
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 09:41:47
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" We Xinjiang good place,good grazing land of North and south of the Tianshan mountains,......Melons and fruits,cattle and sheep ...In former days desolate sands becomes fertile land ..." Many people are familiar with this song,this song of praise home whenever music sounded in the ears,I will be full of passion,for their own people are proud of Xinjiang.
Xinjiang area of 1660000 square meters,population 16600000,is China's largest administrative area of the province.The eastern and southern Gansu,Qinghai and Tibet are the provinces connect,northeast and Mongolia people's Republic of China and Russia,adjacent,West Kazakhstan,Kyrgyzstan,Tajikistan border,southwest,Pakistan,adjacent to India and afghanistan.Xinjiang is a temperate continental climate,four distinct seasons,with hot summers,cold winters,wind.Xinjiang is not only rich animal and plant resources,but also many kinds of mineral resources,has been found in 13,accounting for the total number of 80%,ranking second in the country.The proven reserves of mineral:Muscovite,sodium nitrate,clay,vermiculite and other mineral products ranks first in the country,in addition to the rich iron,manganese,chromium,tantalum,cesium,magnesite,cement limestone,brick of clay and stone diabase stone,18 estate in the northwest region of the first.
Xinjiang region is vast,grassland area,grassland types.Northern prairie green,white,red horse,yurt ( Mongolia ) and the blue sky and white clouds gain by contrast,walk in" green carpet",a breath of fresh air,feel a deep sense of style,so that people have a dust removal to the common sense of return to nature.
Tianshan scenery are drunk,abundant surprise!Picturesque scenery lush grass,forest lake legend much!The Tianshan mountains across central Xinjiang,Xinjiang will be divided into southern and northern.Many in the desert,lack of water,but is rich in mineral resources,Aletai gold,Hotan jade is the famous.Northern Tianshan snow in adequate irrigation,land is fecund,fertile land throughout,Yili was one of the famous Valley,is rich land of plenty,Yili wines with 10000,the fruits of Yili full of sweet,Yili River carp fresh taste!
Xinjiang due to abundant sunshine,the temperature difference is big,the fruit varieties,taste good.Yecheng Kuche Turpan apricot,pomegranate,grapes,Hami melon,Korla pear people praise,Dabancheng watermelon big and sweet,where the girl is beautiful!
Xinjiang is one of the many cultural relics,natural landscape,rich and colorful ethnic customs of the place,already became our country western the attractive tourist resort.Tianshan Tianchi water Ying the Xuefeng trees reflection,scene is beautiful,lush grass,the romantic flowers.Bai Zi Crick is the earliest Thousand-Buddha cave dug the earth temple.There is a typical Islamic style of tomb building Xiangfei mu,known for its history of Kroraina ancient ruins,legend of the Flaming Mountains,Turpan's big Grape Valley,mysterious,nano wire lake,connected Tianshui Sailimu Lake,known as " the father of glaciers" Mu Shita peak,Tarim Populus,taccola Ma Gan desert ......
Xinjiang,in many people's mind,always with a savage,backward,mysterious,and desolate to equate.I in the south,many people heard I from Xinjiang,is curious and asked me:" you are from Xinjiang?I hear there's people are very fierce,go carrying daggers?" " You live in the tent?There is in Gobi?There a bowl to drink,grabbing chunks of meat to eat?" After listening to these questions,I would always laugh and tell them:" the people of Xinjiang did not you say so terrible,although customs vary slightly,but the people there are very warm,hospitable,honest folkway and let them love with bowls of wine and mutton to welcome the guests from afar!People do not make me,I do not prisoners,they won't easily play rough.Now in addition to nomadic people in the Tianshan Mountains,Xinjiang people living in tents in the many-storied buildings,has become a fresh tool.Now the Xinjiang oasis is spread all over,past Gobi into today's green field!Everywhere is the beautiful scenery,the rapid development of the tourism industry,to the tourists attraction."
If I have the chance to travel in Xinjiang,you will find the girls here although unlike southern woman so handsome gentle,quiet as water; and unlike the Shandong woman as beautiful and generous,lively and lovely; but Xinjiang woman northerners have rough bold,dye-in-the-wood game,there are people in the south,and versatile,but also the characteristics of their own -- pure refined,like the Tianshan snow lotus flower on the ice,a cedar tree,prairie flower on the Ge Sanghua mountain stream,a clear spring." In the distant place,there is a good girl" with a whip,catch a sheep from the clouds blowing,her passionate eyes,charming smile,whether or not you deeply?If you are still single,then the heartbeat as action,come on,Xinjiang beautiful woman waiting for you!
Today's Xinjiang in the great western development strategy under the guidance of the right,the rapid economic development,increasing people's standard of living,the appearance of a city change rapidly,has gradually become a bright pearl in the western.Everyone loves his hometown,everyone will boast of his home,I was no exception.Through many places,see a lot of scenery,native place in my heart always ranked in the first place,the home landscape trees of love,will never change!Wherever I go,I always think of my hometown - Xinjiang is the most beautiful!You don't believe himself to have a look!