请问这个淘宝演示视频手机里面背景英文歌是什么 拜托了

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 18:10:18请问这个淘宝演示视频手机里面背景英文歌是什么 拜托了
xݕAkAǿʻRVjE=h@OnbpEK A(||K&F 'j@B$t'xgP0rͥGih _nĀ$gx!vI :BGӎ9zf \< 2CZ#pJw$ kNnE:Vr:DcQsf][5yFA6|]3XPI*FD ,^aͭ"?请问这个淘宝演示视频手机里面背景英文歌是什么 拜托了请问这个淘宝演示视频手机里面背景英文歌是什么 拜托了请问这个淘宝演示视频手机里面背景英文歌是什么 拜托了
方大同 - sing a long song
I wrote this song
It's not too long
Cause I'm thinking about you
I wrote this song
Maybe I'm wrong
to be called all about you
I don't know what you think about me
Maybe you think nothing at all
But maybe you could just lie to me
We could be in love,you see
Let's sing a long song that not too long
It's when I think about you then I hear song
and you can sing alone
Maybe if you won't want to
Cause baby I wrote,I wrote this for you
I wrote this song
It's not too long
cause I'm the one who loves you
I wrote this song
this can't be wrong
I don't wanna smile without you
I just want to make you happy
Maybe you want nothing at all
How I wish that you are mean to be
forever and the day with me
Let's Sing a long song that not too long
It's when I think about you then I hear song
and you can sing alone
Maybe if you don't want to
Cause baby I wrote,I wrote this for you
In every way,you mean more to me
then you love more
Girl,I do my best to show these words are true
And if you like to make a song in the perfect harmony with me
I find the greatest words to sing
so we could write our own romantic thing
Let's Sing a long song that not too long
It's when I think about you then I hear song
and you can sing alone
Maybe if you don't want to
Cause baby I wrote,I wrote this for you
Let's Sing a long song that not too long
It's when I think about you then I hear song
and you can sing alone
Maybe if you don't want to
Cause baby I wrote,I wrote this for you
Cause baby I wrote,I wrote this for you

帮我看看 以下的指星笔~急这三家,给点意见.谢 帮我看看天梭力洛克真假 求高手鉴别evisu鉴别还有一个求真正高手鉴别~ 自行车手电在淘宝网上看见一个,大家看一下怎么样 这几种望远镜那个好 悬赏分:0 | 离问题结束还有 13 天 18 小时 | 提问者:1098984184 高达独角兽模型电镀版的颜色会不会太显银色.电镀版,应该是万代的的吧. 有没有懂棒球服的大神求教请问这件棒球服值不值这个价钱.在线等 手机车载支架 车架 支架 哪里有卖 推荐下他说这款不错,大家有什么看法: 038期:藏宝图新:捌月秋高风怒号 老:文武衣冠异昔时禁;龙禁;7尾玄机字:畲请问这个淘宝演示视频手机里面背景英文歌是什么 拜托了 美国Sprint A9191 desire hd G10是什么手机 望远镜购买请推荐一款300-400元左右的双筒望远镜!要性价比高的,小巧一些的!谢谢!总共就30分,都给了!帮我比较一下这两款 施华洛世奇英文歌 这个山地车的配置怎么样和捷安特ATX750公爵500比怎么样连接 沙漏代表什么意思,在哪里能买到精美的沙漏呢?恩,找到了一家很好的沙漏很漂亮的沙漏,很精致,店家很不错,沙漏的单品也很多. 山地车架子 都有什么品牌要常见的希望能多告诉我 几种比如MOSSO等等这车的是 什么架子性能怎么样 请问这款贝戈士望远镜是真是假?前些天看到的字体很粗,网友说是假的.请懂行的朋友看看这款的真伪,谢谢. 想买个手机 还有帮忙解释下定制版什么的 不懂啊那为什么定