning session in advance to confirm the day room with early check-in and the situation on the need to call back or send details as early as the guests do the registration.Turn shift the transfer time should read this,leave the task to complete the early morning.Secondly,the need familiar with the reservation for lunch and dinner (including ordering guest name,arrival time,seat and contact information,etc.).
2,shuttle guests,ordering phone reception.
When the guests to restaurant meals,welcome the first time took the initiative will need to warm service (hello,asked if the guests have a reservation and the name,etc.),Block lead for the guests will be transferred to the guests settled in the region after the waiter,by the Regional waiter service to complete the remaining work.Welcome Welcome Desk also need to accept standing room room telephone,room to room number,the number of dishes name,time,payment method must be implemented very well and guests felt the sincere service.
Third,the management of buffet
(A) of the buffet layout
Self-west of dinner,the buffet's design is very important.It relates to the guests feel good or bad,is to determine the restaurant taste and grade standards,it is the key to good and bad management.Buffet usually by a few large regions:the hot dishes area,cold dish area,seafood stalls,Japan file (sushi stalls),barbecue stalls,noodle,beverage area,porridge and fruit stalls area.These dishes separate but closely linked with each other,not only to make guests feel a reasonable distribution,but also let guests feel the sumptuous dishes.This will attract more visitors to come to dinner.
(B) of the buffet service
Buffet service is very important to please the guests can also be an important magic weapon.General will arrange for two or more complete dining table waiter service.Specifically,costly staff responsibilities are:
1 dining table collation of Health.In the opening side,the cheap staff dining table should be cleaned up in all areas of health.During the opening dinner plate and vegetables should be alert to the folder is clean and promptly replaced if dirty.
2,adequate utensils ready.Opening side to prepare buffet meals in the folder,the bottom plate ready to open when food supplies or replaced at any time.Ready,the meal and the dishes were dishes folders correspond gracefully.
3,open during the meal service.Money and staff in addition to good health,etc.dining table,but also take the initiative to serve our guests,introduced the day's dishes passion to help customers take food and to help put the guests in the seats.
4,good meal service received.Each received 10 minutes before meals,money and staff to be timely to remind the guests.If guests have any needs,they should try to meet and get to help customers in need of food.And all ready,the meal will be buffet folders and dirty dishes clean room for processing full recovery.

Abstract: nowadays with the development of China's reform and opening up, China's domestic economic development by leaps and bounds. Foreign culture in China soon. While western as representatives of ...


Abstract: nowadays with the development of China's reform and opening up, China's domestic economic development by leaps and bounds. Foreign culture in China soon. While western as representatives of foreign culture, especially in rapid development in China. Facing the multitudinous hotels and restaurants, catering between the construction of internal pressure of competition. To many hotels or restaurants in the crowd, they need good management mode. Specifically speaking, dining-room is all responsibilities and details of each post will affect the smooth operation of restaurant. Therefore, the self-service food all responsibilities for what, the importance.


Abstract: With the current development of China's reform and opening up, China's domestic economic development by leaps and bounds. Chinese foreign culture has been spread very quickly. Th...


Abstract: With the current development of China's reform and opening up, China's domestic economic development by leaps and bounds. Chinese foreign culture has been spread very quickly. The Western as a representative of a foreign culture, more rapid method of development is prevalent in the country. The face of the many hotels and restaurant building, food competition between the internal surge. To the many hotels or restaurants stand out, you need good management. Specifically, to the restaurant is of paramount importance in various job responsibilities, the details of each position will affect the restaurant is operating smoothly. For this particular position on the responsibilities of the various self-Western On, indicating its importance.
Key words: Western self-help welcome regional bar waiter bartender dining table
I. Introduction
With the continuous development of China's opening up, foreign to the people who travel to China to visit the growing prosperity of the tourism industry has gradually developed, the hotel industry has seen a rapid development. As the saying goes: Food is, the Western as a foreign food culture in China is increasingly prosperous and attract more foreign tourists, but in many hotels can move forward better and faster, high-quality service is essential. But good service is due to quality management, and good management is the specific responsibilities of each position to be able to get good protection. So I want to study this subject is the Western all post duties.
That might let me know during the internship as a case of self-Western analysis of various posts roles.
Second, management Welcome to Taiwan
(A) the importance of Welcome
Welcome as the lobby of important positions related to the importance of the restaurant. When guests enter the restaurant, the first thing to see is welcome, good or bad quality of service of a restaurant, the first impression from the greeter at the reception began to understand. Face it like a restaurant, like the first time, you can determine eligibility.
(B) The main duties Welcome
1, are familiar with the reception the day program, this work should be checked before handover.
Before opening dinner, welcome reception for the day should be well prepared. Such as: Morning session in advance to confirm the day room with early check-in and the situation on the need to call back or send details as early as the guests do the registration. Turn shift the transfer time should read this, leave the task to complete the early morning. Secondly, the need familiar with the reservation for lunch and dinner (including ordering guest name, arrival time, seat and contact information, etc.).
2, shuttle guests, reception ordering phone.
When the guests to restaurant meals, welcome the first time took the initiative will need to warm service (hello, asked if the guests have a reservation and the name, etc.), introduced the guests seat, will be settled before the guests attendant handed over to the area from Regional waiter service to complete the remaining work. Welcome Welcome Taiwan also need to take standing room room telephone, room to room number, the number of dishes name, time, payment method must be implemented very well and guests felt the sincere service.
Third, the management of buffet
(A) of the buffet layout
Self-west of dinner, the buffet of the design is very important. It relates to the guests feel good or bad, is to determine the restaurant taste and grade standards, it is the key to good and bad management. Buffet usually by a few large regions: the hot dishes area, cold dish area, seafood stalls, Japan files (sushi stalls), barbecue stalls, noodle, beverage area, porridge and fruit stalls area. These dishes separate but closely linked with each other, not only to make guests feel a reasonable distribution, but also let guests feel the sumptuous dishes. This will attract more visitors to come to dinner.
(B) of the buffet service
Buffet service is very important to please the guests can also be an important magic weapon. General will arrange for two or more complete dining table waiter service. Specifically, costly staff responsibilities are:
1 buffet collation of health. In the opening side, the cheap staff dining table should be cleaned up in all areas of health. During the opening dinner plate and vegetables should be alert to the folder is clean and promptly replaced if dirty.
2, ready to adequate food containers. Opening side to prepare buffet meals in the folder, the bottom plate prepare to open food can supply or change at any time. Ready, the meal and the dishes were dishes folders correspond gracefully.
3, open during meal service. Money and staff in addition to good health, etc. dining table, but also take the initiative to serve our guests, introduced the day's dishes warm, to help the guests to take food and to help put the guests in the seats.
4, good meal service received. Each received 10 minutes before meals, money and staff to be timely to remind the guests. If guests have any needs, they should try to meet and get to help customers in need of food. And all ready, the meal will be buffet folders and dirty dishes clean room for processing full recovery.


Abstract: nowadays with the development of China's reform and opening up, China's domestic economic development by leaps and bounds. Foreign culture in China soon. While western as representatives of ...


Abstract: nowadays with the development of China's reform and opening up, China's domestic economic development by leaps and bounds. Foreign culture in China soon. While western as representatives of foreign culture, especially in rapid development in China. Facing the multitudinous hotels and restaurants, catering between the construction of internal pressure of competition. To many hotels or restaurants in the crowd, they need good management mode. Specifically speaking, dining-room is all responsibilities and details of each post will affect the smooth operation of restaurant. Therefore, the self-service food all responsibilities.for what, the importance.
Keywords: western buffet table waiter! Yingbin area
This article
With the continuous development of opening China to visit China, aliens travel increased gradually, tourism, hospitality and get thrive quickly development. As the saying goes, and food as foreign food culture in China is increasingly prosperous, and attract more foreign tourists, but in many hotels can better and faster development, quality service is indispensable. But the good service, high quality management, from different positions and good management is to get specific duties are very good. So I want to study this topic is western posts. That might let me put in practice during the self-service food as example, analyzes each post responsibility.
Second, the management of yingbin
(a) the importance of the guest
As the important post yingbin front, in relation to the importance of the restaurant. When the guest enter restaurant at first sight, it is a restaurant, quality of service, the first impression from people greeters reception began to realize. It is like the faces of dining-room, the first time can judge whether you qualified.
(2) the yingbin key responsibility
1, familiar with the reception before work plan, should check the handover.
Open meal before the guest should for the reception ready. Such as: early to confirm that the hotel rooms and early to call, or send the guests to the early registration detail. It also should read carefully classes finish early, leaving the transition of the task. Secondly, familiar with lunch and dinner reservation (include placing the guest's name and arrival time, seat and contact information, etc.).
2, guest, receive send meal.
When the guest to restaurant, guest need to first initiative enthusiasm, enquire if the guest greet services (whether have reservations and name, etc.), for the guest, will settle again after the handover to regional waiter, complete by regional waiter with service work. Yingbin stood still needs yingbin guest room, dining send telephone number, number, the name of the time required for food, to implement the payment, well, let a guest feel the sincere service.
Third, buffet management
(a) buffet layout
Buffet dinner, west hall design is very important in the buffet. It relates to the eating bad mood, the guest is to determine the standards of taste and class restaurant is bad, the key operation. The buffet generally consists of several large areas: hot food, cold pass, seafood, Japanese sushi gear shift (), barbecue, noodle, drinks and fruit, porridge files. These dishes segmentation, but closely to let guests feel are reasonable, and let the abundant guest feel dishes. It will attract more and more visitors came to dinner.
(2) buffet service
The buffet is important, but also the service can amuse guests an important weapon. General will arrange two or more tables attendant complete service work. More specifically, the responsibility is not personnel:
1 table, the health. After dinner, not in all areas of the table will clean sanitation. Open during the meal will keep plates and dishes are clean, if the folder to dismiss the dirty.
2, ready to plenty of tableware. Open before the meal of the meal to equipment, chest, to prepare the dish when you can open any supply or replacement. After a meal, will prepare clips and controlled food dish one set.
3 and open during the meal service work. Not to eat except the part such work, and even health initiative, enthusiasm for the guest services on the introduction of the dishes and help the guests take food and assist in guest seat.
4, good service charge. In every 10 minutes before your meal, whose members are timely remind guests. If you have any need, should guests, and try to meet the needs of the guests to help take food. Everything is ready, will eat meal clip and dirty dish washing room full recovery process.


Abstract: With the current development of China's reform and opening up, China's domestic economic development by leaps and bounds. Foreign culture has been rapidly spread in China. The Western as a r...


Abstract: With the current development of China's reform and opening up, China's domestic economic development by leaps and bounds. Foreign culture has been rapidly spread in China. The Western as a representative of a foreign culture, more rapid method of development is prevalent in the country. The face of the many hotels and restaurant building, food competition between the internal surge. To the many hotels or restaurants stand out, you need good management. Specifically, to the restaurant is of paramount importance in various job responsibilities, the details of each position will affect the restaurant is operating smoothly. For this particular position on the responsibilities of the various self-Western On, indicating its importance.
Key words: Western self-help welcome regional bar waiter bartender dining table
I. Foreword
With the continuous development of China's opening up, foreign to the people who travel to China to visit the growing prosperity of the tourism industry has gradually developed, the hotel industry has seen a rapid development. As the saying goes: Food is, and Western food as a foreign food culture in China is increasingly prosperous and attract more foreign tourists, but in many hotels can move forw

英语翻译摘要:当今随着中国改革开放的发展,中国国内经济发展突飞猛进.外国的文化也在中国得到很快的传播.而西餐作为外国文化的代表,更是以快速的发展方式在国内盛行.面对众多酒店 英语翻译摘要:改革开放30多年以来,小企业作为逐步发展壮大的重要经济力量,已经在我国经济发展、社会进步和构建和谐社会中显示了重要作用.但是随着社会的不断进步,小企业在发展的过 中国当今的发展情况! 英语翻译【摘要】我国改革开放正在深入发展,企业文化建设也在逐渐深化,并越来越面向市场经济.随着民营企业发展的日趋成熟,其文化建设也产生了一系列的问题,阻碍着民营企业的发展,因 英语翻译摘要 改革开放后,随着中国经济的发展,人民币国际化问题引起了非常多的关注,但是人民币能否真正走向国际化,这主要取决于综合国力的增强、人民币区域化范围的扩大和程度的加 英语翻译摘要:随着改革开放的深入,经济的迅猛发展,妥善解决城市贫困人口的生活困难问题是当前我国经济和社会发展的一个重要任务.我国城市居民最低生活保障还存在一系列的问题和缺 英语翻译摘要:随着朝阳产业---旅游业的发展,会展旅游成为一个新兴的行业,会展旅游可以为举办地带来巨大的社会效益和经济效益,被誉为“旅游皇冠上的宝石”.改革开放之后,我国经济发 英语翻译摘要自1978年以来,经过三十多年的改革开放,随着社会经济的持续快速发展,我国经济已摆脱短缺状况,我国已经基本建立了比较完善的社会主义市场经济体系,由原来的卖方市场转变为 英语翻译失地农民的社会保障现状和发展思路摘要随着改革开放,交通、能源等基础设施建设全面铺开,城市化进程的提速,迅速催生出一个急剧膨胀的社会群体——失地农民.失地农民由于制度 英语翻译求以下摘要的英文,拜托各路神仙了~近年来,随着中国改革开放进程的不断加深,中小企业作为新兴的经济力量,开始对我国国民经济发挥重要作用,成为国民经济的支柱之一.而与此同时 求翻译随着改革开放中国经济的不断发展及当今国际经济全球化发展国有商业银行原有的管理模式和经营方式越 100分,求论文摘要英语翻译求路过的英语高手帮忙翻译一下我的论文(国贸,反倾销)摘要,内容如下: 在当今国际贸易的各种摩擦中,反倾销占据着越来越大的比重,随着中国国门的敞开,对外 英语翻译我国三线休闲品牌服装分析研究品牌提升,黑骑服装分析摘要:随着我国纺织服装的发展和中国成功加入世贸组织,对中国服装业发出利好信号,然而我国服装行业也面临着更大的竞争. 英语翻译城市化研究是城市规划中一个重要主题.在中国,自改革开放以来,特别是随着社会主义市场经济体制的确立,国民经济和社会发展取得了飞速的发展,城市化的进程也飞速发展起来.然而 随着改革开放的发展,形成了怎样对外开放的新格局 中国改革开放以来发展最快的城市 中国改革开放发展历程是怎样的? 改革开放对中国发展的重要意义