将下面的句子改成被动式,题目三分钟后打出1、People are still killing and eating wild animals in China.2、We cannot cut down these young trees.3、He said that they would throw away all the old machines soo

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 22:08:17
将下面的句子改成被动式,题目三分钟后打出1、People  are  still  killing  and  eating  wild  animals  in  China.2、We  cannot  cut  down  these  young  trees.3、He  said  that  they  would  throw  away  all  the  old  machines  soo
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将下面的句子改成被动式,题目三分钟后打出1、People are still killing and eating wild animals in China.2、We cannot cut down these young trees.3、He said that they would throw away all the old machines soo
1、People are still killing and eating wild animals in China.
2、We cannot cut down these young trees.
3、He said that they would throw away all the old machines soon.

将下面的句子改成被动式,题目三分钟后打出1、People are still killing and eating wild animals in China.2、We cannot cut down these young trees.3、He said that they would throw away all the old machines soo
Wild animals are still being killed and eaten by people.
These young trees cannot be cut down by us.
He said that all the old machines would be thrown away by them soon.

前面两道自己用计算器,很好算。最后一道=1000 (999-998) (-997 996问题补充:小明统计班里的数学成绩,平均数为85.74,后来发现一个同学原来的

将下面的句子改成被动式,题目三分钟后打出1、Someone stole a large sum of money from the bank last night.2、They have offered 5000 books to the school recently.3、Can we use wood to make paper?有追分 将下面的句子改成被动式,题目三分钟后打出1、People are still killing and eating wild animals in China.2、We cannot cut down these young trees.3、He said that they would throw away all the old machines soo 将下面句子改成含有宾语从句的复合句 将下面两个句子改成宾语从句 题目三分钟后打出已知a^2+ab=-3,ab+b^2=7,试求a^2+2ab+b^2,a^2-b^2的值。 题目三分钟后打出若多项式2x^3-8x^2+x-1与多项式3x^3+2mx^2-5x+3的和不含二次项,则m=( ) 三分钟后打出小王在解关于x的一元一次方程3a-2x=15时,误将-2x看成+2x,得到的方程的解为x=3,请求出原方程的解。 将下面的句子改成拟人句.一阵风吹来,杨树不住地晃动. 将下面句子改成双重否定句我的劳动没有白费,我感到很幸福. 急!急!急!C语言 题目1、 编程实现将从键盘输入的大写字母改成小写字母并输出.题目题目二:编程实现将237转换成小时和分钟输出.题目三:已知一个圆柱体的半径和高分别为1.5和4.5,求圆的周 三分钟后打出等式(a-2)x^2+ax+3=0是关于x的一元一次方程,求这个方程的解 把句子改成定语从句请帮忙将下面的句子改成定语从句:we'd like to stay at a place with a big pool. 语文改长句、短句1.将下面3句话改成被动式长句:(1.)一小巷把工房区域划成狭长的两块.(2.)这个小巷是一条水门汀小巷.(3.)这个工房区域是长方形的用红砖墙严密地封锁着的.2.把下 按照要求 完成下列的题目(1)第①句有语病,请将修改后的句子写在下面的横线上 (2)第②句有一处标点符号使用错误,请将修改后的句 初一数学题,题目三分钟后打出按一定规律排列的一组数:1/10,1/11,1/12,…,1/19,1/20,如果从中选出若干个数,使它们的和大于0.5,那么至少要选_____个数。 有谁知道做下面这道题目?题目:按要求改写句子.夏天到了,树上的叶子绿了.1.改成比喻句:______________________________________________2.改成拟人句:______________________________________________3.改成夸张句 buy的被动式词性就是被动式 三分钟左右的即兴演讲题目