求英文合同中的一项条款翻译The delivered Goods is not admitted to be in a pledge at the Seller for maintenance of performance by the Buyer of its duty on payment of the Goods. 是什么意思?请高手指点下,谢谢了``

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 23:52:30
求英文合同中的一项条款翻译The delivered Goods is not admitted to be in a pledge at the Seller for maintenance of performance by the Buyer of its duty on payment of the Goods. 是什么意思?请高手指点下,谢谢了``
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求英文合同中的一项条款翻译The delivered Goods is not admitted to be in a pledge at the Seller for maintenance of performance by the Buyer of its duty on payment of the Goods. 是什么意思?请高手指点下,谢谢了``
The delivered Goods is not admitted to be in a pledge at the Seller for maintenance of performance by the Buyer of its duty on payment of the Goods.

求英文合同中的一项条款翻译The delivered Goods is not admitted to be in a pledge at the Seller for maintenance of performance by the Buyer of its duty on payment of the Goods. 是什么意思?请高手指点下,谢谢了``

英语翻译这是出口销售合同中的条款,求翻译, 英语翻译急求合同中的一个条款翻译,请赐教. 求英文合同中的一项条款翻译The delivered Goods is not admitted to be in a pledge at the Seller for maintenance of performance by the Buyer of its duty on payment of the Goods. 是什么意思?请高手指点下,谢谢了`` 合同中的不可抗力条款,求翻译.In any event of force majeure, the party affected shall give the otherparty immediate written notice of the cause of hindrance or prevention date ofcommencement thereof & probable duration, & shall give a furt 7/24在英文合同中是什么意思.特指出现在紧急处理条款中的. 外贸合同中的条款:EX WAREHOUSE WEIGHT AND QUALITY FINAL.怎么翻译 谁帮我翻译一下这句英文,关于去新加坡的,谢谢这个是我申请的新加坡准证的雇用合同中的一句话,是一个大条款下面的一句:the S Pass is issued for a perlod of 3 months or less.最好是懂新加坡劳务的朋 求:一句协议中的英文翻译经甲乙双方商定,人员调整后的费用按原合同的标准核算,其他各项要求均按原合同规定的条款执行.本协议有效期自*年*月*日起至*年*月*日.这句话英文怎么翻译啊 租赁合同中的押金条款能否适用定金规则? signed by the within named 求翻译 是英文合同里面的最后签名的部分. 英语翻译运输条款中的一句:In any event,the Products shall only be delivered where KD Co.,Ltd is up-to-date in its contractual obligations to TH Co.,Ltd..产品代理合同翻译翻的好 英语翻译必须人工流畅翻译,全文如下:以下外文中应该有不属于英文的,求专家级高手翻译!片名:The Stars Of The Mexican Bicentennial:Estrellas Del Bicentenario段落:01.CHIAPAS 3 HD ESTRELLAS DEL BICENTENARIO02.CHI 英文合同中的甲方乙方如何翻译阿?谢谢哦 英语翻译先付90%L/C 余下的在收款或收证后90天付完 请问用英文怎么说别翻译机谢谢外贸合同的贸易条款 不是翻译. 英语翻译原文为 the tolerances set forth in the attached data sheet on the date that risk passes to the customer (CISG Art36)正在翻译合同中的条款,文字需要既严谨又符合原意.难点在于risk passes to the customer怎样翻译 英文合同中的for account 信用证47A中的条款,求翻译any overwriting, alteration and additions in docs must be authenticated by the issuthority bearing their rubber stamp 什么是格式合同、格式条款?