
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 02:11:39
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不要给我从有道或是谷歌翻译 我也会

Culture is one long process of practice is formed between nations has a common culture,but there are different,for instance,the dragon.dragons in chinese culture,an important historical status and effect.through thousands of years ago,people in the original tribal totem of the dragon.dragons as the imagination to the birth of new gods,has already soaked into the essence of the chinese nation.the dragon was also slowly evolved as well as the symbol of the family,and gradually become a personification of the national reunification.From the dragon's appearance on the formation and blending can be seen that the chinese nation and the development process.it can be said that dragons confirmation of the chinese cultural and developed.today many people with the "dragon" word to describe good things,"dragon" has become a landmark which symbolizes china,was a "dragon country".in western and chinese dragon dragon is quite different meaning and symbolism.at the dragon as the devil incarnate,is a powerful and aggressive creatures.They had wings,tail,from mouth of a fire to harming the humans.in many western literature and film "dragon",being a hero to kill,to draw the heroes of bravery and wisdom from the dragon culture can tell the difference between the culture development of a differentiated.research that differentiated can also promote cultural exchange between accurate.

culture existed after a long expolration of human beings and although the culture among countries have something in common,they differ from many areas.For example,dragon,the spirit which was born in t...


culture existed after a long expolration of human beings and although the culture among countries have something in common,they differ from many areas.For example,dragon,the spirit which was born in the inmagination,has already been involved in the root of the Chinese nation and dragon is also becoming the symbolism of empire as well as the representative of this nation.We can regconize that how this nation emerged and developed itself through the outlook of the dragon.It's been said that the dragon has proved the development of China.Nowadays,people can't help to appreciating the beauty with some words of dragon and thus,dragon represents China and the nation was called the'the empire of dragon'.In contrast,the meaning of dragon is different from what we learn in China.Dragon is a scary and aggressive feature and resembles the Satan.They usually have wings and tails and can also pour fire out to attack people.In many famous western writing and movies,dragon is a common feature being kiiled by heroes so that those men can be shown with courage and wisdom.According to the differences of dragon,we can notice the disticntion of differnent culture.Studying this differences can stimulate the communication of culture.因为你原文也写得不是很流畅,为了不曲解你的意思,我没加什么transitional words了,你自己看一下合不合适吧~虽然有点长,但内容还是很有意思的(否则我也不会帮你译了,不过,要学好英语其实自己也要多练习才对!)


Culture is formed in the long-term practice. Different countries share commons in culture, but there is also difference. Take the dragon for instance. In Chinese culture, the dragon has an important h...


Culture is formed in the long-term practice. Different countries share commons in culture, but there is also difference. Take the dragon for instance. In Chinese culture, the dragon has an important historical position and influence.From the original ancestors thousands of years ago as a tribal totem. Dragon, born from the imagination, has infiltrated into the essence of the Chinese nation. Dragon has also slowly evolved into a symbol of imperial power, while slowly becoming the embodiment of national unity. The appearance of the dragon can be seen on the formation integration and development of the China. Dragon can be said to have witnessed the formation and development of Chinese culture.Today, people use many words with the letter "dragon" to describe the good and beautiful things, while "Dragon" has become a symbol of China, known as "dragon's kingdom." But in the West there is a very different meaning of dragon to that of China.In Christianity the dragon is regarded as the embodiment of Satan, is a creature full of domineering and aggressive characteristics. They have wings and tail, and flaming from their mouth to hurt humans. In many Western books and movies, "Dragon" has become creature that the heroes would like to kill, in order to reflect the heroes' courage and wisdom. We can see the difference of culture development from the different image of dragon.Study this difference between cultures can also promote a more accurate communication.


Culture is in the process of practice people in long-term formed between cultures, countries in general, but have also exist different, such as dragon. In Chinese culture, dragon has major historical ...


Culture is in the process of practice people in long-term formed between cultures, countries in general, but have also exist different, such as dragon. In Chinese culture, dragon has major historical status and influence. From thousands of years ago by the primitive ancients the dragon as tribal totem. Dragon, the imagination of the birth of the gods, born the essence of the Chinese nation had penetrated into them. Dragon also slowly in evolution in become a symbol of imperial power, while slowly become national united incarnation. From the dragon can be seen on the exterior of the Chinese nation formation, fusion and development process. Witnesses say the dragon the formation and development of Chinese culture. Today people can't help with many contain "dragon" word to describe things of beauty, and "dragon" has become the symbol of China, known as "the dragon kingdom". But in western dragons have and the Chinese dragon distinct meaning and symbol. In Christianity, the avatar is going to become satan is a full of ambition and attacking creature. They have wings tail out from his mouth, also can fire to injure people. In many western books and movies "dragon" also be heroes of the assassination of the biological to foil gives heroes courage and wisdom. The difference from Europe can be seen in the development of cultural differences between with. Study this difference also can promote the communication between cultures accurately.


英语翻译文化是人们在长期实践过程中所形成的,国与国文化之间有着共性,却也存在着不同,比如说龙.在中国文化中,龙有着重要的历史地位和影响.从几千年前先民就以原始的龙作为部落的图 英语翻译所谓法律文化,是指一个民族在长期的共同生活过程中所认同的、相对稳定的、与法和法律现象有关的制度、意识和传统学说的总体.包括法律意识、法律制度、法律实践,是法的制度 人们在实践活动中所形成的各种社会关系是不是“社会存在”范畴 人们在实践活动中所形成的各种社会关系是不是“社会存在”范畴 我们是党在长期执政实践中,通过探索形成的马克思主义执政党加强自身建设的基本经验是什么? 马克思主义哲学问题~政治经济学,为什么人们在实践活动中所形成的各种社会关系不属于“社会存在”这一范畴? 人们在长期的适应当地的气候的过程中,逐渐形成了富有特色的生产生活方式,请举一例 英语翻译文化是一种社会现象,同时又是一种历史现象.是人们长期创造形成的产物.由于居住环境、价值观念、社会习俗、宗教信仰、历史发展等不同,各民族形成了自己的文化规范,这就是文 1.长城是中国古代游牧民族与农耕民族的分界线,在长期的社会发展中逐渐形成了长城外的塞外游牧文化和长城内的中原农耕文化 这说明 1文化是人们社会实践的产物 2不同区域的文化呈现出 下列事物中,属于历史唯物主义“社会存在”范畴的有A.人们的物质生产实践活动 B.人们实践活动所利用的自然资源C.人们在实践活动中所形成的各种社会关系 D.人们实践活动所创造的生产力E. 下列事物中不属于历史唯物主义“社会存在”范畴的有()A人们的物质生产实践活动B人们实践活动所C人们在实践活动中所形成的各种社会关系D人们实践活动所创造的生产力 人们在探索自然的过程中,是通过长期-----,---------,------,和归纳,逐渐认识了许多 气候与人们的生产生活关系十分密切.人们在长期适应当地气候的过程中,逐渐形成了富有地方特色的____和____方式 党在长期革命和建设的实践中形成了几大优良作风 英语翻译文化是指人类社会历史实践过程中所创造的物质财富、精神财富和相应的创造才能的总和.文化包括物质文化与精神文化,物质文化是指文化中看得见、摸得着的那部分,因此也称之为 下列事物中,属于历史唯物主义“社会存在”范畴的有().其中有一项...下列事物中,属于历史唯物主义“社会存在”范畴的有().其中有一项是“人们在实践活动中所形成的各种社会关系” “一方水养一方人”的意思是A.尊重自然规律,做大自然的朋友B.因地制宜.扬长避短C.在适应当地环境的长期过程中,人们形成了一定的生活习惯和方式D.具备可持续发展的观念 人们在长期适应当地气候的过程中,逐渐形成了富有地方特色的生产生活方式,请各举一例.热带雨林气候和寒带气候