
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/14 07:48:26
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get up是起床,筹备;打扮的意思

get up 起床,增加, 站起, 化装
The girls get up and eat a hot dog and a hamburger .

get up
1.(cause to)arise from a bed(使)起床
*Please get up at five tomorrow.明天请5点起床。
2.stand;rise from one's seat 由(座位等)站起来
*Few men these days get up to give a lady a seat on a bus.如今几...


get up
1.(cause to)arise from a bed(使)起床
*Please get up at five tomorrow.明天请5点起床。
2.stand;rise from one's seat 由(座位等)站起来
*Few men these days get up to give a lady a seat on a bus.如今几乎没有几个男士在公共汽车上给女士让座。
3.organize;plan 组织;筹划
*The children are getting up a play for next week.孩子们正组织下周的演出。
*The youth club is getting up a concert.青年俱乐部正在筹备一场音乐会。
*The students have got up another petition against the building of a neclear power station.学生们又一次组织了抗议建立核电站的请愿活动。
*Our reading club is getting up a picnic for next month.我们的读书俱乐部正计划下个月的野餐。
4.move to a higher level 爬高(坡)
*The hill was so steep that the old car had difficulty getting up.此山太陡,这辆老车很难爬上去。
5.rise in position(在地位或职位上)晋升
*Thompson has got up in the world.汤普森举世闻名了。
6.dress up;make beautiful or attractive 打扮;装扮
*The children were got up in their best ckitges on June 1.孩子们在6月1日穿上了节日的盛装。
*She gets herself up attractively like a girl of twenty.她打扮得很迷人,象一个20岁的姑娘。
*They got grand father up as Father Christmas.他们把爷爷打扮成了圣诞老人。
*The book has been got up very nicely by the designer.设计师把这本书装帧得非常漂亮。;memorize 学习;背熟
*I should get up my history for the test tomorrow.我得背历史准备明天的考试。
8.stimulate;rouse 激发;激起
*His rude manner really got my blood up.他那无理的态度简直把我的肺都要气炸了。


