be expected to do 对的话麻烦说下此句型的释义、用法

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 19:55:37
be expected to do 对的话麻烦说下此句型的释义、用法
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be expected to do 对的话麻烦说下此句型的释义、用法
be expected to do

be expected to do 对的话麻烦说下此句型的释义、用法
是的,被动语态后面加不定式,表达“被期许(预期)会做XX事... ”
1)He is expected to arrive at ... 预期他将会在...抵达
2)John is expected to come to the party today. John 应该会出席今晚的宴会
3)He is expected to do well in the test. 他被期许在考试中得到好成绩

be expected to do 对的话麻烦说下此句型的释义、用法 有be hoped to do和be expected to You're failed to do what you( )to and I am afraid the teacher will blame you.A.had been expected.B.will be expected.C.were expected.D.expected请懂得的人解答一下, expect to do 和 expected to do 的区别? be expected to怎么翻译? be expected to 麻烦举例, expected和 to be expected的区别 sb is expected to do sth的所有准确意思 be expected to有将会、应该的意思吗 The homework is expected to finish before 6 o'clock.这句话对吗,是to finish or to be finished?be expected to do sth,本身就是被动形式.那么后面到底接主动的还是被动的呢The homework is expected to finish before 6 o'clock.The Should a woman be expected to do all the house work while she is working be expected to do sth 都有哪些意思?经常碰到这个固定词组. “Look over” pronunciation “be expected to do” semester这些单词或词组是什么意思? 选择be supposed to .be expected to be important to was to be expected 和 was expected 意义上区别是什么A good many proposals were raised by the delegates ,_______(正如预料的那样)空里是填 as was to be expected 为什么不是 as was expected she had expected the exam to be You’ve failed to do what you ——to and I’m afraid the teacher will blame youA.will expect B.will be expected C.expected D.were expected为什么选d be to do,be going to do,will do,be about to do的区别.