look for 和find有什么区别吗?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/17 09:14:58
look for 和find有什么区别吗?
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look for 和find有什么区别吗?
look for 和find有什么区别吗?

look for 和find有什么区别吗?
look for 表示寻找的过程, find 表示寻找的结果
比如, I looked for it everywhere,but I could not find it. 我每处都找过了,但是找不到它.


look for 是表寻找的过程 , find 是表寻找的结果 。

look for正在找

look for
1.try to find; seek;search for寻找;寻求
*He is looking for a job.他在找工作。
*We are looking for an ambitious young assistant.我们正在找一名有雄心壮志的青年助手。


look for
1.try to find; seek;search for寻找;寻求
*He is looking for a job.他在找工作。
*We are looking for an ambitious young assistant.我们正在找一名有雄心壮志的青年助手。
*Bob wouldn't go for a ride with other boys because he was looking for a phone call from Julie.鲍勃不肯与其他男孩一起去兜风,因为他在等朱丽的电话。
*It's clear that the result of the experiment was better than we had been looking for.很明显,试验的结果要比我们预料的好。
*We didn't look for such a success.这样的成功是我们没想到的。
*Don't look for any help from him.别期待他会帮助你。
3.do things that cause(one's own trouble)自找(麻烦)
*Joe often gets into fights because he is always looking for trouble.乔常跟人家打架,因为他总是惹麻烦。
*If you say the opposite of everything that others say, you are looking for a quarrel.假若你跟人家唱反调,你就是在自找麻烦。
find 1
/ faɪnd; faɪnd/ v (pt, pp found / faund; faʊnd/)
[Tn, Tn.pr, Tn.p, Cn.a] discover (sth/sb) unexpectedly or by chance; come across 意外或偶然发现(某事物[某人]); 遇到; 碰到: Look what I've found. 看我发现了什麽. * I found a 5 note on the pavement. 我在人行道上捡到了一张5英镑的纸币. * He woke up and found himself in hospital. 他醒来发觉自己在医院里. * I was disappointed to find you out (ie that you were out) when I called. 我给你打电话时知道你不在, 十分失望. * We came home and found her asleep on the sofa. 我们回到家, 看到她在沙发上睡着了.
[Tn, Tn.pr, Dn.n, Dn.pr] ~ sth/sb (for sb) discover sth/sb by searching, inquiry or effort (经寻找、 询问或努力)发现某事物[某人]: After months of drilling, oil was found off the coast. 经数月钻探, 在沿海找到了石油. * find a cure for cancer 找到治疗癌症的方法 * find an answer to a question 找到问题的答案 * I can find nothing new to say on this subject. 对这个问题, 我提不出什麽新看法. * Can you find me a hotel/find a hotel for me? 你能给我找一家旅馆吗?
[Tn, Dn.n, Dn.pr] ~ sth/sb (for sb) obtain or get back (esp sth/sb that was lost) 得到或找回(尤指丢失的某物[某人]): Did you find the pen you lost? 你丢的笔找到了吗? * The missing child has not been found yet. 失踪的孩子仍未找到. * I'll help you find your shoes/find your shoes for you. 我来帮你找鞋.
[Tn] succeed in obtaining (sth); provide or supply 得到(某事物); 提供; 供给: I keep meaning to write, but never seem to find (the) time. 我一直想写, 但似乎总是找不到时间. * Who will find the money to pay for this trip? 谁来筹措旅费?
[Tf, Cn.a] discover (sth/sb) by experience (to be or do sth); become aware of (凭经验)发现(某事物[某人])(为某事物或做某事物); 了解到: I find (that) it pays to be honest. 我认识到为人诚实终受益. * How do you find your new job? 你认为你的新工作怎麽样? * She found it difficult to understand him/found him difficult to understand. 她觉得很难理解他. * We found the beds very comfortable. 我们觉得这些床很舒服. * We found him (to be) dishonest. 我们认为他不诚实.
[Tn] arrive at (sth) naturally; reach (自然而然)达到; 到达: Water will always find its own level. 水总会自行流平. * The arrow found its mark. 箭射中了目标.
[Tn] (used in a statement of fact, indicating that sth exists 用於对事实的陈述, 说明某事物的存在): You'll find (ie There is) a teapot in the cupboard. 碗橱里有个茶壶. * These flowers are found (ie exist, grow) only in Africa. 只有在非洲才有这类花.
[Cn.a] (law 律) decide and declare as a verdict 断定; 裁决; 宣判: How do you find the accused? 你如何裁决被告? * The jury found him guilty (of manslaughter). 陪审团裁定他(误杀)罪名成立.
(idm 习语) all `found (of wages) with free food and lodging included (指工资)附带免费食宿. be found wanting be shown to be not sufficiently reliable or capable of undertaking a task, etc 表现出不够可靠或能力不够. find fault (with sb/sth) look for and discover mistakes (in sb/sth); complain (about sb/sth) 找(某人[某事物] 的)错; 埋怨(某人[某事物]): I have no fault to find with your work. 我对你的工作没有说的. * She's always finding fault (with me). 她总是找(我的)茬儿. find/lose favour with sb/in sb's eyes => favour1. find one's `feet (a) become able to stand, walk, etc steadily 能够站稳、 走稳等: After a six-week illness it took me some time to find my feet again. 我病了六个星期, 痊愈后很长时间才能站稳. (b) become able to act independently and confidently 能够独立而有信心地行动: I only recently joined the firm so I'm still finding my feet. 我最近才加入这家公司, 因此还在摸索着干. (not) find it in one's heart/oneself to do sth (usu with can/could 通常与can/could连用) (not) be able to do sth because of kindness or consideration 由於善意或体谅而(不)能做某事物: I cannot find it in myself to condemn a mother who steals for a hungry child. 我不忍心责备为饥儿行窃的女人. * Can you find it in your heart to apologize? 你有诚意道歉吗? `find oneself discover one's true abilities, character and desires 发现自己真实的能力、 性格和愿望: At twenty-two, he's just beginning to find himself. 他在二十二岁时才逐渐发现自己的实际才能. find/meet one's match => match2. find one's own level find and associate with the people with whom one is morally, socially or intellectually equal 找到并结交道德观念、 社会地位或知识层次与自己相当的人. find/lose one's `voice/`tongue be able/unable to speak or express one's opinion 能够[不能够]说出或表达自己的意见: Tell me what you think or have you lost your tongue? 告诉我你的想法--是否你有口难言? find its wayto... reach a destination naturally 自然达到目的地: Rivers find their way to the sea. 江河径自流入海洋. find one's way (to...) discover the right route (to a place) 发现(到某处的)途径: I hope you can find your way home. 我希望你能找到回家的路. * She couldn't find her way out of the building. 她找不到走出大楼的路. take sb as one `finds him accept sb as he is without expecting him to behave in a special way 认为某人就是如此, 并不期望他有其他表现: We've only just returned from holiday so you must take us as you find us. 我们刚刚度假回来, 所以你看我们就是这副样子.
(phr v) find (sth) out learn (sth) by study or inquiry (经研究或询问)获知(某事物): Can you find out what time the train leaves? 你能查问出火车什麽时候开吗? find sb out discover sb who has done wrong, lied, etc 发现某人做错事、 说谎等: He had been cheating the taxman but it was years before he was found out. 他一直欺骗税务局, 但多年之后才被查出. find for/against sb (law 律) give a verdict in favour of/against sb 做出对某人有利[不利]的裁决: The jury found for the defendant. 陪审团做了有利於被告的裁决.
> finder n
1 person who finds sth 找到某物的人: Lost: one diamond ring. Finder will be rewarded. 寻物: 遗失钻戒一枚, 寻得者将获重酬.
2 small telescope attached to a larger one used for locating an object for observation 寻星镜(附加在大望远镜上便於寻找观察目标的小望远镜).
3 (idm 习语) ,finders `keepers (saying 谚) whoever finds sth has the right to keep it 谁找到归谁.
finding n (usu pl 通常作复数) 1 thing that is discovered as the result of an (official) inquiry (官方的)调查结果: the findings of the Commission 调查团的调查结果 * The report's main finding is that pensions are inadequate. 报告的主要内容是退休金不敷应用. 2 (law 律) decision or verdict of a court or jury 法庭或陪审团的判决或裁决. find 2
/ faɪnd; faɪnd/ n
thing or person that is found, esp sth/sb valuable or pleasing 发现或找到的物或人(尤指有用的): Our new gardener was a marvellous find. 我们找到了一个很出色的花匠.
act of finding sth/sb 发现; 找到: an important archaeological find 重要的考古发现 * I made a great find in that second-hand bookshop yesterday. 我昨天在旧书店找到一本很宝贵的书. 金蝶软件-企业管理软件专家! 中国程序员技术问答社区
[faInd; faind]
(found[fand; faund])
1 (努力) 找出
a. (寻找而) 找到<人、东西>; 寻获 <遗失的东西等>
~ the right man for a job
Have you found your car key?.
The dog was nowhere to be found.
b. 把<东西、人>找出给<某人>; 把<东西、人>找出[给某人][for]
Will you ~ me my tennis racket?.
Please ~ her what she wants.
c. 发现<人、东西><在做…>
We found the missing girl wandering about the woods.
d. [~ one's way] (辛苦地) 前进,抵达,到达
~ one's way home alone
We found our way to the lake.
2 (研究、调查、计算等而) 发现
a. 找出 <答案>
~ the answer to a problem
F~ the cube root of 71.
求 71 的立方根
b. 查明,想出…
I must ~ when the next bus starts.
Please ~ how to do it.
c. 查出,发现<…事>
The doctor found that she had cancer in her throat.
3 (偶然) 发现
a. (无意中) 发现…; 拾得; 碰见…
~ a coin in a field (
偶然) 在田野间发现 [拾得] 一枚硬币
~ a mistake in the book
They left everything as they found it.
他们使一切东西都保持发现时的原状 (不去动它们)
b. 发现… <处于某种情况>
She found her baby still asleep.
The soldier was found dead in the woods.
c. 发现…<在做…>
I found him lying on the bed.
d. 发现…<被…>
He found a dog abondoned in the wood.
e.(文语) <年、月、日等> (在…) 找到<某人等>
Two days later found me at Rome.
Morning found him still in bed. (.
到了) 早上他还在睡
4 (由经验等) 得知
a. [在…]找到 [认出] <…的存在> ; [在…]经验到 <喜悦、困难等> [in]
I found no sense in what he said.
He found no difficulty in solving the problem.
Columbus found a warm supporter in the Queen.
b. 认为…<是…>; 知道,发觉,觉得
They found his claim reasonable.
We found it difficult [easy] to do so.
我们觉得那样做是困难的 [容易的]
They found the place deserted.
I called at her house but found her out.
She was found to be dishonest.
c. 发觉 <某事物> <…>
He found the chest to contain silver coins.
d. 知道,发觉<…事>
I found that I was sinking in the mud.
I ~ (that) it pays.
我发觉它划得来 [合算]
I'm sorry, I ~ that I can't help you.
5[~ oneself]
a. 发现<自己> <在…状态 [场所] > ; 发觉 <…情形>
~ oneself alone
~ oneself in a dilemma
After walking two or three hours they found themselves in a small village.
How do you ~ yourself today (.
b. 发觉<自己><在做…>
I found myself lying in my bedroom.
c. 发现<自己> <有做…的能力> ,发现<自己> <适合做…> ,适得其所
At last he found himself as a cook.
d. 自理 [衣食住等] [in]
20 a day and ~ yourself (inclothes)
日薪二十英镑,膳宿自理 (服装费自理)
6 (在…) 可找到…, (知道) (在…) 有…,存在…
Lions are found in Africa.
You ~ this plant everywhere in Japan.
a. (设法) 取得 <必需品> ; 找出<时间、金钱等>; 鼓起<勇气等>
~ the capital for a new business
~ (the) time [courage] to do it
找出时间 [鼓起勇气] 做那件事
b. 获得 <想要的东西> ; 拥有
→ find FAVOR with a person
The idea found general acceptance.
The new product will ~ a lot of buyers.
c. 获得 [恢复] <器官> 的功能,变成可使用…
~ one's feet
→ foot 成语 (2)
→ find one's TONGUE
The young bird found its wings.
小鸟学会使用双翼 [会飞了]
8<东西>到达; 打中 <目标等> ; 流到
The arrow
