
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/04 12:30:43
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Tonight I watched the movie for the third time.I really enjoy this film so much.
So what's your choice between being a common person or a hero with people's respects?Most people will choose the latter.But what will be your choice if the cost is laying your lover among the risks?What will it be if the cost is you can never tell the girl,who you love so much,that you love her?The spider man had this contradiction.But finally he still chose the latter,not in order to be a hero,but to make this word peaceful.
I was so moved by the words the Aunt Mary said:
You will never guess what he wants to be,the spider man.He knows the hero when he sees one,too a few characters out there,flying all around out there,saving old girls like me.Lord knows kids like Henry need hero courageous,sacrificing for people,setting examples for all of us.Everybody loves a hero.People enthrone them,cheer them,scream their names and years later they will tell how they stood in the rain for hours just to get a glimpse the one who taught them to hold on to stand longer.I believe there is a hero in all of us.They keep us be honest,give us strength,make us noble,and finally allow us to die with proud.Ever though sometimes we have to initiatively give up the thing we want most,even our dreams.Spider man did that for Henry,so he wants to know where he is gone.He needs him.
The spider man got much from these words,so did I.And what about you?what's the hero lying in you?

英文版电影评价谁帮我找一个比较有名的中外电影的英文版评价?200字左右吧..具体简单介绍电影剧情和主角介绍,最后一点感想.. 帮我找一个适合配音的英文动画片的(电影也行)片段, 帮我找一段比较有深度的英文 请帮我找一下关于勤奋的名人事例比较有名的人的事例[关于勤奋] 要电影的英文点评.100词以上,包括电影名,类型,内容简介,主要演员,和电影评价等.电影随意.有名一点的! 中外有名的地理学家 哪部英文电影比较适合配音用?马上要参加一个英文电影配音的比赛,要找一段3-5分钟的电影配音.求助哪部电影的哪段比较合适?最好是北美的电影~ 哪位英文高手能帮我搜罗一些比较有名的英文品牌名,要我们比较熟悉的,比如雪碧、百事、海飞丝诸如此类.希望有中英文对照. 美国电影的英文评价!我要全英文评价,原创的就更好了! 求一个近期的新闻,以及对新闻的评价老师让讲新闻 谁帮我找一个近期的新闻 以及对这个新闻的评价或者说点评 我实不知道怎么去评价新闻. 求一篇英文电影的英文影评要英文的,高中水平,200词左右,要原创的!谢谢请注明是哪部电影,最好是比较有名的 比较有名的童话故事的英文概述,不要太长,只是概述!最好带一些对人物的评价! 求一篇英文电影的观后感,最好是积极向上的,比较有名的电影.用英文写一篇观后感,300词左右. 亚瑟王电影的英文评价简短的英文评价 帮我写一篇中外古代政治制度比较的论文.300字左右 帮我找SHE的的英文版歌词? 我想练英语口语,请推荐一部电影吧我想找一部欧美的电影,电视剧也OK练一练我的口语请大家帮我推荐一部比较生活的欧美的电影吧跪谢了 帮我找首古诗!有英文版的…