英语翻译For a number of reasons you were unable to meet any of the agreed time limits and Gunns went out of its way to accommodate each of the requirements you imposed to mitigate any perceived risk at considerable expense to Gunns.We are very su

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 00:09:03
英语翻译For a number of reasons you were unable to meet any of the agreed time limits and Gunns went out of its way to accommodate each of the requirements you imposed to mitigate any perceived risk at considerable expense to Gunns.We are very su
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英语翻译For a number of reasons you were unable to meet any of the agreed time limits and Gunns went out of its way to accommodate each of the requirements you imposed to mitigate any perceived risk at considerable expense to Gunns.We are very su
For a number of reasons you were unable to meet any of the agreed time limits and Gunns went out of its way to accommodate each of the requirements you imposed to mitigate any perceived risk at considerable expense to Gunns.
We are very surprised by this inability on China Paper’s part to fulfil its obligations and even more disappointed that your company has decided to rely on rumours and false information concerning the quality of the product we prepared in spite of our advice and proof to the contrary.
We are very surprised by this inability on China Paper’s part to fulfil its obligations and even more disappointed that your company has decided to rely on rumours and false information concerning the quality of the product we prepared in spite of our advice and proof to the contrary.
The vessel (MV Silviculture) was ready to depart on 24 December from Long Reach,Bell Bay,as loading had commenced earlier on the basis that we had reached an agreement with you.
However in the absence of LC lodgement by you Gunns was forced to keep the fully loaded vessel at anchor until you sent your signed contract.The demurrage we incurred by having to wait was USD 45,000 and we request that you accept to pay this charge placed upon on us by the shipping company.
The additional cost to divert the vessel from Fangcheng to another port in China at very late notice due to your inability to open the LC will be over USD 200,000.We reserve the right to make a further claim on you for this money as well.The Arbitration clause in the contract you signed provides us with some remedy and we may contact CIETAC for that express purpose.
Our commitment to you for this supply of softwood woodchips is therefore null and void given your company's inability to lodge and open the Letter of Credit within a reasonable time frame and we reserve all of our rights in respect of the breach of contract.

英语翻译For a number of reasons you were unable to meet any of the agreed time limits and Gunns went out of its way to accommodate each of the requirements you imposed to mitigate any perceived risk at considerable expense to Gunns.We are very su
012年12月13日,我司与贵司达成了一份关于出售针叶木片给贵司的口头协议.当时我们商定了价格和数量并且关于合同(采购订单)和开立相关的信用证的完成时间您也作了多次保证.由于很多原因您无法满足任何约定的期限,Gunns竭力适应你们强加的每个需求,为了减轻任何可预知的风险,Gunns付出了相当大的代价.在12月24日船舶已经完成装货后,我们终于于12月28日我们从你处收到了一份已签署的合同,我们同意允许次船离开我们的港口且同时向我们保证此后会立刻开立相关信用证给我司.自那天起,合同表面上看起来您已经签署了而现在已经毫无意义了,实际上,作为合同方的中国造纸集团不再支持合同的履行,也不希望开立信用证给我司.此条船按计划于下周到达,但是除了取消和.公司的任何安排并转售第三方我们现在别无选择.我们对.不能履行其义务儿感到非常惊讶,甚至更令我们失望的是,尽管我们有相反的证据证明我们的质量,你们公司也已经决定依赖谣言和错误信息来判断关于我们准备的产品的质量.在我们达成一致的基础上,实际装货日期早于原计划的装货日期,因此此船(MV Silviculture)已于12月24日做好了从贝尔湾离开的准备,然而由于没有收到你司开立的信用证,Gunns被迫在收到贵司已签署的合同之前将满载的停靠在锚地.由于这个原因我们不得不等待而造成的滞留费损失为4万5千美元,因此我们要求贵司承担并代替我们向航运公司支付这笔费用.由于贵司没有开具信用证的能力,而在非常迟的时间才通知船舶从防城港转移到中国的另外一个港口所造成的额外费用将超过20万美元,我们也将保留进一步向你司索赔这部分费用的权利.你司已签署的合同中的仲裁条款为我们提供了一些赔偿,我们会向与中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会联系并提出赔偿要求.由于你司无法在合理的时间内提出并开立信用证,因此我司供给你司针叶木片的承诺是无效的,我们会保留关于所有违反合同的权利.

英语翻译rainforests are of consequence for a number of different reasons a number of factors could account for 英语翻译In China ,a ( )number of people are going overseas for their holiday.A、growingB、grownC、increaseD、increasingly 英语翻译number of laps 英语翻译number of heads The number of people invited was fifty,but a number of them were absent for different reasons.the number of和a number of The number of people invited___ fifty ,but a number of them ___absent for different reason. 英语翻译Due to the great demand fornanogels/microgels a considerable number of approacheshave been developed for preparing nanogels/microgels. 英语翻译Maximum number of hops to search for target...of.for 翻译句子 This phenomenon exists for a number of reason 翻译句子 This phenomenon exists for a number of reasons. the number of,a small number of,a number of. 英语翻译1.A dealer bought a table for $120 and sold it at a profit of 40%.What was the selling price of the table?2.The exact number of hundredd in 5780 is?(什么是exact number) 英语翻译另外,相当于a lot of/lots of和many的是a large number of还是a number of 英语翻译Percutaneous biopsy of organs,masses or focal visceral lesions is an integral part of the diagnostic process for a large number of patients. 英语翻译A reasonable number of works have found in the literature,regarding the employment of solid-state devices for the control of dc drives. a number of the number of 英语翻译求翻译(a great number of) 英语翻译lectures were used in the past as good way of teaching a larger number of students.As new technology is now available for education.