
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/09 01:46:20
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Arguments in Favor: 赞成方
Most people love cities and many are flocking there from the country.
Modern man is too sophisticated for simple country pleasures.
It is enough to visit the countryside on weekends.
Commuting does not affect those who live in cities; it is only a small inconvenience.
Getting to work by bike is healthy.
People easily adapt themselves to city life; noise, traffic, etc. are hardly noticed.
Only a small minority of city-dwellers are involved in crime and violence.
There are many reasons why city life is preferable: there are more places for entertainment.
It is good to be near one's friends and never cut off by weather conditions.
Life is never dull; there is always something to do.
There are better schools and services in big cities.
There are more chances for employment. There is a greater range of jobs and the pay is higher.
There is more opportunity to succeed in life.
There is more opportunity to meet a variety of interesting people.
Living standards are higher.
It is easier to earn more money.
The educational level is higher; it is a better place for children.
The teachers in the schools are better.
There is more choice of schools.
The shopping has a wider variety and prices are better.
Arguments Against: 反对方
Large modern cities are too big to control.
Trains are packed; streets are crowded; busses are full. There are bus queues and traffic jams everywhere.
Commuting stretches man's resources to the utmost.
Unforeseen events (e.g. power-cut, heavy snowfall, etc.) can cause conditions of utter chaos.
City-dwellers adopt a wholly unnatural way of life. They lose touch with the land and the rhythm of nature.
City-dwellers are barely conscious of seasons. Flowers, leaves, the changes of seasons become irrelevant in their lives.
Distinction between day and night is lost. There is always noise and traffic, everywhere.
Rents are high; buying a house of your own for average people is impossible.
The cost of living is higher in big cities.
Cities breed crime and violence; houses are often burgled; bicycles and motorcycles are stolen.
Tension in big cities shortens people's lives.
In big cities there are not enough theaters, public transport or public toilets.
Pollution in big cities is becoming impossible and dangerous to your health.
City people are not a warm-hearted and friendly as country people.
The country is a better place for children and much safer.
People lose too much time getting to work.
Contagious diseases become a serious health hazard.
Noise from neighbors make quiet living impossible.
Privacy can be almost impossible.
Apartment living means often climbing many stairs.
Noise pollution is a serious problem.
Children have too many distractions from their studies.
Too many bad temptations present potential trouble for young people.
Too many evil people flock to the cities for better opportunities for their crimes.

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