The world whether there really is a vampire?The vampire really exist?If there is in what ways of survival?Where most of the vampire?Pure and the full-blooded vampire have why to distinguish?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 19:13:50
The world whether there really is a vampire?The vampire really exist?If there is in what ways of survival?Where most of the vampire?Pure and the full-blooded vampire have why to distinguish?
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The world whether there really is a vampire?The vampire really exist?If there is in what ways of survival?Where most of the vampire?Pure and the full-blooded vampire have why to distinguish?
The world whether there really is a vampire?
The vampire really exist?If there is in what ways of survival?Where most of the vampire?Pure and the full-blooded vampire have why to distinguish?

The world whether there really is a vampire?The vampire really exist?If there is in what ways of survival?Where most of the vampire?Pure and the full-blooded vampire have why to distinguish?
吸血鬼(vampire),意思是嗜血、吸取血液的怪物的意思,是西方世界里著名的魔怪,之所以说是魔怪,是因为他处于一种尴尬的境地:既不是神,也不是魔鬼,更不是人. 在西方有着大量的关于吸血鬼的文学作品和影视作品.现在,吸血鬼也用作比喻榨取他人血汗、劫取他人钱财、思想或者其他资源的人. 如此的过程,是血的盟约.不可毁灭的. 世代(Generation):表示某个吸血鬼和Caine(该隐)之间差了多少代,也就是吸血鬼的辈分. 高贵的圣战(Great Jehad):争取在新大陆“美洲”最高地位的战争.从十七世纪一直持续到现在. 异端审判(Inquisition):十三,十四,十五世纪时由人类发起的消灭吸血鬼和其它超自然生物的战争. “千年圣战”(yhad):一场血族之间的永不停息的征战.通常是辈数高的吸血鬼把辈数低的吸血鬼像炮灰一样投入这场战争.魔党成员使用这个词的情况比别的吸血鬼多,因为在他们眼里任何的战斗都属于千年圣战的一部分. 避世(Masquerade):一个戒条或者说是传统,要求血族不能在人类面前露出自己的真面目.这个规则在恶灵生物歼灭运动(Inquisition)爆发后被制定.用以保护血族的生存.但是魔党成员并不十分遵守这个戒条. 联系(Vinculum):一个系群内成员间的由于Vaulderie引起的互相团结的联系 ,类似一个微弱的Blood Bond. 血液(Vitae):人类血液,正宗人类血液! 人造血(sanguification):吸血鬼学会制造人类血液替代品,在《黑夜传说》中提到过;动漫《吸血鬼骑士》中提到叫“血液锭剂”,也有吸血鬼的体质不适应这种药剂.

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