on hearing of the accident,her face____pale.填got 还是wenton hearing of the accident,her face____pale.A.got B.changed C.went D.appeared 我觉得get pale也可以表示动作啊?一般get 什么什么 不都表示动作吗?和be 什么什么

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 21:07:22
on hearing of the accident,her face____pale.填got 还是wenton hearing of the accident,her face____pale.A.got  B.changed  C.went  D.appeared 我觉得get pale也可以表示动作啊?一般get 什么什么 不都表示动作吗?和be 什么什么
xVnFVAZh#F[ }*(i,I,MHd'lKrɑX:_\I=zC)J X]Ϝ{F&IRPLjDŔ8,)I 2&Ua{EMw$ Oq.}XR4N#$ͯHPp7jOj-pUlaԱ~9sı{{ƫRg85}^!p(ˏ"0L<{_FM>tVNk$߫/&[*7^cQb36[uUsVWm+ώen`SxhfL..@Kz2cͿe 傻}?a͂=G>.gL#l5.Epu 2(WW㒥s" nPuӒ>N5)nPӤqiB6 ƽfH6ωYaa9 4Ow<wLQ#@qY;ל\  f7=tS`Ah$Nww]]%I35(7_qeJ7b8:ɀ*l]rG)S˲5<>ù^qoK~ ݪ۬3E7R/[.ikRFE:$)J,<5Z(W/4V²Un{Klms !^'w2qDe"b 0Wxp:]}\`z,By̕h)7`$UqP=~,/uW[pJP0nԭ\R=o`ΏM1(I'@ƛCqMOC A~*LwN, " .@9W?i?n 8$vZcSnF{7A,SBr< ΃(~}76<ٽ*TC"K:Sg'DkVuV QSVjB^}"(Ñ&X?!HG8l%:K#ʱ@2rE"1]3c2РIW̥U;@ya)jg(:EO"kU11`TGXIV :zȦ9KśATƟ\Ө]0镯+.x>Ye.OaW'Y٪u*PCu%-՛-(1\a=1Z;CzʖsBWUKxum6m##W 8ťsXIE.l3SM;^7ަ&h!,҆%jm5|=x-iL1D7_@)*Džӽ/G~jZ諨0>6J?z vȹ fm jP9."~`,Ǵt;Z`$!Y?Qn[/v>̫z{>5cZ@+M!~e9)kwO

on hearing of the accident,her face____pale.填got 还是wenton hearing of the accident,her face____pale.A.got B.changed C.went D.appeared 我觉得get pale也可以表示动作啊?一般get 什么什么 不都表示动作吗?和be 什么什么
on hearing of the accident,her face____pale.填got 还是went
on hearing of the accident,her face____pale.
A.got B.changed C.went D.appeared
我觉得get pale也可以表示动作啊?
一般get 什么什么 不都表示动作吗?和be 什么什么 比较

on hearing of the accident,her face____pale.填got 还是wenton hearing of the accident,her face____pale.A.got B.changed C.went D.appeared 我觉得get pale也可以表示动作啊?一般get 什么什么 不都表示动作吗?和be 什么什么
It’s getting darker and darker outside.户外天色越来越暗.
In winter the days get shorter.冬季白天变得较短.
It was getting very dark.天越来越黑了.(非正式)
You get younger every day.你越来越年轻了.(非正式)
They got married in 1986and got divorced two yearslater.他们1986年结的婚,两年以后便离婚了.
What do you have to become apilot?人们需要做些什么才能成为飞行员?(不能说:to get a pilot?)
After afew weeks I got to like the job better.几个星期以后,我逐渐地更喜欢这个工作了.
She is nice when you get to know her.你逐渐了解了她以后,你会觉得她这个人不错.
Leaves go /turn brown in autumn.秋天树叶变红了.(不能说:Leaves get brown...)
Suddenly everything went black and Ilost conscious-ness.突然,眼前一片黑,我失去了知觉.
go blue with cold /red with embarrassment /green withenvy脸冻得发紫色/难堪得脸发红/因嫉妒而脸色发青
horses go lame马腿瘸了
machines go wrong机器出毛病
meat,fish or vegetables go bad肉、鱼或蔬菜变质
milk goes off(英国英语)or sour牛奶变味或变酸
bread goes stale面包不新鲜了
He went bald in his twenties.他二十多岁时就秃顶了.

We are hearing a talk on the history of America.hearing 在这里是什么用法? on hearing of the accident,her face____pale.填got 还是wenton hearing of the accident,her face____pale.A.got B.changed C.went D.appeared all the stucents were lifted up on hearing the news of going camping on the weekendlift up _____ hearing the news of his father's death,he burst into tears.A.After B.On C.While 一听到这个消息为什么要用on hearing of 英语翻译A hearing on respondents' demurrer was held on March 30.At that hearing,the trial court indicated that Ferguson had failed to state a cause of action for negligence because respondents' conduct was intentional,and that Ferguson could not On hearing the bad news,she couldn't help crying. She fainted on hearing the news 有无语法错误? withdrew the offer of surrender upon hearing the terms 翻译 most of them were hearing this story for the first time为什么用hearing 高一英语(一道单选)On hearing the news of the accident in the coal mine,she____pale.A.got B.changed C.went D.appeared On hearing the news of the accident in the coal mine,she pale .A.got B.changed C.went D.appeared ( )hearing the result of the competition,the man burst into tears.A.In B.On C.For D.With 我想知道原因 ______ the news of his father's death, he burst into tears.A After hearing B On hearingC Having heard D While hearing这道题为什么选B,而不选其余几个选项,请分析一下,谢谢. 4. ______ the bad news of his son’s death, the old man went ______. A. On; crazy B. At ; mad C. Hearing ; bad D. Heard; wild After hearing the judgement pronounced,Saddam,former president of Iraq,sat in court for a fewminutes,with his eyes()on the ceiling.为什么填fixed不能填fixing? 这句子能不能帮忙分析一下The three bones of the middle ear amplify and transmit the vibration to the oval window,a membrane on the surface of the cochlea,the organ of hearing.那个the organ of hearing是修饰cochlea还是修饰oval windo on hearing us