1.What changes a pear into a pearl?2.What has a neck but no throat?3.Two persons are standing on a hill,and one is father of the other's son.What relation are the two each other?4.Which letter is most useful to a desf woman?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/01 15:06:04
1.What changes a pear into a pearl?2.What has a neck but no throat?3.Two persons are standing on a hill,and one is father of the other's son.What relation are the two each other?4.Which letter is most useful to a desf woman?
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1.What changes a pear into a pearl?2.What has a neck but no throat?3.Two persons are standing on a hill,and one is father of the other's son.What relation are the two each other?4.Which letter is most useful to a desf woman?
1.What changes a pear into a pearl?
2.What has a neck but no throat?
3.Two persons are standing on a hill,and one is father of the other's son.What relation are the two each other?
4.Which letter is most useful to a desf woman?

1.What changes a pear into a pearl?2.What has a neck but no throat?3.Two persons are standing on a hill,and one is father of the other's son.What relation are the two each other?4.Which letter is most useful to a desf woman?
1 L
2 bottle
3 a couple
4 A,因为这个字母可以让她听得见 her+a=hear

1、the letter “l”
4、“a”。你打错了 应该是deaf ,不是desf。her+a=hear(听见)


1.an"l" 2.a necklace or a bottle 3.they are husband and wife. 4.an "s"