要几个关于fish的idom~越多越好~急要在先等 最好在告诉我几个关于take和get的词组

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/20 15:22:36
要几个关于fish的idom~越多越好~急要在先等 最好在告诉我几个关于take和get的词组
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要几个关于fish的idom~越多越好~急要在先等 最好在告诉我几个关于take和get的词组
要几个关于fish的idom~越多越好~急要在先等 最好在告诉我几个关于take和get的词组

要几个关于fish的idom~越多越好~急要在先等 最好在告诉我几个关于take和get的词组
be another/a different kettle of fish 完全不同
if you say that something or someone is a different kettle of fish,you mean that they are completely different from something or someone else that has been talked about.
be like a fish out of water 置身于陌生的环境中,感到害怕、不知所措
to feel awkward because you are not familiar with a situation or because you are very different from the people around you.
be neither fish nor fowl 不伦不类,非驴非马
if something is neither fish nor fowl,it is difficult to describe or understand because it is like one thing in some ways but like another thing in other ways.
a big fish in a small pond 小池里的大鱼,英雄无用武之地
one of the most important people in a small group or organization,who would have much less power and importance if they were part of a larger group or organization.
a cold fish 冷血动物,冷漠的人
a person who does not seem very friendly and does not show their emotions.
fish for compliments 故意要别人说赞扬话
to try to make someone praise you,often by criticizing yourself to them.
have bigger/other fish to fry 另有打算
to have something more important or more interesting to do.
fish or cut bait 要么全力以赴要么索性放弃
to act or decide you are not going to do anything.
a fish out of water 离水的鱼 不得其所的人
someone who is uncomfortable in a particular situation.

1.Never offer to teach fish to swim.不要班门弄斧。(原意为:从不提出教鱼游泳。)
2.The best fish smell when they are three days old.久居别家招人嫌。(原意为:鱼过三天就要臭。)
3.He who would catch fish must not mind getting wet.不入虎穴...


1.Never offer to teach fish to swim.不要班门弄斧。(原意为:从不提出教鱼游泳。)
2.The best fish smell when they are three days old.久居别家招人嫌。(原意为:鱼过三天就要臭。)
3.He who would catch fish must not mind getting wet.不入虎穴,焉得虎子。(原意为:捉鱼不要怕鞋湿。)
take up
get in/off


be another/a different kettle of fish
be like a fish out of water
be neither fish nor fowl
a big fish
a big fish in a small pond
a cold fish
drink like a fish
fish for compliments
Fish or cut bait
Fish or cut bait
have bigger/other fish to fry
queer fish
