英语翻译This year,however,has seen a troubling pattern of strong Chinese reaction over issues Beijing prefers to keep on the back burner.The exposure of China’s agenda to shield the North Korean regime from the effects of international opprobri

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/28 12:28:48
英语翻译This year,however,has seen a troubling pattern of strong Chinese reaction over issues Beijing prefers to keep on the back burner.The exposure of China’s agenda to shield the North Korean regime from the effects of international opprobri
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英语翻译This year,however,has seen a troubling pattern of strong Chinese reaction over issues Beijing prefers to keep on the back burner.The exposure of China’s agenda to shield the North Korean regime from the effects of international opprobri
This year,however,has seen a troubling pattern of strong Chinese reaction over issues Beijing prefers to keep on the back burner.The exposure of China’s agenda to shield the North Korean regime from the effects of international opprobrium and economic sanctions after two nuclear weapons tests and the sinking of the South Korean warship Cheonan was disappointing enough.China’s strident statements about planned US-South Korean naval exercises off the South Korean coast,which were aimed at North Korea rather than China,suggested the Chinese viewed the entire Yellow Sea as part of a sphere of influence in which foreign navies should be bound by Chinese wishes.When Clinton,after consultation with Southeast Asian governments,called for a collaborative multilateral approach to disputed territory in the South China Sea,PRC Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi characterized her statement as “in effect an attack on China.”
Chinese officials and retired generals have made remarks implying some form of Chinese ownership over most of the South China Sea,while the Chinese government refuses to clarify its claim beyond the infamous,breathtakingly expansive “9-dashed line.” Chinese officials played hardball by cutting supplies of economically vital rare earth elements to Japan as a punishment for Japan’s detention of a Chinese fishing-boat captain who allegedly rammed Japanese Coast Guard vessels near the disputed Senkakku/Diaoyutai Islands – and this after Tokyo had released the captain.

英语翻译This year,however,has seen a troubling pattern of strong Chinese reaction over issues Beijing prefers to keep on the back burner.The exposure of China’s agenda to shield the North Korean regime from the effects of international opprobri
中国官员和退休的将军们所发表的言论暗示一些中国的所有权在南部中国海最的形式,而中方政府拒绝说明其超越臭名昭著的,惊险的膨胀声称“9虚线.“中方官员强硬发挥切割经济上重要的稀土供应到日本为日本的一个中国捕鱼船船长拘留的处罚,谁据称撞向日本海上保安厅的船只附近有争议的Senkakku/钓鱼台群岛- 这仅次于东京释放了队长.




中国官员和退休的将军们所发表的言论暗示一些中国的所有权在南部中国海最的形式,而中方政府拒绝说明其超越臭名昭著的,惊险的膨胀声称“9虚线。“中方官员强硬发挥切割经济上重要的稀土供应到日本为日本的一个中国捕鱼船船长拘留的处罚,谁据称撞向日本海上保安厅的船只附近有争议的Senkakku/钓鱼台群岛- 这仅次于东京释放了队长。
