The roots of these vegetables are not planted in earth but hang in water that cantains all the nutrients they need to grow.本句中“all the nutrients they need”是否是定语从句,而“to grow”只是做目的状语,还是“to grow”与“

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/10 01:55:31
The roots of these vegetables are not planted in earth but hang in water that cantains all the nutrients they need to grow.本句中“all the nutrients they need”是否是定语从句,而“to grow”只是做目的状语,还是“to grow”与“
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The roots of these vegetables are not planted in earth but hang in water that cantains all the nutrients they need to grow.本句中“all the nutrients they need”是否是定语从句,而“to grow”只是做目的状语,还是“to grow”与“
The roots of these vegetables are not planted in earth but hang in water that cantains all the nutrients they need to grow.
本句中“all the nutrients they need”是否是定语从句,而“to grow”只是做目的状语,还是“to grow”与“all the nutrients they need”合起来,即“all the nutrients they need to grow”作定语从句?另外to grow是不是做目的状语我不肯定,
cantains前面是一个定语从句,但是后面all the nutrients they need to grow又是一个定语从句,若to grow与all the nutrients that they need合起来是定语从句,即all the nutrients that they need to grow是定语从句,那么that代替先行词all the nutrients在句中做什么成分?

The roots of these vegetables are not planted in earth but hang in water that cantains all the nutrients they need to grow.本句中“all the nutrients they need”是否是定语从句,而“to grow”只是做目的状语,还是“to grow”与“
(that)cantains all the nutrients they need to grow这是定语从句:包含它们生长所需的各种营养元素(的水)由that引导,作“water”的定语.
to grow是做目的状语

all the nutrients they need to grow”作定语从句
to grow是做目的状语

all the nutrients they need to grow”作定语从句
need to grow是动词不定式,在“they need to grow”中,做谓语。

“cantains all the nutrients they need”才是定语从句,修饰water
to grow是目的 但是不是状语 是不定式 表目的