英语翻译BiofilmsBiofilms are generally submillimetric veneers of bacterial populations and communities in an EPS matrix,attached to substrates in aquatic environments.The EPS that they secrete provide stability,facilitate metabolic interaction an

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 09:06:21
英语翻译BiofilmsBiofilms are generally submillimetric veneers of bacterial populations and communities in an EPS matrix,attached to substrates in aquatic environments.The EPS that they secrete provide stability,facilitate metabolic interaction an
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英语翻译BiofilmsBiofilms are generally submillimetric veneers of bacterial populations and communities in an EPS matrix,attached to substrates in aquatic environments.The EPS that they secrete provide stability,facilitate metabolic interaction an
Biofilms are generally submillimetric veneers of bacterial populations and communities in an EPS matrix,attached to substrates in aquatic environments.The EPS that they secrete provide stability,facilitate metabolic interaction and act as a diffusion barrier and adsorbent ( Lawrence et al.1994),advantages that have drawn comparisons with eukaryote tissue ( Costerton et al.1995,p.713).Biofilms can exhibit structural heterogeneity ( Wolfaardt et al.1994,Fig.4; Costerton et al.1995,Fig.8; Decho 2000).Biofilm architecture ( Lawrence et al.1991) may include a ‘regular array of channels and aggregates',on a scale of 20–40 μm.The aggregates of cells form irregular three-dimensional networks separated by canal systems maintained by water currents and acting as conduits for nutrients,oxygen and waste materials.These are common in pure-culture biofilms under low-flow conditions,but mixed-species biofilms show less regular architecture.The difference could reflect nutrient-limitation in pure-culture biofilms,and niche-exploitation in mixed-species biofilms ( Costerton et al.1995,pp.719–720).Biofilms are usually only tens or hundreds of micrometres in thickness and their components can only readily be observed by electron microscopy.Biofilm sedimentology is complex ( Jones 1995); they may trap very small grains,but can be calcified by bacterial processes ( Pedley 1992; Perry 1999).

英语翻译BiofilmsBiofilms are generally submillimetric veneers of bacterial populations and communities in an EPS matrix,attached to substrates in aquatic environments.The EPS that they secrete provide stability,facilitate metabolic interaction an
生物膜一般submillimetric单板细菌人口和社区在的EPS矩阵,重视基板的水生环境.易办事,他们分泌提供稳定,促进代谢的相互作用和作为扩散阻挡层和吸附剂(劳伦斯等人.1994年) ,优点,已制定的比较与真核生物组织( costerton等人.1995年,713页) .生物膜可以展示结构的异质性( wolfaardt等人.1994年,图4 ; costerton等人.1995年,图8 ; decho 2000年) .生物膜结构(劳伦斯等人.1991年) ,可能包括定期阵列的渠道和总量' ,对规模20-40 μ m的聚集的细胞形成不规则的三维立体网络分开,由运河系统所保持的水流及署理作为导管,为养分,氧气和废料.这些都是常见的纯文化生物膜下,低流量的条件,但混合物种生物膜显示较少定期架构.差异可反映养分限制在纯文化的生物膜,和利基市场的开发中的混合物种的生物被膜( costerton等人.1995年,第719-720 ) .生物膜通常只有几十或几百微米,厚度及其部件只能轻易电镜观察.生物膜沉积学的是复杂的(琼斯1995年) ;他们可能的陷阱,非常小的颗粒,但可钙化的细菌进程( pedley 1992年;佩里1999年) .