3道初中英语选择题先谢谢哈!I have worn out my shoes,so I want to buy a new _________A pair B one C ones D trousers(B 和 C 的区别?因为我选错了嘿嘿~)Don't you let _____ help you?A I and my friend B my friend an

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 16:32:37
3道初中英语选择题先谢谢哈!I have worn out my shoes,so I want to buy a new _________A pair  B  one  C  ones    D  trousers(B 和 C 的区别?因为我选错了嘿嘿~)Don't you let _____  help you?A  I and my friend  B  my friend  an
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3道初中英语选择题先谢谢哈!I have worn out my shoes,so I want to buy a new _________A pair B one C ones D trousers(B 和 C 的区别?因为我选错了嘿嘿~)Don't you let _____ help you?A I and my friend B my friend an
I have worn out my shoes,so I want to buy a new _________
A pair B one C ones D trousers(B 和 C 的区别?因为我选错了嘿嘿~)
Don't you let _____ help you?
A I and my friend B my friend and I C my friend and me (这题B 和C 的区别?因为我选错了,嘿嘿~)
I asked Jim and Bob to come to my house for dinner ,but ___of them came.
A at;each B in;both C at;neither D the others(这题正选是D 可是不是特别明白.嘿嘿~)
应该是 I asked Jim and Bob to come to my house for dinner ,but __of them came.
答案是others,还有其他选项:another,other ,the others.....

3道初中英语选择题先谢谢哈!I have worn out my shoes,so I want to buy a new _________A pair B one C ones D trousers(B 和 C 的区别?因为我选错了嘿嘿~)Don't you let _____ help you?A I and my friend B my friend an
one 指代单数
ones 指代复数
前面出现a new 所以肯定是单数 一双 所以是 B
let是动词 动词后使用人称代词宾格 所以是me 所以选C
others of them came大意是他们的其他的朋友也来了,others代词代他们,another,other都有另一个的意思 ,the others特指

one 指代单数
ones 指代复数
前面出现a new 所以肯定是单数 一双 所以是 B
let是动词 动词后使用人称代词宾格 所以是me 所以选C

1 C 因为shoes 用的是复数,所以用ones
2 C 因为let 后同的是宾格。例 let me help you.
3 这题有没有打错,因为只有一个空格,选 neither 因为有个but ,说明他们两个都没有来,所以用neither

第一题选A,只有pair跟a new能搭配起来。

1 B 2 B 1题"one"是指带前面出现过的"shoes" 2题必须把"my friend"放前面,这是礼节问题,表示对别人的尊重!

1 A one与ones都代指上文物品, 一个代指单数, 一个代指复数吧
2 C let后缺宾语, 所以接人称代词宾格,因此用me 而my friend and I 在做主语时使用
3 应该是neither 两者皆为否定neither of ···加动词时为单三形式(或is,was)


3道初中英语选择题先谢谢哈!I have worn out my shoes,so I want to buy a new _________A pair B one C ones D trousers(B 和 C 的区别?因为我选错了嘿嘿~)Don't you let _____ help you?A I and my friend B my friend an 初中英语选择题 急求!会追分!要100道初中英语选择题!附答案!谢谢~~ 初中英语.选择题 3道初中英语选择题(答案已给出,请解释选该答案的原因)1、Do you know about our town? No, this is my first time I ( )here. A.come B.have been (答案为B,为什么)2、It was not long ( )I forgot it all. A.then B.when 初中英语练习题2道 选择题1.The girl was often heard __________ happily in her room.A. sing B. to sing C. singing2.I`ve been collecting old coins __________ten years ago.A. for B.about C.since谢谢了 几道初中英语填空,谢谢! 初中英语选择题(过去式)1. In today's class,he listened to the teacher more carefully than I______.a didb doc wasd were2.I _____he late for school this morning?a hearb heardc have heardd am hearing请说明原因.谢谢.一个句 麻烦各位讲解一道英语选择题,谢谢-What have you been doing recently?-I ___ a trip to Shanghai and have just returned.A.took B.have taken C.had taken D.have been takng先旅游后返回,应该是C啊,可答案是A,为什么?C也是 初中英语选择题,求写 高中数学 两道选择题 详解哈 谢谢 初中英语好的进对于选择题形式的阅读,是先看文章还是先看题目 初三化学3道选择题求解谢谢! 3、4、两道选择题,快,谢谢 选择题五道 谢谢 I want to have a rest for a while 先谢谢你们了 初中英语三道选择题求全对32、33、35 两道初中英语选择题【说明为什么选这个】 一道高中英语选择题(What I have )What I have said about him ____ for you,too.A.goesB.doesC.is the sameD.fit答案是什么?为什么?谢谢