
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/11 03:48:19
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This is a major historical themes Pipa Qu. On the creation of the music with no fixed date on. Information can be retroactive to the Tang Dynasty, Bai Juyi (772-846) wrote the famous shi "pipa lines", the author Bai Juyi Discovery may have heard about the performance of intense fighting scenes pipa music.
"House of Flying Daggers" spread is wide, is one of the traditional Pipa Qu, also known as "Huaiyang-Chu." This song is seen at the earliest existing music for the 1818 Huaqiu Ping "Pipa actions." Songs about 202 BC, Chu-Han Ga under the decisive battle of the war scenarios. Hanjun Zhenfa defeated by the House of Flying Daggers Chu, Xiang Yu Ziwen in the Wujiang River, Liu Bang victory. The late Ming and early Qing Dynasty, "four sets appear as" the "Pipa-soup", he recorded the soup should have pipa virtuoso performance, "Chu-Han," the scenes of one: "When their two armies fighting a decisive battle, the sound moving heaven and earth, If the tiles Feizhui. Xu and review of, the drum, sword crossbows sound, sound…… troops are beginning to hear and Fen, and then fear, Tiqi not have. Its so touching. "Suohui the scene, Shengse And this "House of Flying Daggers" very similar. The whole song at 13 paragraphs, could be heading to the three parts:
Part I:
(1) "camp out" with the entire song sequence, showing off before the war Chin-Ku, Qi-ming, scenes of people shouting encouragement. Music has gradually fast casual, the mood of the turn and its conversion, so that music does not increase stability.
(2) "Army."
(3) "点将"-was the theme, with a long string of round that way (but a round round round Yifu) and "buckle, hand, shells, hand" combination of fingering, the performance of the officers and men of the mighty style.
(4), "Pai RUF."
(5) "go team" before the music and a certain contrast, "Tse, points" and "shelter, is zoned" in a further demonstration of the army Yongwujiaojian Xiongzi.
Part II:
(6) laid an ambush at the eve of a decisive battle performance of the night, Han Army in the next Fubing, weather and the quiet tension, to pave the way for the following two paragraphs.
(7) Ji Ming Chu-Han Shan small armies fighting close combat, hit with guns and knives, sharp flavor, music initial start.
(8) Jiuli Shan armies fighting World War II depicts the fate of fighting were scenes. Horseshoe sound, knife-Ge of the sound, cry sound intertwined ups and downs, stirring. To use "designated, Pai, shells and exclusive" turn bombs, after the fight with two-string, push and pull, and other techniques, will be music to a climax.
Part III:
(9), Wang defeated.
(10) Wujiang Ziwen homonym of the first rhythm scattered repeatedly and acoustic rhythm close horseshoe turn, the performance of a breakthrough and take the Luohuang of Wang and Han Army Jinzhuibushe the scene and then is a solemn and stirring melody, the performance of Xiang Yu Ziwen; Last four string a "designated" urgent "V" (also known as the "Shazhu"), music, a sudden halt.
The original song is also available in:
(11) Public string Kay.
(12) Zhujiang power struggle.
(13) win back to camp. Zhong Wei, playing music that "Ziwen" only, after three paragraphs by deleting not played. Most of all home today for this method.
The whole song, there ", for transfer, or" nature of the layout. The first part of paragraph 5 ", for the Department," the second part of paragraph 3 "to" Department, the third part of Section 2 of "synergy" of the Department.
WANG You-the Ming Dynasty, "Tang Chuan pipa", in mind when people have been referred to as "Tang pipa" the soup should have been playing "Chuhan," the scenes: "When their two armies fighting a decisive battle, the sound moving heaven and earth, Wawuruofei Falling. Xu and review of, Jinsheng, drums, swords crossbows sound, people to provide sound easy, Eer silent, the long-standing grievances and difficult to understand is, to clear voice; Qi and Zhuang, Wang Elegy for the generosity of the voice Do not Kyi sound. Subsidence Daze has Zhuiqi sound, to have the Wujiang River Wang Ziwen sound, while riding an item Rou Jian Wang Sheng. Are beginning to hear and Fen, Jier fear, and the end of Tiqi not have. "From this Paragraph description can be seen, the soup should have been playing, "Chu-Han" and "House of Flying Daggers" in the circumstances and consistent theme, This shows that as early as the 16th century, the civil Ciqu has spread.
"Chuhan" Jiajing in the Ming Dynasty, Wanli popular around 1:00, by pipa virtuoso of the favorite.
Since the year 1818 Huaqiu Ping for the "Pipa spectrum" Since the development, each subsequent pipa spectrum sets contain "-10" notation. And the various versions of the sub-sub-headings have been different:
"Fahrenheit spectrum," said "10-", by Zhili Wang Chuan-spectrum, where 13;
"Lee spectrum" of "Huaiyin-Chu," Sui Qin and Han Zi; Jinshan Zhou Rui Qing Qing thick School, where 18;
"Yang is Hin spectrum," said "10-", a "Huaiyin-Chu," Where 18;
"Yingzhou ancient tune" of "House of Flying Daggers", all of 10.

唐群英字希陶,号恭懿。湖南衡山人。父少垣,湘军出身,官至提督,进振威将军。母曹氏,亦为一品诰命夫人。自幼即学骑射,读诗书,有男子气,常以不能易髻而冠为恨。稍长,因唐,曾二家世代通好,许配与曾传纲(曾国藩的堂弟),因家世渐与秋瑾,葛建豪( 蔡畅的老妈)等结识,每于闺中畅谈,颇有男儿之风。越二年,独女及夫婿皆以病亡,痛甚。寡居间,读新书,思想为之渐变,作诗以自况:“斗室自温酒,钧天谁换风?犹在沧浪里,...


唐群英字希陶,号恭懿。湖南衡山人。父少垣,湘军出身,官至提督,进振威将军。母曹氏,亦为一品诰命夫人。自幼即学骑射,读诗书,有男子气,常以不能易髻而冠为恨。稍长,因唐,曾二家世代通好,许配与曾传纲(曾国藩的堂弟),因家世渐与秋瑾,葛建豪( 蔡畅的老妈)等结识,每于闺中畅谈,颇有男儿之风。越二年,独女及夫婿皆以病亡,痛甚。寡居间,读新书,思想为之渐变,作诗以自况:“斗室自温酒,钧天谁换风?犹在沧浪里,誓作踏波人! ” 决意留东。抵日后,与秋瑾同窗。并经黄兴引介入华兴会,继入同盟,奉孙所派,回国运动革命。事不济,再渡扶桑,入东京音专,并被推为中国留日女学生会长。创《留日女学会杂志》,鼓吹女界革命。辛亥,回国组“女子北伐队”任队长,率队配合江浙联军,攻克南京 。民元后,以功授“二等嘉禾章”。后因女子参政问题,曾率女队员冲击参议院,暴殴宋教仁,林森(这个女人不寻常,日后国民党的总理,国民政府的主席都被扁了)。经孙缓颊,事乃解。其后回乡兴学,办报,讨袁,护法皆有殊功。及至北伐功成,老友同仁邀其赴宁, 任国民党中央党史编纂委员会委员(出面礼聘的就是当年吃了她几记粉拳的林森主席)。37年,病卒于乡,年66岁。

QU zhaofanyi
