企业会计准则解释第2号 谁有英文翻译稿

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/07 17:06:25
企业会计准则解释第2号 谁有英文翻译稿
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企业会计准则解释第2号 谁有英文翻译稿
企业会计准则解释第2号 谁有英文翻译稿

企业会计准则解释第2号 谁有英文翻译稿
Accounting Standards interpretation No. 2
  First, at the same time to issue A shares and H shares of listed companies, should the use of accounting policies and accounting estimates?
  A: Mainland enterprises in Hong Kong accounting standards and financial reporting standards equivalent to achieve, at the same time to issue A shares and H shares of listed companies, with the exception of some long-term asset impairment losses related party disclosures, as well as back to the difference between the two, for the same transactions Should be in the A shares and H shares in financial reporting using the same accounting policies and use the same accounting estimates are confirmed, measurement and reporting may not be in A shares and H shares in the financial reports using different accounting treatment.
  Second, the purchase of subsidiary companies minority ownership stake in a subsidiary should be on how to deal with? Enterprises or its subsidiaries to carry out corporate restructuring and related assets and liabilities should be how to adjust the book value?
  A: (a) the parent company to buy a minority stake in a subsidiary formed by the long-term equity investment should be in accordance with "Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 2 - long-term equity investment," the provisions of Article IV to determine their investment costs.
  The parent company in the preparation of the consolidated financial statements, as a result of the purchase of a minority stake in the new long-term equity investment made in accordance with the new ownership should be entitled to a pro-rata basis from the purchase of a subsidiary of Japan (or on the merger) began to calculate the net difference between the share of assets Should adjust the rights and interests of owners (capital surplus), less dilutive capital reserve, retained earnings adjustments.
  These provisions apply only to the provisions of this occurred after the release of a subsidiary to buy a minority stake in transactions that have taken place prior to the purchase of a minority stake in a subsidiary of the transaction have not dealt with in accordance with the above-mentioned principle, no retroactive adjustment.
  (B) of the enterprise's corporate restructuring should be assessed in order to confirm the assets, liabilities and the value of that cost, the cost difference between their book value, the owner of the rights and interests should be adjusted; enterprises to carry out corporate restructuring, a subsidiary of the parent company It should be generally in accordance with "Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 1 explained that" the relevant provisions of the subsidiary to determine the long-term equity investment costs, the cost of long-term equity investment and the difference between the book value should adjust the rights and interests of owners.
  Third, a joint venture for the business should be included in the consolidated financial statements of the scope of the merger?
  A: In accordance with "Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 33 - the combined financial statements", funded enterprises to other investors, together with the implementation of the jointly controlled by the investment units should be accounted for using the equity method, the ratio of the merger law should not be used. However, in accordance with the relevant statute, such as an agreement that can be invested enterprises on the implementation of the control unit of investment, investment should be included in the consolidated financial statements for the unit's scope of the merger.
  Fourth, to issue corporate bonds and stock options trading separation of convertible bonds, the stock option accounting should be how to deal with?
  A: The issue of corporate bonds and stock options trading separation of convertible bonds (hereinafter referred to as the separation of trading convertible bonds), with its stock options, "Enterprise Accounting Standards No. 22 - recognition and measurement of financial instruments" and "Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 37 - financial instruments presentation, "defined tools related to the rights and interests should be separated from the transaction in accordance with the convertible bond issuance price, minus without warrants and other things being equal the fair value of corporate bonds after the difference between the rights and interests of a confirmation Tools (capital reserve).
  The provisions of this enterprise has been released prior to the issue of separation of trading of convertible bonds, it should be retroactive adjustment.
  Fifth, construction enterprises operate transfer (BOT) to participate in public infrastructure construction business should do?
  A: The construction enterprises operate transfer (BOT) to participate in public infrastructure construction business should be dealt with in accordance with the following provisions:
  (A) of this provision should be involved in the BOT business at the same time meet the following conditions:
  1. Contract awarded to the government and its departments or government authorization to carry out the bidding companies.
  2. Contract for the investor in accordance with the procedures to obtain the franchise contract enterprises (hereinafter referred to as the investment side of the contract). Investors in accordance with the contract provides for the establishment of the project company (hereinafter referred to as the project company) to carry out the project for the construction and operation. In addition to the construction of the project company to obtain the right infrastructure, infrastructure construction after the completion of a certain period of time to be responsible for providing services to the follow-up operation.
  3. Franchise contract for the construction of infrastructure, quality standards, the project to begin operating after the service, follow-up charges and agreed to make adjustments and at the same time the contract expires, the investor has a contract would be handed over to the relevant infrastructure Award of the contract's obligations, and in the transfer of infrastructure performance, such as the state made clear.
  (B) of the BOT and business-related revenue recognition.
  1. During the construction, the project company for the provision of construction services should be in accordance with "Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 15 - the construction contract," confirmed related income and expenses. Infrastructure following the completion of the project company should be in accordance with "Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 14 - income," the follow-up to confirm and related services operating income.
  Construction contract revenue should be collected due to the price or fair value, respectively, and the situation following the confirmation of income, financial assets or intangible assets identified:
  (1) the terms of the contract after the completion of the infrastructure of a certain period of time, the project company can unconditionally from the award of contracts to determine the amount of money to collect funds or other financial assets; projects or companies operating in the fees for its services below a certain limit The amount, to award the contract in accordance with the terms of the contract will be responsible for differences related to the project company's compensation should be recognized in the income recognition of financial assets at the same time, and in accordance with "Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 22 - recognition and measurement of financial instruments," the provisions of To deal with.
  (2) the terms of the contract projects in the infrastructure company following the completion of the business of a certain period of time have the right to access to the service charge, but charge the amount of uncertainty, that right does not constitute an unconditional right to receive cash, Project company should be recognized in the income of intangible assets recognized at the same time.
  In the event of a process of the construction loan interest, it should be in accordance with "Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 17 - the cost of borrowing" of the regulations.
  2. Project company did not provide the actual construction services, infrastructure construction contract to the other side should not be recognized in the construction services revenue should be paid in accordance with the process of construction projects, such as price to consider the terms of the contract were recognized as financial assets or intangible assets.
  (C) in accordance with the terms of the contract, for enterprises so that the infrastructure to maintain a certain service or the ability to award contracts handed over to the side before use to maintain a certain state expenditures are expected to occur, it should be in accordance with "Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 13 - or There are a matter of "regulations.
  (D) Under the franchise contract, the project company should not only provide a service (such as the provision of both infrastructure construction and services provided after the completion of the operation and service), the service can distinguish between individual, to collect its receivables, or the price of It should be in accordance with the services of the relative proportion of the fair value allocated to the various services provided.
  (E) BOT business by the construction of infrastructure projects should not be used as the company's fixed assets.
  (F) in the BOT business, may grant to the project company to provide infrastructure in addition to other assets, if the assets constitute a grant to meet the contract price, the Government should not be used as grants to deal with. Since the project company to grant access to assets, their fair value should be confirmed, did not provide access to the assets and related services should be recognized as a liability.
  The provisions of this release, enterprises have been carried out by the BOT project, it should be retroactive adjustment; retroactive adjustment is not feasible, should be based on BOT and business-related assets, liabilities listed in the newspaper as early as the beginning of the period based on the book value of re-classification As a financial asset or intangible assets, impairment tests at the same time; in the presentation of the beginning of the first period for impairment testing is not feasible, should be carried out in the current period beginning Impairment tests.
  Sixth, sale and leaseback transactions as operating leases should be how to deal with the accounting?
  A: The business of sale and leaseback transactions as operating leases should be dealt with separately under the following circumstances:
  (A) there is conclusive evidence that the sale and leaseback transactions in accordance with the fair value is reached, price and the difference between the book value of assets should be included in current profit and loss.
  (B) the sale and leaseback transaction if it is not in accordance with the fair value reached, the price lower than the fair value of the difference between profit and loss should be included in the current period; but the loss will be lower than the market value of the future lease payments of compensation, damages should be Deferred (deferred income), and confirmed with the cost of rent in line with lease period methods for sharing; if the price is greater than fair value, fair value is greater than its parts should be included in deferred income and rental Sharing period.