it is April 29 ,2011(when)Prince William and Kate Middleton walked into the palace hall of wedding答案上说这句话是定语从句,而我们老师上课说it was seven o'clock when we reached the station是时间状语从句,the bus left at 7 o'c

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 09:56:14
it is April 29 ,2011(when)Prince William and Kate Middleton walked into the palace hall of wedding答案上说这句话是定语从句,而我们老师上课说it was seven o'clock when we reached the station是时间状语从句,the bus left at 7 o'c
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it is April 29 ,2011(when)Prince William and Kate Middleton walked into the palace hall of wedding答案上说这句话是定语从句,而我们老师上课说it was seven o'clock when we reached the station是时间状语从句,the bus left at 7 o'c
it is April 29 ,2011(when)Prince William and Kate Middleton walked into the palace hall of wedding
答案上说这句话是定语从句,而我们老师上课说it was seven o'clock when we reached the station是时间状语从句,the bus left at 7 o'clock,when we reached the station 是定语从句.

it is April 29 ,2011(when)Prince William and Kate Middleton walked into the palace hall of wedding答案上说这句话是定语从句,而我们老师上课说it was seven o'clock when we reached the station是时间状语从句,the bus left at 7 o'c
这个是有一点混,教你一个方法:时间状语从句可以反过来说,例如:when we reached the stationit it was seven o'clock .而定语从句则一般不行,反过来它的意思会变化;状语从句的引导词可以换成that.