写一段80字左右的短文 关于difficulies in studying english

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/31 06:49:22
写一段80字左右的短文 关于difficulies in studying english
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写一段80字左右的短文 关于difficulies in studying english
写一段80字左右的短文 关于difficulies in studying english

写一段80字左右的短文 关于difficulies in studying english
how to overcome difficulies in my english studies
when we are studying english,it is not uncommon for us to meet difficulities,i myself had met a lot of difficulites,and here i am to introduce my method of studying english to you.
One of the biggest difficulites of learning english is listening i think,so i tried all the means to improve my listening,by listening VOA special english report,BBC,CCTV9 and ICS news etc.after simply listening,i will do many tricks to enhance what i just heard,like talking with my friends about the news,and to strart a topic on the subject to let everybody discuss.Not just lisitening,i will write down many comments towards the topic to improve my written skills.
Anyhoo,studying english will be a lot more fun when you have a good objective and aspiration,so let's join together!

I've met with a lot of difficulties in learning English. I meet with many difficulies in studying. In the process of learning English,

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