后天的英语口语考试题.以下是对方的10个观点,考试要求是反驳对方的每一个观点.1.Meet as many as people as you can,so you can get more chances to find your partner.2.Respect each other and be polite unless you want to brea

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/11 12:50:10
后天的英语口语考试题.以下是对方的10个观点,考试要求是反驳对方的每一个观点.1.Meet as many as people as you can,so you can get more chances to find your partner.2.Respect each other and be polite unless you want to brea
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后天的英语口语考试题.以下是对方的10个观点,考试要求是反驳对方的每一个观点.1.Meet as many as people as you can,so you can get more chances to find your partner.2.Respect each other and be polite unless you want to brea
1.Meet as many as people as you can,so you can get more chances to find your partner.
2.Respect each other and be polite unless you want to break up.
3.In case of break-up,try to find another one as soon as possible.
4.However your boyfriend looks,do not criticize him for his apppearance.
5.You can meet your boyfriend on condition that it does not disturb your study.
6.Do not show your love too much.what if your boyfriend thinks you are easy.
7.Wherever your boyfriend selects for a date,do not complain about the place.Your boyfriend must have selected that sincerely.
8.Whoever your boyfriend meets,do not doubt him.Doubting can cause serious trouble.
9.Provinding you dot not look for celebrities(It means handsome guys) in university,you can find a partner easily.
10.You may be happy as long as you are in love with your boyfriend and do not blame for his faults but cover them up.

后天的英语口语考试题.以下是对方的10个观点,考试要求是反驳对方的每一个观点.1.Meet as many as people as you can,so you can get more chances to find your partner.2.Respect each other and be polite unless you want to brea
No.1 Sometimes we also have to meet manypeople .But I don't agree with you.If we have the same hoppies.So I don't need to meet manypeople,we can be partnersoon.纯手写.

后天的英语口语考试题.以下是对方的10个观点,考试要求是反驳对方的每一个观点.1.Meet as many as people as you can,so you can get more chances to find your partner.2.Respect each other and be polite unless you want to brea 2013年六年级上册数学期末考试试卷是这样,我们后天14号考试,数学我好弱,想看看上册的期末考试题!是2013的, “后天”的英文单词是? ,是考试题 B为什么是错的 成功是后天培养的 感染力是后天培养的, 以下三句用英语口语怎么说?“我早就知道是这么个结果.”“这是干什么啊!(情境:发现书被人推倒了,找不到作案的人.所以不能用what r u doing)”“快下课了.”这三句用英语口语怎么说? 关于辩论会- 先天聪明和后天教育我们支持的是先天聪明比后天教育重要,有没有一些能压倒对方经典的话.还有的是要是对方出了一些先天弱智,但是后天努力,还是成功了的话,我们要怎么反勃 聊天时句尾加标点表明对方是个什么样的人 今天过完是明天 明天过后是后天 那后天的后天该怎么办? 电工电子数字电路考试题一、选择题(单选或多选.每题1分,1.以下表达式中符合逻辑运算法则的是( ) .A.C•C=C2 B.1+1=10 C.0 我拿到一辩题是顺境有利于人的成长,如果对方提出''失败是成功之母,应怎样反驳?后天就比赛了 10月机考,找一些大学英语四级机考试题?最好是在线做的 我的英语口语有待提高,想报个英语口语补习班,在英语交流中称呼对方时有什么需要注意的呢? 教育心理学的考试题,复习题 智商是先天的还是后天的? 想象力是天生的还是后天的? 后天的地中海贫血是怎么形成的?