羊脂球中的好句子,中 英 文版的

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羊脂球中的好句子,中 英 文版的
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羊脂球中的好句子,中 英 文版的
羊脂球中的好句子,中 英 文版的

羊脂球中的好句子,中 英 文版的
5暮色开始逐渐笼罩了马车.突然高尼岱噘着嘴吹起了《马赛曲》,每个乘客都惊了一下,好似被罪恶感攫住一般.The shade of the evening began to close round the coach.Suddenly Cornudet whistled the Marseillaise and every passenger started as if seized by a sense of guilt.
4(接上,对比效果)她终于出来了,看上去有几分不安和羞涩.然后她胆怯地走近她的旅伴,而他们全都冷冷地把头掉向一边.伯爵满脸傲慢神色,伸手抓住他妻子的手臂把她拉开,好像在躲避某种令人作呕的厌恶东西.At last she appeared.She looked somewhat restless and ashamed,and timidly approached her fellow travellers, who all coldly turned their faces away from her.The Count, with a pompous air, took his wife's arm and drew her away as from something disgusting and repulsive.
1不过,她的脸蛋光泽红润,好似那含苞欲放的牡丹;长长的睫毛掩蔽着一对乌黑而深沉的眸子;一张迷人的嘴噘着,不时露出两排小而洁白的玉齿.She had,nevertheless, rosy cheeks suggesting peony buds ready to burst into flowers, black eyes shaded and deepened by long lashes, and a25 charming, pouting mouth revealing now and then white rows of tiny teeth.
2、他们来自很远的地方,那地方我也说不清楚.或许在老家他们每个人都有老婆和孩子,正盼着他们回去.你明白,只有穷人才会帮穷人.好像在他们自己国家一样,他们随时都愿意做任何杂活.战争是那些当官的造的孽.”They come from a distant place,I don't know exactly where.Perhaps every one of them has his wife and children waiting for his return at home.You see,poor people help one another.They are ready to do any odd job as they did in their own country.War is the vice of higher-ups.”
3然后她补充说,对社会的犯罪并不总是违反上帝的旨意;确实,如果这些行为是为了上帝的光荣或对邻居有益,那么这些不容于社会的行为,在上帝眼里也许是值得赞扬的.她甚至说,任何行为,如果是被爱心和友情激发产生的,上帝都会接受.Then she added that an offence against society was not always an offence against God,indeed some acts prejudicial to society might be commendable in the eyes of God if they are done for the glory of God or for the good of neighbours.She went so far as to say that any act would be acceptable to God,if actuated by love and friendship
4下午,伯爵夫人建议散散步.伯爵让羊脂球挽着手臂,和她拖拖拉拉地走在后面.他跟她说话时带着一种虚伪的豁达,这种豁达通常在长官想为自己捞取什么东西时对其下属表现出来In the afternoon,the countess suggested a walk.The Count gave his arm to Boule de Suif and lingered with her behind the others.He spoke to her with a pretence of generosity which higher-ups often display towards the lower class when they want to gain something for them- selves