英语翻译In my assessment,the consensus consists of five key elements:(1) The standards developed should be confined to principles and not become detailed rules.(2) A single set of high-quality written standards of financial reporting applied to a

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 06:05:16
英语翻译In my assessment,the consensus consists of five key elements:(1) The standards developed should be confined to principles and not become detailed rules.(2) A single set of high-quality written standards of financial reporting applied to a
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英语翻译In my assessment,the consensus consists of five key elements:(1) The standards developed should be confined to principles and not become detailed rules.(2) A single set of high-quality written standards of financial reporting applied to a
In my assessment,the consensus consists of five key elements:
(1) The standards developed should be confined to principles and not become detailed rules.
(2) A single set of high-quality written standards of financial reporting applied to all companies (at least the publicly traded ones) in the world will improve financial reporting by making financial reports more comparable,and thus help investors and other users of financial statements make better decisions.
(3) To develop such standards,we should create a single deliberative corporate body consisting of chosen experts with a proper governance structure,due process,and legally assured funding,functioning under the oversight of regulatory authorities such as the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC),the European Commission (EC),or International Organization of Securities Commissions.
(4) To this end,the operations of the FASB and the IASB should be coordinated and integrated to produce a single set of standards to be called,say,IFRS.
(5) This single set of standards should be practiced in the United States,the European Union,and elsewhere,and the U.S.educational system should prepare itself to integrate IFRS into its curricula so U.S.graduates will be able to prepare,use,and audit financial reports based on IFRS.

英语翻译In my assessment,the consensus consists of five key elements:(1) The standards developed should be confined to principles and not become detailed rules.(2) A single set of high-quality written standards of financial reporting applied to a
( 1 )制定的标准应限于原则,而不是成为详细规则.
( 2 )单一的一套高品质的书面标准的财务报告适用于所有公司(至少在公开交易的)在世界上将会改善财务报告,使财务报告更具可比性,从而帮助投资者和其他用户的金融声明做出更好的决策.
( 3 )制定这样的标准,我们应该建立一个单一的审议法人团体组成的专家选择了适当的治理结构,适当程序,和法律保障的资金,运作的监督下监管机构,如证券和交易委员会( SEC ) ,欧洲委员会( EC ) ,或国际证券委员会组织.
( 4 )为此目的,该业务的财务会计准则委员会和国际会计准则委员会应协调和综合,以产生一个单一的一套标准,被称为,也就是说,国际财务报告准则.
( 5 )这一套单一的标准应实行在美国,欧洲联盟,和其他地方,美国的教育体系应作好准备把国际财务报告准则纳入其课程,使美国的毕业生将能够编写,使用和审计财务报告准则的基础上.

assessment 英语翻译I declare that this assessment item is my own work unless otherwise acknowledged and is in accordance with the University’s academic integrity policy available from the Policy Library on the web at http://www.newcastle.edu.au/policylibr 英语翻译In my assessment,the consensus consists of five key elements:(1) The standards developed should be confined to principles and not become detailed rules.(2) A single set of high-quality written standards of financial reporting applied to a 请求各位朋友帮忙看一下这段英语小短文.My mother is an assessment.She in the assessment of company,is mainly responsible for the value of the assets assessment work.My mother goes to work by bus.She likes to evaluate this work (如 英语翻译“Come in,Kim.Have a seat,please,” said Bill Williams,the manager.This was Kim’s first experience with an assessment.After only six months he was due for a raise (25) _____ this assessment was satisfactory.25.if 英语翻译上面那句话怎么翻译.个人感觉 The Study on Performance Assessment Planning for Mid-level Management in A Company 是不是好点? 英语翻译原文为:by using both effect size statisticts and latent mean analyses to investigate gender differences in assessment center rating. 英语翻译No one is suggesting treatment is not already personal,in that healthcare professionals make an assessment of each patient before deciding how to treat them 英语翻译CONTRAST ENHANCED SPIRAL COMPUTERIZED TOMOGRAPHY IN PATIENTS WITH CHRONIC OBSTRUCTIVE UROPATHY AND NORMAL SERUM CREATININE:A SINGLE SESSION FOR ANATOMICAL AND FUNCTIONAL ASSESSMENT 英语翻译BEIJING -- In an unusually frank assessment,a top Chinese planning official warned that the gap between rich and poor in China is rapidly widening and could threaten national stability.In just 20 years,China has gone from having virtually 英语翻译Glycyrrhizic acid:the assessment of a no effect levelBecause from earlier experiments in rats and a pilot study in humans a no effect level of glycyrrhizic acid could not be established,a second experiment was performed in healthy volunte 英语翻译This is the interlocutor's assessment of how effective the candidate is in dealing whith the tasks in all four parts of the speaking test.一个英语口语考试大纲,希望能知道意思,并且分析下句子句型. 英语翻译Implementing change by merely providing organizations with IS resources and requiring participation in training programs can result in sub-optimal outcomes and poor utilization of the systems.A more comprehensive assessment of existing sk 英语翻译Causes of cancer in the world:comparative risk assessment of nine behavioural and environmental risk factorsSummary:Introduction :With respect to reducing mortality,advances in cancer treatment have not been as effective as those for othe 英语翻译I declare that there are no matters or warrants outstanding,or investigations of any kind,which could have any current or future effect on the assessment of my good character. 英语翻译And again:“The contrast between the popular assessment of my powers…and the reality is simple grotesque.”Einstein credited his discoveries to imagination and endless questioning more so than orthodox intelligence. 英语翻译NOW,my sister is -------- ----------- in shanghai. 英语翻译( ) ( ) money in my wallet ( ) ( ) his ( )