几道英文题目 请告诉我 为什么选哪个答案...-Zhou Weilun could hardly speak English three year ago,_B_-No,he couldn't But now he is quite good at it .A couldn't he B could he C didn't he-Excuse me, could you tell me

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 01:48:47
几道英文题目 请告诉我 为什么选哪个答案...-Zhou Weilun could hardly speak English three year ago,_B_-No,he couldn't  But now he is quite good at it .A couldn't he       B could he            C  didn't he-Excuse me, could you tell me
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几道英文题目 请告诉我 为什么选哪个答案...-Zhou Weilun could hardly speak English three year ago,_B_-No,he couldn't But now he is quite good at it .A couldn't he B could he C didn't he-Excuse me, could you tell me
几道英文题目 请告诉我 为什么选哪个答案...
-Zhou Weilun could hardly speak English three year ago,_B_
-No,he couldn't But now he is quite good at it .
A couldn't he B could he C didn't he
-Excuse me, could you tell me _B_ for TAIWAN
-The day after tomorrow
A. B when you are leaving C.

几道英文题目 请告诉我 为什么选哪个答案...-Zhou Weilun could hardly speak English three year ago,_B_-No,he couldn't But now he is quite good at it .A couldn't he B could he C didn't he-Excuse me, could you tell me
第二道题选B,原因是特殊疑问句中的从句用陈述语序,eg:could you tell me how I can study English?

第一个选 B 前面的句子中有hardly 是具有否定意义的形容词因此,反义疑问的时候要选肯定的。
第二个题 要选择 陈述语序


几道英文题目 请告诉我 为什么选哪个答案...-Zhou Weilun could hardly speak English three year ago,_B_-No,he couldn't But now he is quite good at it .A couldn't he B could he C didn't he-Excuse me, could you tell me 谁能告诉我几道逻辑推理题目? 请问这个英文答案应该选哪个?为什么?yesterday,i_____jim in the game.won beaten beat 请解释原因. 这些题目答案告诉我 请告诉我21题到28题的答案,并告诉我为什么选这个答案,这个才是主要目的. ..题上有答案..请告诉我为什么这样做.看不懂答案.. 这个题目选哪个?为什么? 三角函数的恒等变换的一道题如图,请告诉我选哪个,为什么. 泡沫用英文怎么说?最常用哪个?我指的是很虚无飘渺、一切为幻影的泡沫、如果答案不同、请告诉我、 请快点告诉我答案 请告诉我答案吧 谁来帮我把中文翻译成英文谢谢把(我爱你今生非你不嫁)翻译成英文谢谢,我要证确答案,为什么答案不一样啊,谁能告诉我哪个是真的?谢谢 初中英语,几道题目 要说为什么选他 请可以帮我检查这板题目没、有错的就告诉我答案好吗 帮我讲解几道“非谓语动词”的题目,请帮我讲解一下下面的题目为什么会选那个答案,1.——The last one ( C ) pays the meal.——Agree!A .arrived B.arrivies C.to arrvie D.arriving2.i smell something ( A ) in the kitchen 一加一等于几请告诉我 举例包含定语的中文句子和英文句子,请告诉我哪个词是定语, 英语完型的几道问题请解释下38.为什么不选我选的答案,