英语翻译A history of mistrust or stereotyping:we get a great deal of misinformation about people who are in different groups to ourselves.There is often more difference between the members of a group than between groups.为什么最后说一个

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 09:09:40
英语翻译A history of mistrust or stereotyping:we get a great deal of misinformation about people who are in different groups to ourselves.There is often more difference between the members of a group than between groups.为什么最后说一个
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英语翻译A history of mistrust or stereotyping:we get a great deal of misinformation about people who are in different groups to ourselves.There is often more difference between the members of a group than between groups.为什么最后说一个
A history of mistrust or stereotyping:we get a great deal of misinformation about people who are in different groups to ourselves.There is often more difference between the members of a group than between groups.为什么最后说一个群体的成员间差异通常要比群体之间的差异大?应该相反吧?
When stereotyping is endemic,consistent mistreatment or oppression of one group by another is common,which,in turn,reinforces people’s negative feelings that can,understandably,colour their attitudes.这句又该怎么翻译呢?

英语翻译A history of mistrust or stereotyping:we get a great deal of misinformation about people who are in different groups to ourselves.There is often more difference between the members of a group than between groups.为什么最后说一个
A number of things can get in the way of forming an effective relationship, including:

* a history of mistrust or stereotyping
* blaming the other party for a difficult relationship
* focusing on the task and excluding the feelings and needs of others
* unclear objectives, roles and expectations of each other.

Let’s take a look at each of these in turn.

* A history of mistrust or stereotyping: we get a great deal of misinformation about people who are in different groups to ourselves. There is often more difference between the members of a group than between groups. If ever we think ‘All ____ are like that’, then we are stereotyping. This causes destruction in relationships; everyone is unique and wants to feel uniquely valuable. When stereotyping is endemic, consistent mistreatment or oppression of one group by another is common, which, in turn, reinforces people’s negative feelings that can, understandably, colour their attitudes.
我的理解和翻译:不是很准确 :)


