1 Can you help me?(同义句)Can you ( ) ( ) ( ) hand?WHat do you think of the TV play?(同义句)()do you ( ) the TV play?2 情景对话,写出下面句子的答语-What's wrong with your bike?-( )-( -yes.But please give this book back next

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 05:27:14
1 Can you help me?(同义句)Can you ( ) ( ) ( ) hand?WHat do you think of the TV play?(同义句)()do you ( ) the TV play?2 情景对话,写出下面句子的答语-What's wrong with your bike?-( )-( -yes.But please give this book back next
xUKO@+s$0aP{ʡ!lٱ#4 AS -p&CUQ! d'ogNd') ρD,dxZfE>[+{["ZJzN,HiI 8 !&BB<8gjM;ozvuӭUG$b 3tmr%y$e#H“9 )1)o I]W If[+4FoG]Kޅ/<xLoLriRY٫;%/-}tmy=;[>0iA23^@ ʋ匬MtsLiޫbgMuwuYf7V:Wmlίt4q{  d)=^?=hv"p7gIρ`aICW-3 1 0`l#9=P49MNs+rKڠڌ*5M]3 :Sd;lO|/~!3cX(:;+zWb7KK%1jf6t=Ƅ_?.\_P/ ć¹;:ƌxyԠ}Fn$Az Cg芿IJC?՗ 9~j䜏}UCm:- q[)H3R K߄HW"gu`o;})y=y>93

1 Can you help me?(同义句)Can you ( ) ( ) ( ) hand?WHat do you think of the TV play?(同义句)()do you ( ) the TV play?2 情景对话,写出下面句子的答语-What's wrong with your bike?-( )-( -yes.But please give this book back next
1 Can you help me?(同义句)
Can you ( ) ( ) ( ) hand?
WHat do you think of the TV play?(同义句)
()do you ( ) the TV play?
2 情景对话,写出下面句子的答语
-What's wrong with your bike?
-( )
-yes.But please give this book back next Friday.
3 根据音标写单词
Don't ( )['w∧ri].let me help you.
What are the ( )['wimin]doing
Do you have a ( )[naif]?
4 短语互译
妇女节 ( )
上法语科( )
橡那样游( )
be at work ( )
be full of ( )

1 Can you help me?(同义句)Can you ( ) ( ) ( ) hand?WHat do you think of the TV play?(同义句)()do you ( ) the TV play?2 情景对话,写出下面句子的答语-What's wrong with your bike?-( )-( -yes.But please give this book back next
1 give me a
how like
2 it's broken
can I borrow this book?
3 worry
4 women's day
french lessons
swim like that

1.give me a
how like

1 Can you help me?(同义句)
Can you ( give ) (me ) (a ) hand?
WHat do you think of the TV play?(同义句)
(how)do you (like ) the TV play?
2 情景对话,写出下面句子的答语
-What's wrong with your bik...


1 Can you help me?(同义句)
Can you ( give ) (me ) (a ) hand?
WHat do you think of the TV play?(同义句)
(how)do you (like ) the TV play?
2 情景对话,写出下面句子的答语
-What's wrong with your bike?
-( )
-( )?
-yes.But please give this book back next Friday.
3 根据音标写单词
Don't (worry )['w∧ri].let me help you.
What are the ( women)['wimin]doing ?
Do you have a ( knife)[naif]?
4 短语互译
妇女节 (women's day )
上法语科( have a French lesson)
橡那样游(do swimming like that )
be at work ( 在工作)
be full of (充满着... )
